normal complex contact metric manifolds

Normal Complex Contact Metric Manifolds Adela MIHAI Department of - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Preliminaries Locally Symmetric Normal Complex Contact Manifolds Reflections in the Vertical Foliation Complex ( , ) -spaces Submanifolds in Complex Contact Manifolds Normal Complex Contact Metric Manifolds Adela MIHAI Department of

  1. Preliminaries Short Presentation Locally Symmetric Normal Complex Contact Manifolds Complex Contact Manifolds Reflections in the Vertical Foliation Examples of Complex Contact Manifolds Complex ( κ, µ ) -spaces Normal Complex Contact Manifolds Submanifolds in Complex Contact Manifolds We begin the study of these ideas for complex contact manifolds: • We show that a locally symmetric normal complex contact metric manifolds is locally isometric to the complex projective space, C P 2 n +1 (4), of constant holomorphic curvature +4. PRGC, Osaka-Fukuoka, Japan, December 1-9, 2011 Normal Complex Contact Metric Manifolds

  2. Preliminaries Short Presentation Locally Symmetric Normal Complex Contact Manifolds Complex Contact Manifolds Reflections in the Vertical Foliation Examples of Complex Contact Manifolds Complex ( κ, µ ) -spaces Normal Complex Contact Manifolds Submanifolds in Complex Contact Manifolds We study reflections in the integral submanifolds of the vertical subbundle of a normal complex contact metric manifold: PRGC, Osaka-Fukuoka, Japan, December 1-9, 2011 Normal Complex Contact Metric Manifolds

  3. Preliminaries Short Presentation Locally Symmetric Normal Complex Contact Manifolds Complex Contact Manifolds Reflections in the Vertical Foliation Examples of Complex Contact Manifolds Complex ( κ, µ ) -spaces Normal Complex Contact Manifolds Submanifolds in Complex Contact Manifolds We study reflections in the integral submanifolds of the vertical subbundle of a normal complex contact metric manifold: • When such reflections are isometries we show that the manifold fibers locally over a locally symmetric space . PRGC, Osaka-Fukuoka, Japan, December 1-9, 2011 Normal Complex Contact Metric Manifolds

  4. Preliminaries Short Presentation Locally Symmetric Normal Complex Contact Manifolds Complex Contact Manifolds Reflections in the Vertical Foliation Examples of Complex Contact Manifolds Complex ( κ, µ ) -spaces Normal Complex Contact Manifolds Submanifolds in Complex Contact Manifolds Also, PRGC, Osaka-Fukuoka, Japan, December 1-9, 2011 Normal Complex Contact Metric Manifolds

  5. Preliminaries Short Presentation Locally Symmetric Normal Complex Contact Manifolds Complex Contact Manifolds Reflections in the Vertical Foliation Examples of Complex Contact Manifolds Complex ( κ, µ ) -spaces Normal Complex Contact Manifolds Submanifolds in Complex Contact Manifolds Also, • If the normal complex contact metric manifold is K¨ ahler , then the manifold fibers over a quaternionic symmetric space . PRGC, Osaka-Fukuoka, Japan, December 1-9, 2011 Normal Complex Contact Metric Manifolds

  6. Preliminaries Short Presentation Locally Symmetric Normal Complex Contact Manifolds Complex Contact Manifolds Reflections in the Vertical Foliation Examples of Complex Contact Manifolds Complex ( κ, µ ) -spaces Normal Complex Contact Manifolds Submanifolds in Complex Contact Manifolds Also, • If the normal complex contact metric manifold is K¨ ahler , then the manifold fibers over a quaternionic symmetric space . Already in Wolf, 1965, a correspondence between quaternionic symmetric spaces and certain complex contact manifolds was established. PRGC, Osaka-Fukuoka, Japan, December 1-9, 2011 Normal Complex Contact Metric Manifolds

  7. Preliminaries Short Presentation Locally Symmetric Normal Complex Contact Manifolds Complex Contact Manifolds Reflections in the Vertical Foliation Examples of Complex Contact Manifolds Complex ( κ, µ ) -spaces Normal Complex Contact Manifolds Submanifolds in Complex Contact Manifolds Also, • If the normal complex contact metric manifold is K¨ ahler , then the manifold fibers over a quaternionic symmetric space . Already in Wolf, 1965, a correspondence between quaternionic symmetric spaces and certain complex contact manifolds was established. • If the complex contact structure is given by a global holomorphic contact form , then the manifold fibers over a locally symmetric complex symplectic manifold . PRGC, Osaka-Fukuoka, Japan, December 1-9, 2011 Normal Complex Contact Metric Manifolds

  8. Preliminaries Short Presentation Locally Symmetric Normal Complex Contact Manifolds Complex Contact Manifolds Reflections in the Vertical Foliation Examples of Complex Contact Manifolds Complex ( κ, µ ) -spaces Normal Complex Contact Manifolds Submanifolds in Complex Contact Manifolds Complex Contact Manifolds A complex contact manifold is a complex manifold M of odd complex dimension 2 n + 1 together with an open covering {O} of coordinate neighborhoods such that: PRGC, Osaka-Fukuoka, Japan, December 1-9, 2011 Normal Complex Contact Metric Manifolds

  9. Preliminaries Short Presentation Locally Symmetric Normal Complex Contact Manifolds Complex Contact Manifolds Reflections in the Vertical Foliation Examples of Complex Contact Manifolds Complex ( κ, µ ) -spaces Normal Complex Contact Manifolds Submanifolds in Complex Contact Manifolds Complex Contact Manifolds A complex contact manifold is a complex manifold M of odd complex dimension 2 n + 1 together with an open covering {O} of coordinate neighborhoods such that: 1) On each O there is a holomorphic 1-form θ such that θ ∧ ( d θ ) n � = 0. PRGC, Osaka-Fukuoka, Japan, December 1-9, 2011 Normal Complex Contact Metric Manifolds

  10. Preliminaries Short Presentation Locally Symmetric Normal Complex Contact Manifolds Complex Contact Manifolds Reflections in the Vertical Foliation Examples of Complex Contact Manifolds Complex ( κ, µ ) -spaces Normal Complex Contact Manifolds Submanifolds in Complex Contact Manifolds Complex Contact Manifolds A complex contact manifold is a complex manifold M of odd complex dimension 2 n + 1 together with an open covering {O} of coordinate neighborhoods such that: 1) On each O there is a holomorphic 1-form θ such that θ ∧ ( d θ ) n � = 0. 2) On O ∩ O ′ � = ∅ there is a non-vanishing holomorphic function f such that θ ′ = f θ . PRGC, Osaka-Fukuoka, Japan, December 1-9, 2011 Normal Complex Contact Metric Manifolds

  11. Preliminaries Short Presentation Locally Symmetric Normal Complex Contact Manifolds Complex Contact Manifolds Reflections in the Vertical Foliation Examples of Complex Contact Manifolds Complex ( κ, µ ) -spaces Normal Complex Contact Manifolds Submanifolds in Complex Contact Manifolds Complex Contact Manifolds A complex contact manifold is a complex manifold M of odd complex dimension 2 n + 1 together with an open covering {O} of coordinate neighborhoods such that: 1) On each O there is a holomorphic 1-form θ such that θ ∧ ( d θ ) n � = 0. 2) On O ∩ O ′ � = ∅ there is a non-vanishing holomorphic function f such that θ ′ = f θ . The complex contact structure determines a non-integrable subbundle H by the equation θ = 0; H is called the complex contact subbundle or the horizontal subbundle . PRGC, Osaka-Fukuoka, Japan, December 1-9, 2011 Normal Complex Contact Metric Manifolds

  12. Preliminaries Short Presentation Locally Symmetric Normal Complex Contact Manifolds Complex Contact Manifolds Reflections in the Vertical Foliation Examples of Complex Contact Manifolds Complex ( κ, µ ) -spaces Normal Complex Contact Manifolds Submanifolds in Complex Contact Manifolds Already in 1959 Kobayashi (also Boothby, 1961, 1962) observed that for a compact complex contact manifold a complex contact structure is given by a global 1-form if and only if the first Chern class vanishess. It is for this reason that we do not require global contact forms. Even for the canonical example of a complex contact manifold, C P 2 n +1 , the structure is not given by a global form. PRGC, Osaka-Fukuoka, Japan, December 1-9, 2011 Normal Complex Contact Metric Manifolds

  13. Preliminaries Short Presentation Locally Symmetric Normal Complex Contact Manifolds Complex Contact Manifolds Reflections in the Vertical Foliation Examples of Complex Contact Manifolds Complex ( κ, µ ) -spaces Normal Complex Contact Manifolds Submanifolds in Complex Contact Manifolds Already in 1959 Kobayashi (also Boothby, 1961, 1962) observed that for a compact complex contact manifold a complex contact structure is given by a global 1-form if and only if the first Chern class vanishess. It is for this reason that we do not require global contact forms. Even for the canonical example of a complex contact manifold, C P 2 n +1 , the structure is not given by a global form. In fact since a holomorphic differential form on a compact Kaehler manifold is not closed, no compact Kaehler manifold has a complex contact structure given by a global contact form. PRGC, Osaka-Fukuoka, Japan, December 1-9, 2011 Normal Complex Contact Metric Manifolds

  14. Preliminaries Short Presentation Locally Symmetric Normal Complex Contact Manifolds Complex Contact Manifolds Reflections in the Vertical Foliation Examples of Complex Contact Manifolds Complex ( κ, µ ) -spaces Normal Complex Contact Manifolds Submanifolds in Complex Contact Manifolds There are however interesting examples of complex contact manifolds with global complex contact forms; these are called strict complex contact manifolds . PRGC, Osaka-Fukuoka, Japan, December 1-9, 2011 Normal Complex Contact Metric Manifolds

  15. Preliminaries Short Presentation Locally Symmetric Normal Complex Contact Manifolds Complex Contact Manifolds Reflections in the Vertical Foliation Examples of Complex Contact Manifolds Complex ( κ, µ ) -spaces Normal Complex Contact Manifolds Submanifolds in Complex Contact Manifolds There are however interesting examples of complex contact manifolds with global complex contact forms; these are called strict complex contact manifolds . In particular, Foreman (2000) gave a complex Boothby-Wang fibration with global complex contact form and vertical fibres S 1 × S 1 . PRGC, Osaka-Fukuoka, Japan, December 1-9, 2011 Normal Complex Contact Metric Manifolds

  16. Preliminaries Short Presentation Locally Symmetric Normal Complex Contact Manifolds Complex Contact Manifolds Reflections in the Vertical Foliation Examples of Complex Contact Manifolds Complex ( κ, µ ) -spaces Normal Complex Contact Manifolds Submanifolds in Complex Contact Manifolds On the other hand if M is a Hermitian manifold with almost complex structure J , Hermitian metric g and open covering by coordinate neighborhoods {O} , it is called a complex almost contact metric manifold if it satisfies the following two conditions: PRGC, Osaka-Fukuoka, Japan, December 1-9, 2011 Normal Complex Contact Metric Manifolds

  17. Preliminaries Short Presentation Locally Symmetric Normal Complex Contact Manifolds Complex Contact Manifolds Reflections in the Vertical Foliation Examples of Complex Contact Manifolds Complex ( κ, µ ) -spaces Normal Complex Contact Manifolds Submanifolds in Complex Contact Manifolds On the other hand if M is a Hermitian manifold with almost complex structure J , Hermitian metric g and open covering by coordinate neighborhoods {O} , it is called a complex almost contact metric manifold if it satisfies the following two conditions: 1) In each O there exist 1-forms u and v = u ◦ J with dual vector fields U and V = − JU and (1,1) tensor fields G and H = GJ such that G 2 = H 2 = − I + u ⊗ U + v ⊗ V , GJ = − JG , GU = 0 , g ( X , GY ) = − g ( GX , Y ) , PRGC, Osaka-Fukuoka, Japan, December 1-9, 2011 Normal Complex Contact Metric Manifolds

  18. Preliminaries Short Presentation Locally Symmetric Normal Complex Contact Manifolds Complex Contact Manifolds Reflections in the Vertical Foliation Examples of Complex Contact Manifolds Complex ( κ, µ ) -spaces Normal Complex Contact Manifolds Submanifolds in Complex Contact Manifolds On the other hand if M is a Hermitian manifold with almost complex structure J , Hermitian metric g and open covering by coordinate neighborhoods {O} , it is called a complex almost contact metric manifold if it satisfies the following two conditions: 1) In each O there exist 1-forms u and v = u ◦ J with dual vector fields U and V = − JU and (1,1) tensor fields G and H = GJ such that G 2 = H 2 = − I + u ⊗ U + v ⊗ V , GJ = − JG , GU = 0 , g ( X , GY ) = − g ( GX , Y ) , 2) On O ∩ O ′ � = ∅ , u ′ = Au − Bv , v ′ = Bu + Av , G ′ = AG − BH , H ′ = BG + AH where A and B are functions with A 2 + B 2 = 1. PRGC, Osaka-Fukuoka, Japan, December 1-9, 2011 Normal Complex Contact Metric Manifolds

  19. Preliminaries Short Presentation Locally Symmetric Normal Complex Contact Manifolds Complex Contact Manifolds Reflections in the Vertical Foliation Examples of Complex Contact Manifolds Complex ( κ, µ ) -spaces Normal Complex Contact Manifolds Submanifolds in Complex Contact Manifolds A complex contact manifold admits a complex almost contact metric structure for which the local contact form θ is u − iv to within a non-vanishing complex-valued function multiple. The local tensor fields G and H are related to du and dv by du ( X , Y ) = � G ( X , Y ) + ( σ ∧ v )( X , Y ) , dv ( X , Y ) = � H ( X , Y ) − ( σ ∧ u )( X , Y ) for some 1-form σ and where � G ( X , Y ) = g ( X , GY ) and � H ( X , Y ) = g ( X , HY ). PRGC, Osaka-Fukuoka, Japan, December 1-9, 2011 Normal Complex Contact Metric Manifolds

  20. Preliminaries Short Presentation Locally Symmetric Normal Complex Contact Manifolds Complex Contact Manifolds Reflections in the Vertical Foliation Examples of Complex Contact Manifolds Complex ( κ, µ ) -spaces Normal Complex Contact Manifolds Submanifolds in Complex Contact Manifolds A complex contact manifold admits a complex almost contact metric structure for which the local contact form θ is u − iv to within a non-vanishing complex-valued function multiple. The local tensor fields G and H are related to du and dv by du ( X , Y ) = � G ( X , Y ) + ( σ ∧ v )( X , Y ) , dv ( X , Y ) = � H ( X , Y ) − ( σ ∧ u )( X , Y ) for some 1-form σ and where � G ( X , Y ) = g ( X , GY ) and � H ( X , Y ) = g ( X , HY ). Moreover on O ∩ O ′ it is easy to check that U ′ ∧ V ′ = U ∧ V and hence we have a global vertical bundle V orthogonal to H which is generally assumed to be integrable; in this case σ takes the form σ ( X ) = g ( ∇ X U , V ), ∇ being the Levi-Civita connection of g . The subbundle V can be thought of as the analogue of the characteristic or Reeb vector field of real contact geometry. PRGC, Osaka-Fukuoka, Japan, December 1-9, 2011 Normal Complex Contact Metric Manifolds

  21. Preliminaries Short Presentation Locally Symmetric Normal Complex Contact Manifolds Complex Contact Manifolds Reflections in the Vertical Foliation Examples of Complex Contact Manifolds Complex ( κ, µ ) -spaces Normal Complex Contact Manifolds Submanifolds in Complex Contact Manifolds We refer to a complex contact manifold with a complex almost contact metric structure satisfying these conditions as a complex contact metric manifold . PRGC, Osaka-Fukuoka, Japan, December 1-9, 2011 Normal Complex Contact Metric Manifolds

  22. Preliminaries Short Presentation Locally Symmetric Normal Complex Contact Manifolds Complex Contact Manifolds Reflections in the Vertical Foliation Examples of Complex Contact Manifolds Complex ( κ, µ ) -spaces Normal Complex Contact Manifolds Submanifolds in Complex Contact Manifolds We refer to a complex contact manifold with a complex almost contact metric structure satisfying these conditions as a complex contact metric manifold . In the case that the complex contact structure is given by a global holomorphic 1-form θ , u and v may be taken globally such that θ = u − iv and σ = 0. PRGC, Osaka-Fukuoka, Japan, December 1-9, 2011 Normal Complex Contact Metric Manifolds

  23. Preliminaries Short Presentation Locally Symmetric Normal Complex Contact Manifolds Complex Contact Manifolds Reflections in the Vertical Foliation Examples of Complex Contact Manifolds Complex ( κ, µ ) -spaces Normal Complex Contact Manifolds Submanifolds in Complex Contact Manifolds We refer to a complex contact manifold with a complex almost contact metric structure satisfying these conditions as a complex contact metric manifold . In the case that the complex contact structure is given by a global holomorphic 1-form θ , u and v may be taken globally such that θ = u − iv and σ = 0. In this setting Foreman proved a converse to his construction as a complex Boothby-Wang theorem. PRGC, Osaka-Fukuoka, Japan, December 1-9, 2011 Normal Complex Contact Metric Manifolds

  24. Preliminaries Short Presentation Locally Symmetric Normal Complex Contact Manifolds Complex Contact Manifolds Reflections in the Vertical Foliation Examples of Complex Contact Manifolds Complex ( κ, µ ) -spaces Normal Complex Contact Manifolds Submanifolds in Complex Contact Manifolds Theorem Let P be a (2 n + 1) -dimensional compact complex contact manifold with a global contact form θ = u − iv such that the corresponding vertical vector fields U and V are regular. Then θ generates a free S 1 × S 1 action on P and p : P → M is a principal S 1 × S 1 -bundle over a complex symplectic manifold M such that θ is a connection form for this fibration and the complex symplectic form Φ on M is given by p ⋆ Φ = d θ . PRGC, Osaka-Fukuoka, Japan, December 1-9, 2011 Normal Complex Contact Metric Manifolds

  25. Preliminaries Short Presentation Locally Symmetric Normal Complex Contact Manifolds Complex Contact Manifolds Reflections in the Vertical Foliation Examples of Complex Contact Manifolds Complex ( κ, µ ) -spaces Normal Complex Contact Manifolds Submanifolds in Complex Contact Manifolds Examples of Complex Contact Manifolds • Complex Heisenberg group • Odd-dimensional complex projective space • Twistor spaces • The complex Boothby-Wang fibration • C n +1 × C P n (16) PRGC, Osaka-Fukuoka, Japan, December 1-9, 2011 Normal Complex Contact Metric Manifolds

  26. Preliminaries Short Presentation Locally Symmetric Normal Complex Contact Manifolds Complex Contact Manifolds Reflections in the Vertical Foliation Examples of Complex Contact Manifolds Complex ( κ, µ ) -spaces Normal Complex Contact Manifolds Submanifolds in Complex Contact Manifolds Normal Complex Contact Manifolds Ishihara and Konishi, 1980, introduced a notion of normality for complex contact structures. PRGC, Osaka-Fukuoka, Japan, December 1-9, 2011 Normal Complex Contact Metric Manifolds

  27. Preliminaries Short Presentation Locally Symmetric Normal Complex Contact Manifolds Complex Contact Manifolds Reflections in the Vertical Foliation Examples of Complex Contact Manifolds Complex ( κ, µ ) -spaces Normal Complex Contact Manifolds Submanifolds in Complex Contact Manifolds Normal Complex Contact Manifolds Ishihara and Konishi, 1980, introduced a notion of normality for complex contact structures. Their notion is the vanishing of the two tensor fields S and T given by S ( X , Y ) = [ G , G ]( X , Y ) + 2 � G ( X , Y ) U − 2 � H ( X , Y ) V + 2( v ( Y ) HX − v ( X ) HY ) + σ ( GY ) HX − σ ( GX ) HY + σ ( X ) GHY − σ ( Y ) GHX , T ( X , Y ) = [ H , H ]( X , Y ) − 2 � G ( X , Y ) U +2 � H ( X , Y ) V +2( u ( Y ) GX − u ( X ) GY ) + σ ( HX ) GY − σ ( HY ) GX + σ ( X ) GHY − σ ( Y ) GHX where [ G , G ] and [ H , H ] denote the Nijenhuis tensors of G and H respectively. PRGC, Osaka-Fukuoka, Japan, December 1-9, 2011 Normal Complex Contact Metric Manifolds

  28. Preliminaries Short Presentation Locally Symmetric Normal Complex Contact Manifolds Complex Contact Manifolds Reflections in the Vertical Foliation Examples of Complex Contact Manifolds Complex ( κ, µ ) -spaces Normal Complex Contact Manifolds Submanifolds in Complex Contact Manifolds However this notion seems to be too strong; among its implications is that the underlying Hermitian manifold ( M , g ) is K¨ ahler. Thus while indeed one of the canonical examples of a complex contact manifold, the odd-dimensional complex projective space, is normal in this sense, the complex Heisenberg group, is not. PRGC, Osaka-Fukuoka, Japan, December 1-9, 2011 Normal Complex Contact Metric Manifolds

  29. Preliminaries Short Presentation Locally Symmetric Normal Complex Contact Manifolds Complex Contact Manifolds Reflections in the Vertical Foliation Examples of Complex Contact Manifolds Complex ( κ, µ ) -spaces Normal Complex Contact Manifolds Submanifolds in Complex Contact Manifolds B. Korkmaz, 2000, generalized the notion of normality and we adopt her definition here. PRGC, Osaka-Fukuoka, Japan, December 1-9, 2011 Normal Complex Contact Metric Manifolds

  30. Preliminaries Short Presentation Locally Symmetric Normal Complex Contact Manifolds Complex Contact Manifolds Reflections in the Vertical Foliation Examples of Complex Contact Manifolds Complex ( κ, µ ) -spaces Normal Complex Contact Manifolds Submanifolds in Complex Contact Manifolds B. Korkmaz, 2000, generalized the notion of normality and we adopt her definition here. A complex contact metric structure is normal if S ( X , Y ) = T ( X , Y ) = 0 , for every X , Y ∈ H , S ( U , X ) = T ( V , X ) = 0 , for every X . PRGC, Osaka-Fukuoka, Japan, December 1-9, 2011 Normal Complex Contact Metric Manifolds

  31. Preliminaries Short Presentation Locally Symmetric Normal Complex Contact Manifolds Complex Contact Manifolds Reflections in the Vertical Foliation Examples of Complex Contact Manifolds Complex ( κ, µ ) -spaces Normal Complex Contact Manifolds Submanifolds in Complex Contact Manifolds B. Korkmaz, 2000, generalized the notion of normality and we adopt her definition here. A complex contact metric structure is normal if S ( X , Y ) = T ( X , Y ) = 0 , for every X , Y ∈ H , S ( U , X ) = T ( V , X ) = 0 , for every X . Even though the definition appears to depend on the special nature of U and V , it respects the change in overlaps, O ∩ O ′ , and is a global notion. With this notion of normality both odd-dimensional complex projective space and the complex Heisenberg group with their standard complex contact metric structures are normal. PRGC, Osaka-Fukuoka, Japan, December 1-9, 2011 Normal Complex Contact Metric Manifolds

  32. Preliminaries Short Presentation Locally Symmetric Normal Complex Contact Manifolds Complex Contact Manifolds Reflections in the Vertical Foliation Examples of Complex Contact Manifolds Complex ( κ, µ ) -spaces Normal Complex Contact Manifolds Submanifolds in Complex Contact Manifolds We now give expressions for the covariant derivatives of the structures tensors on a normal complex contact metric manifold: ∇ X U = − GX + σ ( X ) V , ∇ X V = − HX − σ ( X ) U . PRGC, Osaka-Fukuoka, Japan, December 1-9, 2011 Normal Complex Contact Metric Manifolds

  33. Preliminaries Short Presentation Locally Symmetric Normal Complex Contact Manifolds Complex Contact Manifolds Reflections in the Vertical Foliation Examples of Complex Contact Manifolds Complex ( κ, µ ) -spaces Normal Complex Contact Manifolds Submanifolds in Complex Contact Manifolds A complex contact metric manifold is normal if and only if the covariant derivatives of G and H have the following forms. PRGC, Osaka-Fukuoka, Japan, December 1-9, 2011 Normal Complex Contact Metric Manifolds

  34. Preliminaries Short Presentation Locally Symmetric Normal Complex Contact Manifolds Complex Contact Manifolds Reflections in the Vertical Foliation Examples of Complex Contact Manifolds Complex ( κ, µ ) -spaces Normal Complex Contact Manifolds Submanifolds in Complex Contact Manifolds A complex contact metric manifold is normal if and only if the covariant derivatives of G and H have the following forms. g (( ∇ X G ) Y , Z ) = σ ( X ) g ( HY , Z ) + v ( X ) d σ ( GZ , GY ) − 2 v ( X ) g ( HGY , Z ) − u ( Y ) g ( X , Z ) − v ( Y ) g ( JX , Z ) + u ( Z ) g ( X , Y ) + v ( Z ) g ( JX , Y ) , g (( ∇ X H ) Y , Z ) = − σ ( X ) g ( GY , Z ) − u ( X ) d σ ( HZ , HY ) − 2 u ( X ) g ( GHY , Z ) + u ( Y ) g ( JX , Z ) − v ( Y ) g ( X , Z ) + u ( Z ) g ( X , JY ) + v ( Z ) g ( X , Y ) . PRGC, Osaka-Fukuoka, Japan, December 1-9, 2011 Normal Complex Contact Metric Manifolds

  35. Preliminaries Short Presentation Locally Symmetric Normal Complex Contact Manifolds Complex Contact Manifolds Reflections in the Vertical Foliation Examples of Complex Contact Manifolds Complex ( κ, µ ) -spaces Normal Complex Contact Manifolds Submanifolds in Complex Contact Manifolds A complex contact metric manifold is normal if and only if the covariant derivatives of G and H have the following forms. g (( ∇ X G ) Y , Z ) = σ ( X ) g ( HY , Z ) + v ( X ) d σ ( GZ , GY ) − 2 v ( X ) g ( HGY , Z ) − u ( Y ) g ( X , Z ) − v ( Y ) g ( JX , Z ) + u ( Z ) g ( X , Y ) + v ( Z ) g ( JX , Y ) , g (( ∇ X H ) Y , Z ) = − σ ( X ) g ( GY , Z ) − u ( X ) d σ ( HZ , HY ) − 2 u ( X ) g ( GHY , Z ) + u ( Y ) g ( JX , Z ) − v ( Y ) g ( X , Z ) + u ( Z ) g ( X , JY ) + v ( Z ) g ( X , Y ) . For the underlying Hermitian structure we have � � g (( ∇ X J ) Y , Z ) = u ( X ) d σ ( Z , GY ) − 2 g ( HY , Z ) � � + v ( X ) d σ ( Z , HY ) + 2 g ( GY , Z ) . PRGC, Osaka-Fukuoka, Japan, December 1-9, 2011 Normal Complex Contact Metric Manifolds

  36. Preliminaries Short Presentation Locally Symmetric Normal Complex Contact Manifolds Complex Contact Manifolds Reflections in the Vertical Foliation Examples of Complex Contact Manifolds Complex ( κ, µ ) -spaces Normal Complex Contact Manifolds Submanifolds in Complex Contact Manifolds The differential of σ enjoys the following properties. PRGC, Osaka-Fukuoka, Japan, December 1-9, 2011 Normal Complex Contact Metric Manifolds

  37. Preliminaries Short Presentation Locally Symmetric Normal Complex Contact Manifolds Complex Contact Manifolds Reflections in the Vertical Foliation Examples of Complex Contact Manifolds Complex ( κ, µ ) -spaces Normal Complex Contact Manifolds Submanifolds in Complex Contact Manifolds The differential of σ enjoys the following properties. d σ ( JX , Y ) = − d σ ( X , JY ) , d σ ( GY , GX ) = d σ ( X , Y ) − 2 u ∧ v ( X , Y ) d σ ( U , V ) , d σ ( HY , HX ) = d σ ( X , Y ) − 2 u ∧ v ( X , Y ) d σ ( U , V ) , d σ ( V , X ) = − u ( X ) d σ ( U , V ) . d σ ( U , X ) = v ( X ) d σ ( U , V ) , PRGC, Osaka-Fukuoka, Japan, December 1-9, 2011 Normal Complex Contact Metric Manifolds

  38. Preliminaries Short Presentation Locally Symmetric Normal Complex Contact Manifolds Complex Contact Manifolds Reflections in the Vertical Foliation Examples of Complex Contact Manifolds Complex ( κ, µ ) -spaces Normal Complex Contact Manifolds Submanifolds in Complex Contact Manifolds We will also need the basic curvature properties of normal contact metric manifolds. PRGC, Osaka-Fukuoka, Japan, December 1-9, 2011 Normal Complex Contact Metric Manifolds

  39. Preliminaries Short Presentation Locally Symmetric Normal Complex Contact Manifolds Complex Contact Manifolds Reflections in the Vertical Foliation Examples of Complex Contact Manifolds Complex ( κ, µ ) -spaces Normal Complex Contact Manifolds Submanifolds in Complex Contact Manifolds We will also need the basic curvature properties of normal contact metric manifolds. R ( X , Y ) Z = ∇ X ∇ Y Z − ∇ Y ∇ X Z − ∇ [ X , Y ] , R ( X , Y , Z , W ) = g ( R ( X , Y ) Z , W ) . PRGC, Osaka-Fukuoka, Japan, December 1-9, 2011 Normal Complex Contact Metric Manifolds

  40. Preliminaries Short Presentation Locally Symmetric Normal Complex Contact Manifolds Complex Contact Manifolds Reflections in the Vertical Foliation Examples of Complex Contact Manifolds Complex ( κ, µ ) -spaces Normal Complex Contact Manifolds Submanifolds in Complex Contact Manifolds We will also need the basic curvature properties of normal contact metric manifolds. R ( X , Y ) Z = ∇ X ∇ Y Z − ∇ Y ∇ X Z − ∇ [ X , Y ] , R ( X , Y , Z , W ) = g ( R ( X , Y ) Z , W ) . First of all we have R ( U , V ) V = − 2 d σ ( U , V ) U and a similar expression for R ( V , U ) U , either of which gives the sectional curvature R ( U , V , V , U ) = − 2 d σ ( U , V ). PRGC, Osaka-Fukuoka, Japan, December 1-9, 2011 Normal Complex Contact Metric Manifolds

  41. Preliminaries Short Presentation Locally Symmetric Normal Complex Contact Manifolds Complex Contact Manifolds Reflections in the Vertical Foliation Examples of Complex Contact Manifolds Complex ( κ, µ ) -spaces Normal Complex Contact Manifolds Submanifolds in Complex Contact Manifolds For X and Y horizontal we have PRGC, Osaka-Fukuoka, Japan, December 1-9, 2011 Normal Complex Contact Metric Manifolds

  42. Preliminaries Short Presentation Locally Symmetric Normal Complex Contact Manifolds Complex Contact Manifolds Reflections in the Vertical Foliation Examples of Complex Contact Manifolds Complex ( κ, µ ) -spaces Normal Complex Contact Manifolds Submanifolds in Complex Contact Manifolds For X and Y horizontal we have R ( X , U ) U = X , R ( X , V ) V = X , R ( X , Y ) U = 2( g ( X , JY ) + d σ ( X , Y )) V , R ( X , Y ) V = − 2( g ( X , JY ) + d σ ( X , Y )) U , R ( X , U ) V = σ ( U ) GX + ( ∇ U H ) X − JX , R ( X , V ) U = − σ ( V ) HX + ( ∇ V G ) X + JX , PRGC, Osaka-Fukuoka, Japan, December 1-9, 2011 Normal Complex Contact Metric Manifolds

  43. Preliminaries Locally Symmetric Normal Complex Contact Manifolds Reflections in the Vertical Foliation Complex ( κ, µ ) -spaces Submanifolds in Complex Contact Manifolds Locally Symmetric Normal Complex Contact Manifolds We give a characterization in complex contact geometry of complex projective space of constant holomorphic curvature +4, C P 2 n +1 (4). PRGC, Osaka-Fukuoka, Japan, December 1-9, 2011 Normal Complex Contact Metric Manifolds

  44. Preliminaries Locally Symmetric Normal Complex Contact Manifolds Reflections in the Vertical Foliation Complex ( κ, µ ) -spaces Submanifolds in Complex Contact Manifolds Locally Symmetric Normal Complex Contact Manifolds We give a characterization in complex contact geometry of complex projective space of constant holomorphic curvature +4, C P 2 n +1 (4). Theorem Theorem 1. Let M 2 n +1 be a locally symmetric normal complex contact metric manifold. Then M 2 n +1 is locally isometric to C P 2 n +1 (4) . Thus in the complete, simply connected case the manifold is globally isometric to C P 2 n +1 (4) . PRGC, Osaka-Fukuoka, Japan, December 1-9, 2011 Normal Complex Contact Metric Manifolds

  45. Preliminaries Locally Symmetric Normal Complex Contact Manifolds Reflections in the Vertical Foliation Complex ( κ, µ ) -spaces Submanifolds in Complex Contact Manifolds Proof’s sketch: We begin with the observation that since our manifold is locally symmetric it is semi-symmetric, i. e. R · R = 0 , so that R ( R ( X , Y ) X 1 , X 2 , X 3 , X 4 ) + R ( X 1 , R ( X , Y ) X 2 , X 3 , X 4 ) + R ( X 1 , X 2 , R ( X , Y ) X 3 , X 4 ) + R ( X 1 , X 2 , X 3 , R ( X , Y ) X 4 ) = 0 . PRGC, Osaka-Fukuoka, Japan, December 1-9, 2011 Normal Complex Contact Metric Manifolds

  46. Preliminaries Locally Symmetric Normal Complex Contact Manifolds Reflections in the Vertical Foliation Complex ( κ, µ ) -spaces Submanifolds in Complex Contact Manifolds Proof’s sketch: We begin with the observation that since our manifold is locally symmetric it is semi-symmetric, i. e. R · R = 0 , so that R ( R ( X , Y ) X 1 , X 2 , X 3 , X 4 ) + R ( X 1 , R ( X , Y ) X 2 , X 3 , X 4 ) + R ( X 1 , X 2 , R ( X , Y ) X 3 , X 4 ) + R ( X 1 , X 2 , X 3 , R ( X , Y ) X 4 ) = 0 . Take X 4 = U , X 1 = X 3 = Y = V , and X 2 and X horizontal PRGC, Osaka-Fukuoka, Japan, December 1-9, 2011 Normal Complex Contact Metric Manifolds

  47. Preliminaries Locally Symmetric Normal Complex Contact Manifolds Reflections in the Vertical Foliation Complex ( κ, µ ) -spaces Submanifolds in Complex Contact Manifolds Proof’s sketch: We begin with the observation that since our manifold is locally symmetric it is semi-symmetric, i. e. R · R = 0 , so that R ( R ( X , Y ) X 1 , X 2 , X 3 , X 4 ) + R ( X 1 , R ( X , Y ) X 2 , X 3 , X 4 ) + R ( X 1 , X 2 , R ( X , Y ) X 3 , X 4 ) + R ( X 1 , X 2 , X 3 , R ( X , Y ) X 4 ) = 0 . Take X 4 = U , X 1 = X 3 = Y = V , and X 2 and X horizontal This gives us two cases to consider, 2 + d σ ( U , V ) = 0 and g ( X 2 , JX ) + d σ ( X 2 , X ) = 0 . PRGC, Osaka-Fukuoka, Japan, December 1-9, 2011 Normal Complex Contact Metric Manifolds

  48. Preliminaries Locally Symmetric Normal Complex Contact Manifolds Reflections in the Vertical Foliation Complex ( κ, µ ) -spaces Submanifolds in Complex Contact Manifolds In the first case first note that since R ( U , V ) V = − 2 d σ ( U , V ) U , d σ ( U , V ) = − 2 implies that R ( U , V , V , U ) = 4 . PRGC, Osaka-Fukuoka, Japan, December 1-9, 2011 Normal Complex Contact Metric Manifolds

  49. Preliminaries Locally Symmetric Normal Complex Contact Manifolds Reflections in the Vertical Foliation Complex ( κ, µ ) -spaces Submanifolds in Complex Contact Manifolds In the first case first note that since R ( U , V ) V = − 2 d σ ( U , V ) U , d σ ( U , V ) = − 2 implies that R ( U , V , V , U ) = 4 . From R ( U , V ) V = − 2 d σ ( U , V ) U we have R ( U , V , V , Y ) = 0 for a horizontal unit vector field Y . PRGC, Osaka-Fukuoka, Japan, December 1-9, 2011 Normal Complex Contact Metric Manifolds

  50. Preliminaries Locally Symmetric Normal Complex Contact Manifolds Reflections in the Vertical Foliation Complex ( κ, µ ) -spaces Submanifolds in Complex Contact Manifolds In the first case first note that since R ( U , V ) V = − 2 d σ ( U , V ) U , d σ ( U , V ) = − 2 implies that R ( U , V , V , U ) = 4 . From R ( U , V ) V = − 2 d σ ( U , V ) U we have R ( U , V , V , Y ) = 0 for a horizontal unit vector field Y . Also we can prove that R ( Y , JY , JY , Y ) = 4 . PRGC, Osaka-Fukuoka, Japan, December 1-9, 2011 Normal Complex Contact Metric Manifolds

  51. Preliminaries Locally Symmetric Normal Complex Contact Manifolds Reflections in the Vertical Foliation Complex ( κ, µ ) -spaces Submanifolds in Complex Contact Manifolds We compute the holomorphic sectional curvature for a general vector X = X ′ + u ( X ) U + v ( X ) V . Suppose both the horizontal and vertical holomorphic sectional curvatures have value µ . Then a long computation using normality gives R ( X , JX , JX , X ) = µ ( | X ′ | 4 +( u ( X ) 2 + v ( X ) 2 ) 2 ) − 4 | X ′ | 2 ( u ( X ) 2 + v ( X ) 2 ) +6( u ( X ) 2 + v ( X ) 2 ) d σ ( X ′ , JX ′ ) , but for us µ = 4 and d σ = − 2Ω, where Ω is the fundamental 2-form of Hermitian structure, giving R ( X , JX , JX , X ) = 4 for all X . PRGC, Osaka-Fukuoka, Japan, December 1-9, 2011 Normal Complex Contact Metric Manifolds

  52. Preliminaries Locally Symmetric Normal Complex Contact Manifolds Reflections in the Vertical Foliation Complex ( κ, µ ) -spaces Submanifolds in Complex Contact Manifolds We compute the holomorphic sectional curvature for a general vector X = X ′ + u ( X ) U + v ( X ) V . Suppose both the horizontal and vertical holomorphic sectional curvatures have value µ . Then a long computation using normality gives R ( X , JX , JX , X ) = µ ( | X ′ | 4 +( u ( X ) 2 + v ( X ) 2 ) 2 ) − 4 | X ′ | 2 ( u ( X ) 2 + v ( X ) 2 ) +6( u ( X ) 2 + v ( X ) 2 ) d σ ( X ′ , JX ′ ) , but for us µ = 4 and d σ = − 2Ω, where Ω is the fundamental 2-form of Hermitian structure, giving R ( X , JX , JX , X ) = 4 for all X . Thus the complex contact metric manifold M is locally isometric to C P 2 n +1 (4). PRGC, Osaka-Fukuoka, Japan, December 1-9, 2011 Normal Complex Contact Metric Manifolds

  53. Preliminaries Locally Symmetric Normal Complex Contact Manifolds Reflections in the Vertical Foliation Complex ( κ, µ ) -spaces Submanifolds in Complex Contact Manifolds We compute the holomorphic sectional curvature for a general vector X = X ′ + u ( X ) U + v ( X ) V . Suppose both the horizontal and vertical holomorphic sectional curvatures have value µ . Then a long computation using normality gives R ( X , JX , JX , X ) = µ ( | X ′ | 4 +( u ( X ) 2 + v ( X ) 2 ) 2 ) − 4 | X ′ | 2 ( u ( X ) 2 + v ( X ) 2 ) +6( u ( X ) 2 + v ( X ) 2 ) d σ ( X ′ , JX ′ ) , but for us µ = 4 and d σ = − 2Ω, where Ω is the fundamental 2-form of Hermitian structure, giving R ( X , JX , JX , X ) = 4 for all X . Thus the complex contact metric manifold M is locally isometric to C P 2 n +1 (4). To eliminate the second case, note that R ( Z , U , V , U ) = 0 for horizontal Z and from this a contradiction occurs. PRGC, Osaka-Fukuoka, Japan, December 1-9, 2011 Normal Complex Contact Metric Manifolds

  54. Preliminaries Locally Symmetric Normal Complex Contact Manifolds Reflections in the Vertical Foliation References Complex ( κ, µ ) -spaces Submanifolds in Complex Contact Manifolds Reflections in the Vertical Foliation As we have seen, the condition of local symmetry for a normal complex contact metric manifold is extremely strong. We therefore consider a weaker condition in terms of local reflections in the integral submanifolds of the vertical subbundle of a normal complex contact metric manifold. To do this we first recall the notion of a local reflection in a submanifold. PRGC, Osaka-Fukuoka, Japan, December 1-9, 2011 Normal Complex Contact Metric Manifolds

  55. Preliminaries Locally Symmetric Normal Complex Contact Manifolds Reflections in the Vertical Foliation References Complex ( κ, µ ) -spaces Submanifolds in Complex Contact Manifolds Reflections in the Vertical Foliation As we have seen, the condition of local symmetry for a normal complex contact metric manifold is extremely strong. We therefore consider a weaker condition in terms of local reflections in the integral submanifolds of the vertical subbundle of a normal complex contact metric manifold. To do this we first recall the notion of a local reflection in a submanifold. Given a Riemannian manifold ( M , g ) and a submanifold N , local reflection in N , ϕ N , is defined as follows. For m ∈ M consider the minimal geodesic from m to N meeting N orthogonally at p . Let X be the unit vector at p tangent to the geodesic in the direction toward m . Then ϕ N maps m = exp p ( tX ) − → exp p ( − tX ). PRGC, Osaka-Fukuoka, Japan, December 1-9, 2011 Normal Complex Contact Metric Manifolds

  56. Preliminaries Locally Symmetric Normal Complex Contact Manifolds Reflections in the Vertical Foliation References Complex ( κ, µ ) -spaces Submanifolds in Complex Contact Manifolds Chen and Vanhecke, 1989: necessary and sufficient conditions for a reflection to be isometric. PRGC, Osaka-Fukuoka, Japan, December 1-9, 2011 Normal Complex Contact Metric Manifolds

  57. Preliminaries Locally Symmetric Normal Complex Contact Manifolds Reflections in the Vertical Foliation References Complex ( κ, µ ) -spaces Submanifolds in Complex Contact Manifolds Chen and Vanhecke, 1989: necessary and sufficient conditions for a reflection to be isometric. Theorem. Let ( M , g ) be a Riemannian manifold and N a submanifold. Then the reflection ϕ N is a local isometry if and only if: N is totally geodesic; ( ∇ 2 k X ··· X R )( X , Y ) X is normal to N; ( ∇ 2 k +1 X ··· X R )( X , Y ) X is tangent to N; ( ∇ 2 k +1 X ··· X R )( X , V ) X is normal to N for all vectors X, Y normal to N and vectors V tangent to N and all k ∈ N . PRGC, Osaka-Fukuoka, Japan, December 1-9, 2011 Normal Complex Contact Metric Manifolds

  58. Preliminaries Locally Symmetric Normal Complex Contact Manifolds Reflections in the Vertical Foliation References Complex ( κ, µ ) -spaces Submanifolds in Complex Contact Manifolds On a normal complex contact metric manifold, a geodesic that is initially orthogonal to V remains orthogonal to V ; without normality this is not true. PRGC, Osaka-Fukuoka, Japan, December 1-9, 2011 Normal Complex Contact Metric Manifolds

  59. Preliminaries Locally Symmetric Normal Complex Contact Manifolds Reflections in the Vertical Foliation References Complex ( κ, µ ) -spaces Submanifolds in Complex Contact Manifolds On a normal complex contact metric manifold, a geodesic that is initially orthogonal to V remains orthogonal to V ; without normality this is not true. Proposition. Let γ be a geodesic on a normal complex contact metric manifold. If γ ′ (0) is a horizontal vector , then γ ′ ( s ) is horizontal for all s. PRGC, Osaka-Fukuoka, Japan, December 1-9, 2011 Normal Complex Contact Metric Manifolds

  60. Preliminaries Locally Symmetric Normal Complex Contact Manifolds Reflections in the Vertical Foliation References Complex ( κ, µ ) -spaces Submanifolds in Complex Contact Manifolds Since the vertical subbundle V is integrable, we will suppose that this is a regular foliation, i.e. each point has a neighborhood such that any integral submanifold of V passing through the neighborhood passes through only once. PRGC, Osaka-Fukuoka, Japan, December 1-9, 2011 Normal Complex Contact Metric Manifolds

  61. Preliminaries Locally Symmetric Normal Complex Contact Manifolds Reflections in the Vertical Foliation References Complex ( κ, µ ) -spaces Submanifolds in Complex Contact Manifolds Since the vertical subbundle V is integrable, we will suppose that this is a regular foliation, i.e. each point has a neighborhood such that any integral submanifold of V passing through the neighborhood passes through only once. Then M 2 n +1 fibers over a manifold M ′ of real dimension 4 n . PRGC, Osaka-Fukuoka, Japan, December 1-9, 2011 Normal Complex Contact Metric Manifolds

  62. Preliminaries Locally Symmetric Normal Complex Contact Manifolds Reflections in the Vertical Foliation References Complex ( κ, µ ) -spaces Submanifolds in Complex Contact Manifolds Since the vertical subbundle V is integrable, we will suppose that this is a regular foliation, i.e. each point has a neighborhood such that any integral submanifold of V passing through the neighborhood passes through only once. Then M 2 n +1 fibers over a manifold M ′ of real dimension 4 n . An easy computation shows that the horizontal parts of the Lie derivatives L U g and L V g vanish. Thus the metric is projectable and we denote by g ′ the metric on the base, ∇ ′ its Levi-Civita connection and R ′ its curvature. For vectors fields X , Y , etc. on the base we denote by X ∗ , etc. their horizontal lifts to M . PRGC, Osaka-Fukuoka, Japan, December 1-9, 2011 Normal Complex Contact Metric Manifolds

  63. Preliminaries Locally Symmetric Normal Complex Contact Manifolds Reflections in the Vertical Foliation References Complex ( κ, µ ) -spaces Submanifolds in Complex Contact Manifolds Theorem Theorem 2. Let M 2 n +1 be a normal complex contact metric manifold and suppose that the foliation induced by vertical subbundle is regular. If reflections in the integral submanifolds of the vertical subbundle are isometries, then the manifold fibers over a locally symmetric space. PRGC, Osaka-Fukuoka, Japan, December 1-9, 2011 Normal Complex Contact Metric Manifolds

  64. Preliminaries Locally Symmetric Normal Complex Contact Manifolds Reflections in the Vertical Foliation References Complex ( κ, µ ) -spaces Submanifolds in Complex Contact Manifolds Proof’s sketch: By a result of Cartan, 1983, it is sufficient to show that g ′ (( ∇ ′ X R ′ )( X , Y ) X , Y ) = 0, for orthonormal pairs { X , Y } on the base manifold M ′ . PRGC, Osaka-Fukuoka, Japan, December 1-9, 2011 Normal Complex Contact Metric Manifolds

  65. Preliminaries Locally Symmetric Normal Complex Contact Manifolds Reflections in the Vertical Foliation References Complex ( κ, µ ) -spaces Submanifolds in Complex Contact Manifolds Proof’s sketch: By a result of Cartan, 1983, it is sufficient to show that g ′ (( ∇ ′ X R ′ )( X , Y ) X , Y ) = 0, for orthonormal pairs { X , Y } on the base manifold M ′ . First note that from the fundamental equations of a Riemannian submersion, ∇ X ∗ Y ∗ = ( ∇ ′ X Y ) ∗ + u ( ∇ X ∗ Y ∗ ) U + v ( ∇ X ∗ Y ∗ ) V . PRGC, Osaka-Fukuoka, Japan, December 1-9, 2011 Normal Complex Contact Metric Manifolds

  66. Preliminaries Locally Symmetric Normal Complex Contact Manifolds Reflections in the Vertical Foliation References Complex ( κ, µ ) -spaces Submanifolds in Complex Contact Manifolds Proof’s sketch: By a result of Cartan, 1983, it is sufficient to show that g ′ (( ∇ ′ X R ′ )( X , Y ) X , Y ) = 0, for orthonormal pairs { X , Y } on the base manifold M ′ . First note that from the fundamental equations of a Riemannian submersion, ∇ X ∗ Y ∗ = ( ∇ ′ X Y ) ∗ + u ( ∇ X ∗ Y ∗ ) U + v ( ∇ X ∗ Y ∗ ) V . Consequently from the equations for the curvature of a Riemannian submersion R ( X ∗ , Y ∗ , Z ∗ , W ∗ ) = R ′ ( X , Y , Z , W )+2( u ( ∇ X ∗ Y ∗ ) u ( ∇ Z ∗ W ∗ )+ v ( ∇ X ∗ Y ∗ ) v ( ∇ Z ∗ W ∗ )) − u ( ∇ Y ∗ Z ∗ ) u ( ∇ X ∗ W ∗ ) + v ( ∇ Y ∗ Z ∗ ) v ( ∇ X ∗ W ∗ ) + u ( ∇ X ∗ Z ∗ ) u ( ∇ Y ∗ W ∗ ) − v ( ∇ X ∗ Z ∗ ) v ( ∇ Y ∗ W ∗ ) . PRGC, Osaka-Fukuoka, Japan, December 1-9, 2011 Normal Complex Contact Metric Manifolds

  67. Preliminaries Locally Symmetric Normal Complex Contact Manifolds Reflections in the Vertical Foliation References Complex ( κ, µ ) -spaces Submanifolds in Complex Contact Manifolds From this, using the normality, we have R ( X ∗ , Y ∗ ) X ∗ = ( R ′ ( X , Y ) X ) ∗ − 3( g ( GX ∗ , Y ∗ ) GX ∗ + g ( HX ∗ , Y ∗ ) HX ∗ ) . PRGC, Osaka-Fukuoka, Japan, December 1-9, 2011 Normal Complex Contact Metric Manifolds

  68. Preliminaries Locally Symmetric Normal Complex Contact Manifolds Reflections in the Vertical Foliation References Complex ( κ, µ ) -spaces Submanifolds in Complex Contact Manifolds From this, using the normality, we have R ( X ∗ , Y ∗ ) X ∗ = ( R ′ ( X , Y ) X ) ∗ − 3( g ( GX ∗ , Y ∗ ) GX ∗ + g ( HX ∗ , Y ∗ ) HX ∗ ) . Since the reflections in the integral submanifolds of V are isometries, we have by the above theorem of Chen and Vanhecke that g (( ∇ X ∗ R )( X ∗ , Y ∗ ) X ∗ , Y ∗ ) = 0 PRGC, Osaka-Fukuoka, Japan, December 1-9, 2011 Normal Complex Contact Metric Manifolds

  69. Preliminaries Locally Symmetric Normal Complex Contact Manifolds Reflections in the Vertical Foliation References Complex ( κ, µ ) -spaces Submanifolds in Complex Contact Manifolds From this, using the normality, we have R ( X ∗ , Y ∗ ) X ∗ = ( R ′ ( X , Y ) X ) ∗ − 3( g ( GX ∗ , Y ∗ ) GX ∗ + g ( HX ∗ , Y ∗ ) HX ∗ ) . Since the reflections in the integral submanifolds of V are isometries, we have by the above theorem of Chen and Vanhecke that g (( ∇ X ∗ R )( X ∗ , Y ∗ ) X ∗ , Y ∗ ) = 0 We finally obtained 0 = g (( ∇ X ∗ R )( X ∗ , Y ∗ ) X ∗ , Y ∗ ) = g ′ (( ∇ ′ X R ′ )( X , Y ) X , Y ) and hence that the base manifold M ′ is locally symmetric PRGC, Osaka-Fukuoka, Japan, December 1-9, 2011 Normal Complex Contact Metric Manifolds

  70. Preliminaries Locally Symmetric Normal Complex Contact Manifolds Reflections in the Vertical Foliation References Complex ( κ, µ ) -spaces Submanifolds in Complex Contact Manifolds Theorem Theorem 3. Let M 2 n +1 be a normal complex contact metric manifold whose vertical foliation is regular and whose underlying Hermitian structure is K¨ ahler. If reflections in the integral submanifolds of the vertical subbundle are isometries, then M 2 n +1 fibers over a quaternionic symmetric space. PRGC, Osaka-Fukuoka, Japan, December 1-9, 2011 Normal Complex Contact Metric Manifolds

  71. Preliminaries Locally Symmetric Normal Complex Contact Manifolds Reflections in the Vertical Foliation References Complex ( κ, µ ) -spaces Submanifolds in Complex Contact Manifolds Proof’s sketch: Since M 2 n +1 is K¨ ahler, taking X = U in equation (2.5) we have that d σ ( Z , GY ) = 2 g ( HY , Z ) and hence replacing Y by − GY with Y horizontal we see that d σ is equal to minus twice the fundamental 2-form when restricted to horizontal vectors. Thus for X and Y horizontal we have d σ ( X , Y ) = − 2Ω( X , Y ). PRGC, Osaka-Fukuoka, Japan, December 1-9, 2011 Normal Complex Contact Metric Manifolds

  72. Preliminaries Locally Symmetric Normal Complex Contact Manifolds Reflections in the Vertical Foliation References Complex ( κ, µ ) -spaces Submanifolds in Complex Contact Manifolds Proof’s sketch: Since M 2 n +1 is K¨ ahler, taking X = U in equation (2.5) we have that d σ ( Z , GY ) = 2 g ( HY , Z ) and hence replacing Y by − GY with Y horizontal we see that d σ is equal to minus twice the fundamental 2-form when restricted to horizontal vectors. Thus for X and Y horizontal we have d σ ( X , Y ) = − 2Ω( X , Y ). Consider X and Y to be basic with respect to the fibration. PRGC, Osaka-Fukuoka, Japan, December 1-9, 2011 Normal Complex Contact Metric Manifolds

  73. Preliminaries Locally Symmetric Normal Complex Contact Manifolds Reflections in the Vertical Foliation References Complex ( κ, µ ) -spaces Submanifolds in Complex Contact Manifolds Proof’s sketch: Since M 2 n +1 is K¨ ahler, taking X = U in equation (2.5) we have that d σ ( Z , GY ) = 2 g ( HY , Z ) and hence replacing Y by − GY with Y horizontal we see that d σ is equal to minus twice the fundamental 2-form when restricted to horizontal vectors. Thus for X and Y horizontal we have d σ ( X , Y ) = − 2Ω( X , Y ). Consider X and Y to be basic with respect to the fibration. The 4-form Λ = � G ∧ � G + � H ∧ � H + Ω ∧ Ω is projectable giving an almost quaternionic structure Λ ′ on the base manifold M ′ . PRGC, Osaka-Fukuoka, Japan, December 1-9, 2011 Normal Complex Contact Metric Manifolds

  74. Preliminaries Locally Symmetric Normal Complex Contact Manifolds Reflections in the Vertical Foliation References Complex ( κ, µ ) -spaces Submanifolds in Complex Contact Manifolds Proof’s sketch: Since M 2 n +1 is K¨ ahler, taking X = U in equation (2.5) we have that d σ ( Z , GY ) = 2 g ( HY , Z ) and hence replacing Y by − GY with Y horizontal we see that d σ is equal to minus twice the fundamental 2-form when restricted to horizontal vectors. Thus for X and Y horizontal we have d σ ( X , Y ) = − 2Ω( X , Y ). Consider X and Y to be basic with respect to the fibration. The 4-form Λ = � G ∧ � G + � H ∧ � H + Ω ∧ Ω is projectable giving an almost quaternionic structure Λ ′ on the base manifold M ′ . Then ( ∇ X Λ)( Y 1 , Y 2 , Y 3 , Y 4 ) = 2 σ ( X )( � H ∧ � G − � G ∧ � H )( Y 1 , Y 2 , Y 3 , Y 4 ) = 0 . PRGC, Osaka-Fukuoka, Japan, December 1-9, 2011 Normal Complex Contact Metric Manifolds

  75. Preliminaries Locally Symmetric Normal Complex Contact Manifolds Reflections in the Vertical Foliation References Complex ( κ, µ ) -spaces Submanifolds in Complex Contact Manifolds Proof’s sketch: Since M 2 n +1 is K¨ ahler, taking X = U in equation (2.5) we have that d σ ( Z , GY ) = 2 g ( HY , Z ) and hence replacing Y by − GY with Y horizontal we see that d σ is equal to minus twice the fundamental 2-form when restricted to horizontal vectors. Thus for X and Y horizontal we have d σ ( X , Y ) = − 2Ω( X , Y ). Consider X and Y to be basic with respect to the fibration. The 4-form Λ = � G ∧ � G + � H ∧ � H + Ω ∧ Ω is projectable giving an almost quaternionic structure Λ ′ on the base manifold M ′ . Then ( ∇ X Λ)( Y 1 , Y 2 , Y 3 , Y 4 ) = 2 σ ( X )( � H ∧ � G − � G ∧ � H )( Y 1 , Y 2 , Y 3 , Y 4 ) = 0 . That the base manifold is symmetric follows from Theorem 2. PRGC, Osaka-Fukuoka, Japan, December 1-9, 2011 Normal Complex Contact Metric Manifolds

  76. Preliminaries Locally Symmetric Normal Complex Contact Manifolds Reflections in the Vertical Foliation References Complex ( κ, µ ) -spaces Submanifolds in Complex Contact Manifolds Theorem Theorem 4. Let M 2 n +1 be a normal complex contact metric manifold whose vertical foliation is regular and whose complex contact structure is given by a global holomorphic contact form. If reflections in the integral submanifolds of the vertical subbundle are isometries, then M 2 n +1 fibers over a locally symmetric complex symplectic manifold. PRGC, Osaka-Fukuoka, Japan, December 1-9, 2011 Normal Complex Contact Metric Manifolds

  77. Preliminaries Locally Symmetric Normal Complex Contact Manifolds Reflections in the Vertical Foliation References Complex ( κ, µ ) -spaces Submanifolds in Complex Contact Manifolds Proof’s sketch: We noted that when the complex contact structure is given by a global holomorphic 1-form, u and v may be taken globally such that θ = u − iv and σ = 0. Thus � G and � H are closed 2-forms and the Lie derivatives of � G , � H and Ω, as given in the preceding proof, vanish. Therefore each of these 2-forms projects H ′ and Ω ′ respectively. to a closed 2-form on M ′ , say � G ′ , � PRGC, Osaka-Fukuoka, Japan, December 1-9, 2011 Normal Complex Contact Metric Manifolds

  78. Preliminaries Locally Symmetric Normal Complex Contact Manifolds Reflections in the Vertical Foliation References Complex ( κ, µ ) -spaces Submanifolds in Complex Contact Manifolds Proof’s sketch: We noted that when the complex contact structure is given by a global holomorphic 1-form, u and v may be taken globally such that θ = u − iv and σ = 0. Thus � G and � H are closed 2-forms and the Lie derivatives of � G , � H and Ω, as given in the preceding proof, vanish. Therefore each of these 2-forms projects H ′ and Ω ′ respectively. to a closed 2-form on M ′ , say � G ′ , � The projectability of Ω and g from the complex manifold M 2 n +1 , gives M ′ a complex structure for which g ′ is a Hermitian metric. G ′ − i � Now let Ψ = � H ′ . PRGC, Osaka-Fukuoka, Japan, December 1-9, 2011 Normal Complex Contact Metric Manifolds

  79. Preliminaries Locally Symmetric Normal Complex Contact Manifolds Reflections in the Vertical Foliation References Complex ( κ, µ ) -spaces Submanifolds in Complex Contact Manifolds Proof’s sketch: We noted that when the complex contact structure is given by a global holomorphic 1-form, u and v may be taken globally such that θ = u − iv and σ = 0. Thus � G and � H are closed 2-forms and the Lie derivatives of � G , � H and Ω, as given in the preceding proof, vanish. Therefore each of these 2-forms projects H ′ and Ω ′ respectively. to a closed 2-form on M ′ , say � G ′ , � The projectability of Ω and g from the complex manifold M 2 n +1 , gives M ′ a complex structure for which g ′ is a Hermitian metric. G ′ − i � Now let Ψ = � H ′ . Since Ψ is the projection of d θ , it is a closed holomorphic 2-form G ′ and � H ′ , Ψ n � = 0 giving us a complex and from the rank of � symplectic structure on M ′ . PRGC, Osaka-Fukuoka, Japan, December 1-9, 2011 Normal Complex Contact Metric Manifolds

  80. Preliminaries Locally Symmetric Normal Complex Contact Manifolds Reflections in the Vertical Foliation References Complex ( κ, µ ) -spaces Submanifolds in Complex Contact Manifolds Proof’s sketch: We noted that when the complex contact structure is given by a global holomorphic 1-form, u and v may be taken globally such that θ = u − iv and σ = 0. Thus � G and � H are closed 2-forms and the Lie derivatives of � G , � H and Ω, as given in the preceding proof, vanish. Therefore each of these 2-forms projects H ′ and Ω ′ respectively. to a closed 2-form on M ′ , say � G ′ , � The projectability of Ω and g from the complex manifold M 2 n +1 , gives M ′ a complex structure for which g ′ is a Hermitian metric. G ′ − i � Now let Ψ = � H ′ . Since Ψ is the projection of d θ , it is a closed holomorphic 2-form G ′ and � H ′ , Ψ n � = 0 giving us a complex and from the rank of � symplectic structure on M ′ . Again the rest of the result follows from Theorem 2. PRGC, Osaka-Fukuoka, Japan, December 1-9, 2011 Normal Complex Contact Metric Manifolds

  81. Preliminaries Locally Symmetric Normal Complex Contact Manifolds Reflections in the Vertical Foliation References Complex ( κ, µ ) -spaces Submanifolds in Complex Contact Manifolds References D. E. Blair, Riemannian Geometry of Contact and Symplectic Manifolds , Birkh¨ auser, Boston, 2002. D. E. Blair and L. Vanhecke, Symmetries and φ -symmetric spaces , Tˆ ohoku Math. J. 39 (1987), 373-383. E. Boeckx and J. T. Cho, Locally symmetric contact metric manifolds , Monatsh. Math. 148 (2006), 269-281. E. Boeckx and L. Vanhecke, Characteristic reflections on unit tangent sphere bundles , Houston J. Math. 23 (1997), 427-448. E. Cartan, Geometry of Riemannian Spaces , Math. Sci. Press, Brookline, 1983. PRGC, Osaka-Fukuoka, Japan, December 1-9, 2011 Normal Complex Contact Metric Manifolds

  82. Preliminaries Locally Symmetric Normal Complex Contact Manifolds Reflections in the Vertical Foliation References Complex ( κ, µ ) -spaces Submanifolds in Complex Contact Manifolds B.-Y. Chen and L. Vanhecke, Isometric, holomorphic and symplectic reflections , Geometriae Dedicata 29 (1989), 259-277. S. Ishihara and M. Konishi, Complex almost contact manifolds , K¯ odai math. J. 3 (1980), 385-396. S. Ishihara and M. Konishi, Complex almost contact structures in a complex contact manifold , Kodai Math. J. 5 (1982), 30-37. B. Korkmaz, Normality of complex contact manifolds , Rocky Mountain J. Math. 30 (2000), 1343-1380. M. Okumura, Some remarks on space with a certain structure , Tˆ ohoku Math. J. 14 (1962), 135-145. PRGC, Osaka-Fukuoka, Japan, December 1-9, 2011 Normal Complex Contact Metric Manifolds

  83. Preliminaries Locally Symmetric Normal Complex Contact Manifolds Reflections in the Vertical Foliation References Complex ( κ, µ ) -spaces Submanifolds in Complex Contact Manifolds B. O’Neill, The fundamental equations of a submersion , Michigan Math. J. 13 (1966), 459-469. T. Takahashi, Sasakian φ -symmetric spaces , Tˆ ohoku Math. J. 29 (1977), 91-113. J. A. Wolf, Complex homogeneous contact manifolds and quaternionic symmetric spaces , J. Math. Mech. 14 (1965), 1033-1047 PRGC, Osaka-Fukuoka, Japan, December 1-9, 2011 Normal Complex Contact Metric Manifolds

  84. Preliminaries Preliminaries Locally Symmetric Normal Complex Contact Manifolds Homogeneity Reflections in the Vertical Foliation GH -Local Symmetry Complex ( κ, µ ) -spaces References Submanifolds in Complex Contact Manifolds Complex ( κ, µ )-spaces In real contact geometry the ( κ, µ )-spaces were introduced by Blair, Kouforgiorgos, Papantoniu, 1995 and their relation to locally φ -symmetric spaces was studied by Boeckx, 1999. As an analogue to ( κ, µ )-spaces in complex contact geometry, Korkmaz, 2003, introduced the notion of complex ( κ, µ ) -spaces. PRGC, Osaka-Fukuoka, Japan, December 1-9, 2011 Normal Complex Contact Metric Manifolds

  85. Preliminaries Preliminaries Locally Symmetric Normal Complex Contact Manifolds Homogeneity Reflections in the Vertical Foliation GH -Local Symmetry Complex ( κ, µ ) -spaces References Submanifolds in Complex Contact Manifolds Complex ( κ, µ )-spaces In real contact geometry the ( κ, µ )-spaces were introduced by Blair, Kouforgiorgos, Papantoniu, 1995 and their relation to locally φ -symmetric spaces was studied by Boeckx, 1999. As an analogue to ( κ, µ )-spaces in complex contact geometry, Korkmaz, 2003, introduced the notion of complex ( κ, µ ) -spaces. We study the homogeneity and local symmetry of complex ( κ, µ )-spaces. We prove that for κ < 1 a complex ( κ, µ )-space is locally homogeneous and GH - locally symmetric . PRGC, Osaka-Fukuoka, Japan, December 1-9, 2011 Normal Complex Contact Metric Manifolds

  86. Preliminaries Preliminaries Locally Symmetric Normal Complex Contact Manifolds Homogeneity Reflections in the Vertical Foliation GH -Local Symmetry Complex ( κ, µ ) -spaces References Submanifolds in Complex Contact Manifolds Preliminaries Let M be a complex contact metric manifold with structure tensors ( u , v , U , V , G , H , J , g ) . For a positive constant α , one defines new tensors by PRGC, Osaka-Fukuoka, Japan, December 1-9, 2011 Normal Complex Contact Metric Manifolds

  87. Preliminaries Preliminaries Locally Symmetric Normal Complex Contact Manifolds Homogeneity Reflections in the Vertical Foliation GH -Local Symmetry Complex ( κ, µ ) -spaces References Submanifolds in Complex Contact Manifolds Preliminaries Let M be a complex contact metric manifold with structure tensors ( u , v , U , V , G , H , J , g ) . For a positive constant α , one defines new tensors by � u = α u , � v = α v , U = 1 V = 1 � � α U , α V , � � G = G , H = H , � g = α g + α ( α − 1)( u ⊗ u + v ⊗ v ) . PRGC, Osaka-Fukuoka, Japan, December 1-9, 2011 Normal Complex Contact Metric Manifolds


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