obie vi dello screening neonatale

Obie%vi dello screening neonatale Alberto Burlina - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Obie%vi dello screening neonatale Alberto Burlina Dire&ore UOC Mala.e Metaboliche Ereditarie AOU Padova THE GOALS OF NBS (a) Prediction: identifying patients before they

  1. Obie%vi ¡ dello ¡screening ¡ neonatale ¡ ¡ Alberto ¡Burlina ¡ Dire&ore ¡UOC ¡Mala.e ¡Metaboliche ¡Ereditarie ¡ ¡ AOU ¡Padova ¡ ¡

  2. THE GOALS OF NBS (a) Prediction: identifying patients before they manifest disease (b) Prevention: initiation of therapeutic interventions to forestall the course of the disorders (c) Personalization: individualizing patients ’ therapies to optimize their outcomes.

  3. THE EARLY DAYS OF NEWBORN SCREENING 1958: Bacterial inhibition assay (BIA) for PKU (bacterial growth activated by high Phenylalanine concentrations in serum) 1961: Newborn screening for PKU started using the BIA and blood collected and dried on filter paper (Guthrie card)

  4. THE TRADITIONAL NBS MODEL (The ¡same ¡for ¡30+ ¡years….) ¡ • One disease PKU • One test BIA • One marker Phe • One cut-off (N/Abn) 4 mg/dL

  5. ELECTROSPRAY IONISATION TANDEM MASS SPECTROMETRY Ionization First mass Second mass Detection Fragmentation separation of separation of of molecular molecular ions fragment ions ions

  6. NEWBORN SCREENING BY MS/MS * Acylcarnitine Profile (precursor of m/z 85) * * * * * 270 280 290 300 310 320 330 340 350 360 370 380 390 400 410 420 430 440 450 460 470 480 490 500 Amino Acid Profile (neutral loss of m/z 102) Internal * standards * PHE * * * * * * * 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 200 210 220 230 240 250 260

  7.  Technology now allows a “sea change” in newborn screening.  In addition to PKU , it can identify at least 10 other amino acid disorders, and disorders of organic acid degradation and fatty acid oxidation . These 20–25 disorders are screened in the blood specimen, avoiding the need for an additional specimen.

  8. NBS ¡by ¡MS/MS ¡ (MulIplex ¡TesIng) ¡ • Many conditions (IEM) n • One test MS/MS • Many markers (AA,AC) n • Many cut-offs 0.1-1,000 µ M

  9. UP TO 60 DISEASES 27/11/13 ¡ 9 ¡


  11. Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

  12. INCIDENCE : 6/206088 IN TAIWAN (1/40 000 REST OF THE WORD)


  14. LESSONS FROM EXPANDED NBS FOR IEM  Through NBS we have created the ‘‘laboratory” for personalized medicine.  Personalized medicine will be predictive and preventive . It will involve screening large populations to identify individual differences, to be able to predict disease predispositions, and to attempt to anticipate and prevent the consequences of these predispositions.  NBS can be used as the model for personalized medicine .


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