Homework: Realities/Next Steps Hall Middle School - April 26, 2017
Purpose of Homework The purpose of homework at Hall Middle School is to extend and enrich the student learning experience beyond the classroom. Homework supports the learning that was done in class, and gives students the opportunity to go further with their own desire to acquire knowledge.
Additional Goals of Homework ● Foster growth and improvement by practicing skills and techniques. ● Reinforce and extend the classroom learning experience. ● Complete work not finished in class. ● Explore a topic of personal interest and relevance. ● Develop agency by using effort to practice and grow. ● Self-assess their progress and strategize how to improve where needed.
Homework/Life Balance Hall Middle School believes in helping our students foster a healthy sense of balance in life. Homework, therefore, is carefully designed to ensure that our students still have the opportunity to be children when the school day is over – to pursue their own passions while getting the proper amount of exercise and rest to leave them feeling excited and energized for their next day of school.
Current Reality: Parent Input (168 responses)
Parent Survey
Parent Survey
Current Reality: Student Input (207 responses)
Current Reality: Student Input
Current Reality: Student Input
Current Reality: Student Input
Homework and Grading How is the value of HW best represented in a grade?
Homework and Equity What equity issues/challenges emerge around HW?
Homework and Stress How do we help students experience less stress about their learning outside of school?
Next Steps ● Continue to improve coordination at grade levels ● Explore optional HW ● Explore grading HW as a part of a “Habits of Learning” grade - not the content grade ● Continue feedback from parents/students
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