non webassign homework descriptions all of these

Non-WebAssign Homework Descriptions All of these assignments that - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Non-WebAssign Homework Descriptions All of these assignments that are not on WebAssign are due at the beginning of class on the day which they are listed in the syllabus. The first five assignments will count as one of your writing assignments (5%

  1. Non-WebAssign Homework Descriptions All of these assignments that are not on WebAssign are due at the beginning of class on the day which they are listed in the syllabus. The first five assignments will count as one of your writing assignments (5% of your grade). Facebook: You are to join the "Physics 101 At WVU Spring 2013" group on Facebook. If you do not already have a Facebook page, please make at least a dummy page so that you can take advantage of the group. To turn in this assignment, please print a screen shot of the members page of the group, including your name. If your facebook name appears different from your real name, please write your name on the paper you turn in . Only joining the group will not get you credit for the assignment. TwitterFollow : You are to follow at least three scientists or scientific journals on Twitter. If you do not already have a Twitter account, you will have to create one. Make a screenshot of the scientists/journals you are following to turn in. Feel free to hide any non-science related followings. Please write your name on the paper you turn in . PostOnBlog : You are to post an intelligent comment regarding science on a science blog. I want to see both the comment and the original post. Please write your name on the paper you turn in . Guidelines : In a paragraph, discuss some general guidelines or rules of thumb to determine whether or not the sources you find online are reliable. Consider at least blogs, Wikipedia, and YouTube. YouTube : Write a paragraph about a video (include website) you found on YouTube that discusses some physics that we've talked about in class. Do not use your movies scenes. Discuss the physics involved and the accuracy of the material presented. OR (either YouTube or CareerSurvey) Career Survey : This survey at is designed to allow you to rate your skills and interests in various attributes of scientific careers. I want you to take the skills and interests surveys and print out your career path matches. Finally, I want you to briefly reflect on the matches. Discuss one or two of the unexpected careers on your list. What was it (were they) unexpected? Also, which career has the most in common with what you think you might do in the future? Culture 1 : See syllabus. Proposal for your individual movie scene. Culture 2 : See syllabus. Write up for your individual movie scene.

  2. Culture 3 : Video presentation. You will work in groups of 2 or 3. Pick one of the movies scenes of the group. See rubric below.

  3. Video Presentation Rubric, Physics 101 Deliverable Score Target Acceptable Unacceptable Length (3-7 minutes) (3pt) Within the 3-7 minute time Over/under time allowed by 1 Over/under time allowed by more allowed (3pt) minute or less (2pt) than 1 minute) (1 pt) Introduction (5 pt) Introduction clearly states the Introduction establishes some Bare minimum introduction goal of the calculation, sets the basis for the calculation, but lacks identifying the movie (1 pt) stage for the rest of the video, enthusiasm (3 pt) and draws the viewer in (5 pt) Hypothesis/Research Question Hypothesis or research Hypothesis or research question Hypothesis or research question is (5pt) question is clearly stated (5pt) is stated, but not clearly (3pt) not stated (0 pt) Physics Involved (5 pt) The main physics principles (3 pt) Few or incorrect physics No physics principles are stated (0 involved are clearly stated (5 pt) principles are stated or not clearly pt) Calculation Methods (7pt) Methods are described in a Methods are described in detail, Methods are not described clearly clear, concise manner, with but no reason for their use is and/or no reason for their use is reasoning for their use (7pt) supplied (5pt) provided (1pt) Results/Conclusion (5 pt) Results are described in a Results are described, possibly at Not all results are described, results concise manner, pictures/ length, with limited use of pictures may be described incorrectly, figure animation are used for for clarification, results are poorly use is spotty or nonexistent, results clarification, results are tied tied back to the hypothesis or are not tied back to the hypothesis back to research question (5 pt) research question (3 pt) or research question (1 pt) Creativity (10pt) Video is unique, with obvious Video has effective creative Video is completely unimaginative. thought going into the planning, elements interspersed with Presentation lacks enthusiasm, filming, and editing. Powerpoint traditional presentation drags continuously, or consists is used sparingly—if at all—and techniques such as PPT. Video largely of video or audio that video is both interesting to is interesting in parts, may drag in detracts from the purpose. Video is watch and informative. (10pt) others, but is informative. (8pt) difficult to watch. (3pt) Flow (5 pt) Flow is logical and transitions Flow is mostly logical, with some Flow is illogical, or there is no are smooth. Viewer can easily rough transitions. Viewer can continuity between sections. follow the flow of the video with follow the flow of the video with Transitions are jerky or non- no confusion on material being only slight difficulty in spots. (3 pt) existent. Viewer cannot follow the presented. (5 pt) video. (0 pt) Appropriateness to the Audience Level of detail and explanation Level of detail and explanation Level of detail and explanation is (5pt) are appropriate to the audience varies between appropriate and inappropriate for the audience of the general public throughout inappropriate to the audience in throughout the video (0 pt) the presentation (5pt) different video sections (3pt) Total points (out of 50)


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