no 203 an 203

No. 203 (AN-203) Follow up to October 9, 2018 Presentation - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Lincoln Logistics Annexation Area No. 203 (AN-203) Follow up to October 9, 2018 Presentation Presented By: Sam McAllen and David Williams November 13, 2018 City Council Workshop Annexation Request: AN-203 Voluntary Annexation into Glendale

  1. Lincoln Logistics Annexation Area No. 203 (AN-203) Follow up to October 9, 2018 Presentation Presented By: Sam McAllen and David Williams November 13, 2018 City Council Workshop

  2. Annexation Request: AN-203 Voluntary Annexation into Glendale

  3. Current City Limits with MPA Identified Within Glendale’s Municipal Planning Area (MPA) Within Loop 303 Corridor Within Noise Contours of Luke Air Force Base

  4. Location of Proposed Annexation AN-203 17 Acre Site

  5. Properties owned by Loop 303 at Glendale, LLC. 17 Acres to be combined with 55 Acres (already annexed)

  6. Questions/Concerns Raised 1. Potential Environmental Liability 2. Annexation Type 3. Infrastructure Improvements 4. Municipal Service Fee

  7. 1. Potential Environmental Liability • Study performed (dated January 9, 2018) by property owner • No “recognized environmental conditions” • City of Glendale not in “chain of custody” for any liability

  8. 2. Annexation Type This annexation is being processed as undeveloped area. • The site is not occupied. • All existing structures and improvements are being demolished.

  9. 3. Infrastructure Improvements Onsite infrastructure improvements are not needed. • The site is not occupied. • All existing structures and improvements will be demolished.

  10. 4. Municipal Service Fee A Municipal Service Fee is not being requested. • The site is not occupied. • Coordination of city services will occur with rezoning.

  11. Annexation Request: AN-203
