Optimal Nutritional composition of calf milk replacers in accelerated growth programs www.nukamel.com
1954 Nukamel is the first company ever to develop a milk replacer for veal calves
In these days; 5 trends driving precision livestock farming www.nukamel.com
Consolidation of farms in Europe (2002/03 v 2012/13) Bubble size equals milk solids per farm 160000 140000 120000 100000 Producer numbers Germany France 80000 60000 Austra Italy 40000 Netherlands UK Denmark 20000 Spain Ireland Finland 0 - 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 -20000 Herd size Source: Eurostat 5
Colostrum - Immunity - Growth factors - Hormones - nutrients Birth Weaning maternal Monogastric Ruminant growth Milk / CMR / Starter intake Concentrate + Feeding the dam roughage Under feeding of the dam give birth to smaller calves, les muscle deposition www.nukamel.com
How to optimize calf rearing? Set a goal Management Colostrum Optimize calf development How to reach this goal? Feeding Growth Hygiene Monitoring goals Health Colostrum management Check blood serum protein Type of milk replacer Weigh calves Feeding schedule Log disease data Calf starter Measure concentrate intake Disease management www.nukamel.com
Building blocks Maintanance Requirements Lean tissue Fuel to build growth Protein level Energy level - Amino Acids - Fat (FA) Vitamins, - Lactose Protein minerals, Energy additives Protein Source Fat source - Digestability - Digestability - Qaulity - Qaulity www.nukamel.com
Digestibility and Quality of Raw materials Low heat vs. High heat milk powder Weight, ADG, Gain to feed of 0-56 days Weight (day 56) ADG (day 0-56) Gain to Feed (day 0-56) a a 93,1 0,558 a 0,851 b b 0,830 91,9 b 0,543 LH HH LH HH LH HH Data corrected for weight at day 0, and concentrate feed intake Nukamel research www.nukamel.com
Digestibility and Quality of Raw materials Fat source: palm vs. coconut oil Weight day 56 (kg) 91,39 89,90 P/C = 20/80 P/C = 80/20 Data corrected for weight at day 0 Nukamel research www.nukamel.com
Effect of protein level on calf performance Growth day 56 – Relative to 16% crude protein + 16,4% + 13,0% + 9,0% CP20 CP24 CP26 www.nukamel.com
Effect of protein level on calf performance Calf hip height day 56 (cm) b 93,9 92,6 a a 91,8 91,8 CP16 CP20 CP24 CP26 www.nukamel.com
Effect of Nutrient level on calf performance Difference in weight by age in days, comparison of conventional and high nutrient CMR, in a conventional feeding schedule Fokamel plus (21/17) vs Nukamel Yellow (24/20) Calculated with the use of the NRC programm www.nukamel.com Fokkamel Plus Nukamel Yellow (Adapted from NRC, 2001)
Building blocks Maintanance Requirements Lean tissue Fuel to build growth Vitamins, Protein Energy minerals, Protein level Energy level additives - Amino Acids - Fat (FA) - Lactose Protein Source Fat source - Digestability - Digestability - Qaulity - Qaulity Growth Goal => DMI => Balance in protein and energy availability www.nukamel.com
Dry matter intake and protein needs at different levels of ADG www.nukamel.com
Energy and nutrient intake determining calf growth Feeding schedule – restricted vs. accelerated growth feeding Fokkamel Plus Nukamel Yellow Fokkamel Plus Nukamel Yellow Conventional Conventional Accelerated Accelerated
Dry mattter and nutrient intake determining calf growth Feeding schedule – restricted vs. accelerated growth feeding CONVENTIONAL FEEDING SCHEDULE ACCELERATED GROWTH FEEDING SCHEDULE Age Colostrum Age Colostrum Day 1 4L within 4h after birth Day 1 4L within 4h after birth second feeding after 12 h >2,5L second feeding after 12 h >2,5L Age L/Feeding Feedings/day Age L/Feeding Feedings/day Day 2-7 2 2 Day 2-7 3 2 week 2 2 2 week 2 4 2 Week 3 2,5 2 Week 3 4 2 week 4 3 2 week 4 4 2 Week 5 3 2 Week 5 4 2 Week 6 3 2 Week 6 3,5 2 Week 7 3 2 Week 7 3 2 Week 8 2,5 2 Week 8 2 2 Week 9 2 2 Week 9 1 2 Week 10 1,5 2 www.nukamel.com
Transition from milk to solid feed - Higher levels of milk intake suppress early concentrate feed intake - Starter intakes increases if milk is reduced or withdrawn - Gradual weaning more important with increased levels of milk feeding - Use step down milk feeding schedules - Avoid weaning dip - Amount of solid feed intake on moment of weaning depended on growth rate before weaning www.nukamel.com
Transition from milk to solid feed Effect of weaning on different moments on starter intake Weaning at: 8 weeks ( ) of age 10 weeks ( ) of age 12 weeks ( ) of age J. Meale et all 2015 www.nukamel.com
Take home message Calf rearing is of high importance for future performance of your herd - Accelerated feeding programs leads towards; - Increased health and development - Higher growth rates - Decreased time to breeding - Higher milk production - Manage calf rearing from the goals you want to reach: - Feeding schedule - Type of calf milk replacer - Type of starter feed - Transition to starter feed www.nukamel.com
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