Ngā mihi nui Co-design for wellbeing: Sharing what we are learning from working alongside whānau about whānau leading their own fit for purpose responses Angie Tangaere Dr Penny Hagen Community Research Webinar February 2020
Place & kaupapa Smiths Ave Papakura
How we work Learning & trying things with families and systems partners in place & context Tikanga & Design
Co-design for wellbeing Interested in co-designs capacity to be strengths-based, model & embed Approaches to wellbeing A service/individual protective factors, localise, support that are locally responsive, oriented approach to community-led and be systems strengths-based, wellbeing Could be a list of things or it could be shifts community-led and orientated - that help to articulate not just the goals systems orientated but also what level the changes in the system will be?? ‘Co-design’ as a means to build capacity and General examples not just TSI examples? Co-design as a process Healthy infrastructure capability for change & for new ideas & services Young people feel valued and leading reconfiguring across the system
What are we trying? Growing compelling alternatives to existing service models Opportunities for whānau to connect, to heal, to care, to rest and to lead Reconfiguring spaces, services, supports to prioritise whānau & tamariki wellbeing
Reconfiguring spaces, services, supports to prioritise whānau & tamariki wellbeing (healing, connecting, caring, creating, leading)
What are we learning about the journey? Unlocking systems readiness for whānau wellbeing Challenges for teams and organisations & what we are trying
What are we learning about the journey? Unlocking systems readiness for whānau wellbeing Challenges for our own practice, what are we trying and learning?
Tracking and measuring what matuers The role of data and measures in shaping and influencing whānau wellbeing
Exploring localised wellbeing indicators rangatiratanga whanaungatanga whanaungatanga manaakitanga Engaging with ‘My relationships ‘I know more people ‘Staff feel they can whānau as whānau, and connections are in my street’ give what is needed not just recipients more positive’ of services mana rangatiratanga mana manaakitanga Language changes There is room for ‘My kids are in kapa Can you help my from ‘client’ to whānau input to haka’ friend? ‘whānau’ shape things rangatiratanga manaakitanga manaakitanga ‘I have more time, I ‘I have more Manaakitanga is am trying new patience for my prioritised things’ kids’
Tensions we want to learn about: Do “we” have the agility, How do we build resilience and courage to connected capital so we surface and address the can work on this together deep stuff How do we help hold the How can we better gaze of the system (us) to connect our wellbeing the conditions of ambitions to our on the wellbeing, not flip back ground ‘measures’ only to specific interventions
What are others doing, seeing and learning? Are the challenges similar? How do others overcome some of these challenges?
Ngā mihi nui Thank you htups:/ / htups:/ /
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