nova update

NOvA Update Peter Shanahan Fermilab PAC In partnership with: 20 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

NOvA Update Peter Shanahan Fermilab PAC In partnership with: 20 June 2016 NOvA Collaboration JINR Dubna, INR Moscow, Lebedev Institute Sussex, Argonne, CalTech, Cincinnati, University College Colorado State, Fermilab, Harvard,

  1. NOvA Update Peter Shanahan Fermilab PAC In partnership with: 20 June 2016

  2. NOvA Collaboration JINR Dubna, INR Moscow, Lebedev Institute Sussex, 
 Argonne, CalTech, Cincinnati, 
 University College Colorado State, Fermilab, Harvard, 
 London Indiana, Iowa State, Michigan State, 
 Minnesota Duluth, Minnesota Twin Cities, 
 Charles University, SMU, South Carolina, South Dakota SMT, 
 Czech Technical Stanford, UT Austin, Tennessee, Tufts, Virginia, 
 University, Institute of Wichita State, William & Mary, Winona State Physics, Institute of Computer Science – Czech Academy of Banaras Hindu Sciences University, Cochin Universidad del Atlantico University of S&T, Delhi University, 
 IIT Guwahati, 
 IIT Hyderabad, Jammu University, Universidade Federal de Goias Panjab University • 180 Physicists – Faculty, Scientists, Post-docs, and Students • 41 Institutions in 7 Countries 2 6/20/16 P. Shanahan | NOvA Update - Fermilab PAC

  3. NOvA Collaboration • 180 Physicists – Faculty, Scientists, Post-docs, and Students • 41 Institutions in 7 Countries 3 6/20/16 P. Shanahan | NOvA Update - Fermilab PAC

  4. NOvA • NuMI Off-Axis ν e Appearance experiment • Study ν e and ν e appearance to address some of the most important open questions of neutrino physics – Using the rich phenomenology of the 
 appearance probabilities over long-baseline in matter • Study ν µ disappearance • Neutrino cross section measurements • Exotic phenomena • Design – High-power, narrow-band beam, with ν and ν modes – Huge, low-Z, totally active, tracking calorimeter detector – Located for optimal energy spectrum and sensitivity 
 to matter effect 4 6/20/16 P. Shanahan | NOvA Update - Fermilab PAC

  5. NuMI Beam • High beam power – 700 kW design – NuMI/accelerator upgrade was a major part of the NOvA project • ν and ν beam modes – Direction of parabolic horns’ focusing field Anti-neutrino: ~7% wrong-sign Neutrino mode: ~1% wrong-sign 5 P. Shanahan | NOvA Update - Fermilab PAC 6/20/16

  6. � � � NOvA Detector Technology • Low-Z tracking Calorimeter – PVC Cell Structure To APD – Mineral oil + 5% pseudocumene Readout 32 cells per Avalanche Photo Diode � Scintillation APD# � Light # � ls# 15.5m � • ~6 planes per 
 Particle Trajectory radiation length – Excellent Electro- 
 Beam Waveshifting Direction Fiber Loop magnetic shower 
 characterization 6.6cm 3.9cm 6 P. Shanahan | NOvA Update - Fermilab PAC 6/20/16

  7. NOvA Detectors 60 m • Far Detector – 14 kT – 896 planes 15 m 15 m • Near Detector – 293 tons – 192 planes, plus a muon catcher with 10 planes of iron 7 P. Shanahan | NOvA Update - Fermilab PAC 6/20/16

  8. NOvA Near Detector – Typical NuMI Spill 8 P. Shanahan | NOvA Update - Fermilab PAC 6/20/16

  9. Far Detector - Detector is mostly below grade - Overburden: 1.37m concrete + 0.15m Barite (BaSO 4 ) for cosmic background reduction 9 P. Shanahan | NOvA Update - Fermilab PAC 6/20/16

  10. 550 µ s NOvA Far Detector Beam Trigger Window 10 P. Shanahan | NOvA Update - Fermilab PAC 6/20/16

  11. Zoomed NOvA Far Detector Neutrino Event 11 P. Shanahan | NOvA Update - Fermilab PAC 6/20/16

  12. 1 st Analysis Far Detector ν e Candidate Event 12 P. Shanahan | NOvA Update - Fermilab PAC 6/20/16

  13. Progress in the past year • First ν e appearance and ν µ disappearance results – Papers published this spring • Continued to train future leaders in neutrino physics – 9 PhDs awarded in last year – 10 talks and posters at recent New Perspectives conference • Higher beam power • Better detector performance – Higher APD gain in Far Detector – Higher Far Detector uptime • Improved data processing efficiency • Preliminary ν e cross section result • Improvements to ν e and ν µ analyses • Informal discussions with T2K on future cooperations 13 6/20/16 P. Shanahan | NOvA Update - Fermilab PAC

  14. Degrees Award on NOvA Research Optimization of long baseline accelerator neutrino experiment Lyudmila Kolupaeva 6/30/15 MS INR sensitivity for measuring neutrino mass hierarchy Estimation of the rate of nu_e signal and background events in NOvA Dmitry Rodkin 7/16/15 MS INR experiment Selection of quasi elastic neutrino scattering events in the near Roman Klokov 7/16/15 BS JINR detector of NOvA experiment Observation of Electron Neutrino Appearance in the NuMI Beam with Evan Niner 8/10/15 PhD UI the NOvA Experiment DAQ Software Contributions, Absolute Scale Energy Calibration and Eric Flumerfelt 8/14/15 PhD UTn Background Evaluation for the NOvA Experiment at Fermilab Kanika Sachdev 8/31/15 PhD UMn Muon Neutrino To Electron Neutrino Oscillation in NOvA Susan Lein 9/1/15 PhD UNn Muon Neutrino Contained Disappearance in NOvA An Analysis of Muon Neutrino Disappearance from the NuMI Beam Michael Baird 9/30/15 PhD IU Using an Optimal Track Fitter Neutrino Beam Simulations and Data Checks for the NOvA Marco Del Tutto 10/27/15 Laur SUR Experiment Zukai Wang 12/1/15 PhD UVa Search for Magnetic Monopoles with the NOvA Far Detector Muon Neutrino Disappearance in NOvA with a Deep Convolutional Rocco Dominic 3/25/16 PhD UMn Neural Network Classifier Measurement of Neutrino Disappearance with Non-Fiducial Nicholas Raddatz 4/15/16 PhD UMn Interactions in the NOvA Experiment Observing Muon Neutrino to Electron Neutrino Oscillations in the Tian Xin 4/15/16 PhD ISU NOvA Experiment Plus 2 MS, 2 PhD from before 2015 14 6/20/16 P. Shanahan | NOvA Update - Fermilab PAC

  15. First ν µ Disappearance Results Phys. Rev. D 93 , 051104 (R) 2016 ∆ m 2 2 . 52 +0 . 20 × 10 − 3 eV 2 � � 23 = − 0 . 18 sin 2 ( θ 23 ) ∈ [0 . 38 , 0 . 65] 68% CL • 33 ν µ candidate events observed Values shown assuming Normal Hierarchy – On background of 3.4 events – 212 expected without oscillations 15 P. Shanahan | NOvA Update - Fermilab PAC 6/20/16

  16. First ν e appearance result • Two ν e CC event selectors – EM shower likelihood based – LID – Library Event Matching - LEM – Observe 6 LID, 11 LEM on BG of 1 • 3.3 σ (LID), 5.3 σ (LEM) – All LID events are in LEM • 7.8% P-value for this combination 
 given expected overlap • Significance of NOvA result 
 vs. Mass Hierarchy and δ CP – Use reactor θ 13 constraint – Marginalize over θ 23 , other unknowns – Hint in favor of Normal 
 Hierarchy and δ CP ~3 π /2 Phys. Rev. Lett. 116 , 151806 16 P. Shanahan | NOvA Update - Fermilab PAC 6/20/16

  17. NOvA Far Detector Data Taking FY Far Detector 
 Uptime 98.3% since March 1, 2016 
 Beam-weighted Uptime thanks to help from SCD DAQ experts ‘14 86% (Construction) Coincident with AD achieving regular 
 ‘15 95.5% 520 kW NuMI operations ‘16 96.3% O – Delivered X – Recorded 17 P. Shanahan | NOvA Update - Fermilab PAC 6/20/16

  18. Offline Computing • Improved efficiency of 
 On-site offline operations 
 thanks to close 
 Off-site collaboration of NOvA 
 and Fermilab SCD – E.g., half of jobs run off-site thanks to FIFE technical support • Enormous data 
 volume – 7 PB of data 
 catalogued 18 6/20/16 P. Shanahan | NOvA Update - Fermilab PAC

  19. NOvA Second Analyses Far Detector exposure 2 nd Analysis Additional Data Total 6.05x10 20 POT 14 kt-equivalent 1 st Analysis Dataset 2.74 x 10 20 POT 14 kt-equivalent Construction 19 P. Shanahan | NOvA Update - Fermilab PAC 6/20/16

  20. Upcoming Results – Neutrino 2016 • More than twice the exposure – 6.05 x10 20 POT (14-kt equivalent) vs. 2.74x10 20 POT • General improvements – Improved Hadronic Energy modeling • Improvements to ν e appearance – Improved ν e CC identifier – Reoptimization of cuts for measurement s s • √ √ → s + b b – Fit in energy and ID purity bins • Sterile Neutrino Search – Neutral Current Disappearance in Far Detector 20 6/20/16 P. Shanahan | NOvA Update - Fermilab PAC

  21. Hadronic Energy • In first analyses, 14% 
 discrepancy observed 
 between data and MC 
 hadronic energy scales – 14% shift applied, with 
 full shift taken as 
 systematic uncertainty • Largest source of 
 %. Uncert. %. Uncert. sin 2 (2 θ 23 ) systematic uncertainty on 
 Δ m 2 23 sin 2 ( θ 23 ), Δ m 2 21 6/20/16 P. Shanahan | NOvA Update - Fermilab PAC

  22. Original Hadronic Energy Modeling – First Analysis Hadronic energy spectrum in selected ν µ CC events Comparison to GENIE 2.10.4 22 6/20/16 P. Shanahan | NOvA Update - Fermilab PAC

  23. Improving Hadronic Energy Modeling • Motivated by experience of MINERvA and other experiments, include multinucleon effects (2p2h) in simulation Use GENIE optional empirical Meson Exchange Current model Tune to NOvA data in bins of |q| Reduction of GENIE non-resonant π production also in line with MINERvA and others Rodrigues, Wilkinson, McFarland arXiv:1601.01888 23 6/20/16 P. Shanahan | NOvA Update - Fermilab PAC

  24. Original Hadronic Energy Modeling – First Analysis Hadronic energy spectrum in selected ν µ CC events Comparison to GENIE 2.10.4 24 6/20/16 P. Shanahan | NOvA Update - Fermilab PAC

  25. Improved Hadronic Energy Modeling • Data-MC discrepancy is significantly reduced Hadronic energy spectrum in selected ν µ CC events Comparison to tuned GENIE 2.10.4 with MEC model enabled 25 6/20/16 P. Shanahan | NOvA Update - Fermilab PAC


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