U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development NSP O NSP Open Forum pen Forum Question and Answers th 2014 June 5 June 5 , 2014 2:00 PM ET Community Planning and Development
Moderators and Q & A Format Moderators and Q & A Format • Moderators – David Noguera, HUD David.A.Noguera@hud.gov – John Laswick HUD John A Laswick@hud gov John Laswick, HUD John.A.Laswick@hud.gov – Hunter Kurtz, HUD Hunter.Kurtz@hud.gov • Host Host – Kent Buhl, KB Consulting kentbuhl@gmail.com • How t to ask k questi tions U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development • Community Planning and Development 2
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wutsrponlihgecaVUTSRQPONMLJIGFEDCBA DISPOSITION OF REAL PROPERTY IN NSP DISPOSITION OF REAL PROPERTY IN NSP ACQUISITION & DISPOSITION ARE ELIGIBLE ACTIVITIES, BUT M UST ALSO M EET A NATIONAL OBJECTIVE (N.O.) yxwvutsrqponmlkihgfedcbaUTSRPONMLIHGEDCBA STEP 1 STEP 2 ACQUISITION DISPOSITION FOR SUBSEQUENT USE MEETS Example: Lots acquired strategically for land bank 1. Subsequent activity is NSP-eligible Allowed in NATIONAL Example: Affordable housing either case OBJECTIVE as long as GO TO STEP 2: DISPOSITION 2. Subsequent activity is NSP-ineligible activity zywvutsrqponmlkihgfedcbaWUTSRQPONMLKJIHFEDCBA Example: LMMA health clinic meets N.O DOES NOT 3. Subsequent activity eligible but does not meet N.O. MEET Example: Lot acquired for housing but nothing built Example: Housing for upper income people NATIONAL OBJECTIVE 4. Ineligible activity, does not meet N.O. Example:Private golf course REIMBURSE ALL COSTS REIMBURSE ALL COSTS REIMBURSE INELIGIBLE COSTS Note that Disposition can occur through "Sale, Lease, Donation, or otherwise". 4
DISPOSITION OF REAL PROPERTY IN NSP: Examples zywvutsrqponmlkihgfedcbaWUTSRQPONMLKJIHFEDCBA Eligible Activities Eligible Activities National Objectives National Objectives Examples Examples LMMH/LH25 Rehabilitate multi ‐ family or single ‐ family housing Housing 1. Create in ‐ home day care center with new jobs Disposition for Special 1. LMMJ Eligible Use B 2. Long term lease of land for corner grocery store in Economic Development Economic Development 2. LMMA 2 LMMA target area 1. LMMA 1. Donate to non ‐ profit to develop community garden Disposition for Ineligible activities 2. LMMC 2. Lease building for neighborhood senior center Housing LMMH/LH25 Rehab multi ‐ family or single ‐ family housing units Eligible Use C Disposition (as an end use) LMMA Side lot in area with comprehensive disposition Discounted sale of property to be used for a hair salon that Disposition for Ineligible activities LMMJ creates new jobs Disposition (as an end use) LMMA Sell or donate to neighbor as side lot Eli ible Us D Eligible Use D g e Disposition for Ineligible activities LMMA or LMMJ Donate land for local business development Housing LMMH/LH25 Construct new multi ‐ family or single ‐ family housing Public Facilities LMMC Homeless shelter NSP1 Disposition for Special LMMA or LMMJ Build a parking lot for a grocery store Eligible Use E Econ Development Disposition for LMMA or LMMJ Lease to a for ‐ profit to develop a shopping center Ineligible activities NSP2 & Housing Activity only LMMH/LH25 Renovate or build new multi ‐ family housing NSP3 5
Closeo t Process Closeout Process 1. Grantee and HUD Jointly determine Grantee Ready 1 Grantee and HUD Jointly determine Grantee Ready 2. HUD sends Closeout Package to Grantee 3. Grantee completes package and submits to HUD 4. HUD reviews package 5. HUD executes Closeout Certification 6. Grantee has 90 days to submit final QPR 7. HUD Reviews QPR and prepares Closeout Agreement 8 G 8. Grantee and HUD Execute Closeout Agreement d HUD E Cl A U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development • Community Planning and Development 6
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