not a heart of illinois human

NOT A Heart of Illinois Human Resource Council MEMBER? J U L Y I S - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

NOT A Heart of Illinois Human Resource Council MEMBER? J U L Y I S A G R E A T T I M E T O J O I N T H E H I H R C C O U N C I L ! P R I C E F O R T H E R E M A I N D E R O F 2 0 1 2 - $ 3 5 F O R N A T I O N A L S H R M M

  1. NOT A Heart of Illinois Human Resource Council MEMBER? J U L Y I S A G R E A T T I M E T O J O I N T H E H I H R C C O U N C I L ! ½ P R I C E F O R T H E R E M A I N D E R O F 2 0 1 2 - $ 3 5 F O R N A T I O N A L S H R M M E M B E R S A N D $ 5 0 F O R N O N - S H R M M E M B E R S A S K A B O A R D M E M B E R H O W T O J O I N T O D A Y O R J O I N O N L I N E A T : H T T P : / / H E A R T O F I L L I N O I S . S H R M . O R G

  2. REFER A FRIEND  Did you know that members can invite a friend to a meeting as a guest (first-time only)?  Help us grow our chapter and advance the HR profession!

  3. Scholarships Available  Annual $500 student scholarship to student chapters #5505, #5077 and our HR Council #326 for recognition and development of full-time undergraduate or graduate students in a HR Management program at an accredited university.  $250 Professional Certification Scholarship for a HR professional taking the PHR, SPHR or GPHR examination.  Information is available on the chapter website – or check with a board member

  4. Illinois State SHRM Conference Scheduled 13th Annual Illinois HR Conference & Exposition on August 5th-7th, 2012 at Drury Lane, 100 Drury Lane, Oakbrook Terrace, Illinois  The Illinois State Council of SHRM invites you to join your HR colleagues at its 13th Annual Illinois HR Conference and Exposition. We're confident that you'll enjoy the opportunities to network with HR professionals from throughout Illinois, connect with our many sponsors and exhibitors who offer products and services catering to your HR needs, interact with concurrent session speakers and earn HRCI recertification credits! HR Certification Institute Sign up at:

  5. Looking For a Change?  Check out the chapter website at: opportunities  As a reminder, members can post HR positions on the site for FREE!

  6. Thank You to all ELITE Volunteers! Carrie Weller Bobbie Ulm Shelley Goodin Shelly Goodin Dan Guzzi Lisa Plantamura Shelley Burn Shannon Doerr Michelle Agnew Frannie Heine Holly Nelson Beth Winstead Deb Bigger Andre Santos Nancy Wraight Sandy Van De Rob Burn Deb Bromley Veer Stephanie McFadden Laurie Trompeter Sharon Bond Lisa Seacrest Wendy Bass Tricia Brewer Spencer Warren Todd Bloyd Katie Waddington Emily Hampton Lori Guth Shalesse Pie Dawn Edwards Marcia Cannon Bold denotes a Team Leader

  7. DONATIONS  Our chapter will be donating a basket to the Illinois State SHRM Conference.  We are looking for items that reflect the Peoria area such as: Chiefs, Bradley, Rivermen tickets, Wildlife Prairie Park tickets, a bottle of wine from a local winery, etc. We want to show our chapter off!  If you have something or know someone who might donate, please contact Dawn Edwards or Nancy Wraight

  8. Veterans Employment Fair Illinois ESGR, Illinois Department of Employment Security, Hero2Hired and the U.S. Chamber of Commerce P E O R I A C I V I C C E N T E R 2 0 1 S W J E F F E R S O N A V E P E O R I A , I L J U L Y 1 2 , 2 0 1 2 1 0 : 0 0 A M - 2 : 0 0 P M H O H . G R E A T J O B . N E T H I R I N G O U R H E R O E S @ U S C H A M B E R . C O M

  9.  Congratulations HIHRC on being named a SHRM Excel Award Silver Chapter!

  10. Volunteer Opportunity  Wildlife Prairie Park has formed an HR committee  Looking for volunteers interested in a year long commitment  Committee will audit and revamp Wildlife Prairie Park’s HR processes  Contact Holly Mosack at for more information


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