new wwtp benchmark

New WWTP Benchmark Benchmarking is Best Practice Action 1 under - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

New WWTP Benchmark Benchmarking is Best Practice Action 1 under Efficient Existing Public Buildings in Minnesota GreenStep Cities Benchmarking enables you to deriv rive e metr etrics cs and conduct peer r comparis parisons ons

  1. New WWTP Benchmark • Benchmarking is Best Practice Action 1 under Efficient Existing Public Buildings in Minnesota GreenStep Cities • Benchmarking enables you to deriv rive e metr etrics cs and conduct peer r comparis parisons ons between other WWTPs in order to understand and communicate your plants ener nergy gy performance ormance to control and ultimately reduc duce operat rating ng cost sts – in your WWTP and between other city buildings A WWTP benchmark and associated metrics are being defined with the • intention of being incorporated into the B3 Energy Benchmarking Tool as a part of this project • For a deeper dive, attend the WWTP Bench chmar markin king g Foll llow-up Sess ssion ion at the League of Minnesota Cities the afterno ernoon n of Februar ebruary y 16th th, , 2016 1

  2. Implementation-Financing Public ic Building ildings, s, including luding Water r Infra rastruc structu ture, re, including uding Wastewat ater r Treatme ment nt Plants nts Wastewat ater r Treatme ment nt Plants nts • Guaranteed Energy • Project Priority Listing Savings Program (GESP) $ Water Infrastructure financing • Local Energy Efficiency Program (LEEP) Financing $ Energy Savings $ Energy Savings Programs can be financed by a variety Partnership of methods $ Rev It Up For a deeper dive, attend the WWTP Financin ancing Follo low-up up Sess ssion ion at the League of Minnesota Cities the afterno ernoon n of Januar uary y 13 13th th, , 2016 2

  3. Clean Water Project Priority List (PPL) • State list of wastewater and stormwater projects – State Revolving Fund (SRF) & Intend Use Plan (IUP) provides low interest loans up to 30 yr terms • Green Project Reserve (GPR) – 25% principle forgiveness for energy efficiency and renewable energy features – Wastewater Infrastructure Fund (WIF) provides affordability grants to high cost/high priority projects – Point Source Implementation Grants (PSIG) provides 50% grant with a max of $3 million per project • Other federal and state program use the PPL

  4. PPL Technical Review and Approval • PPL = best blend of grant and/or loans for municipal wastewater construction projects • E2 and RE project components can be included in all projects and all programs • Facilities Planning has always required a cost effectiveness analysis • Recent congressional and legislative actions has only increased the importance of E2 & RE MPCA currently revising guidelines to add rigor… Bill Dunn, CWRF Coordinator | | 651-757-2324

  5. Guaranteed Energy Savings Program (GESP) • Commerce provides Technical Assistance for Identification, Development, Financing and Implementation of EE/RE measures – ESCO Selection Process and Tools – Vetted Contract Documents – Open Book Pricing with maximum markups and fees – Competitive Bidding of trade work and equipment – Guidelines for Savings M&V, Commissioning, Pro Forma • Pre- qualified Energy Services Companies (ESCO’s) under Master Contract provide: – Investment Grade Audit – Turn-key Implementation with GMP Price – Savings Guarantee for term of financing • Commerce reviews Annual Savings Measurement & Verification Report Pet eter er Berger ger, , GESP Manage ger | pet eter berge ger@sta tate.m | 651-539 539-1850 850

  6. LEEP – Local Energy Efficiency Program • Commerce program enabling Energy Studies to be used in cost-effective energy-savings projects • Pre-qualified firms, standard documents & contracts, Supplemental Cash Flow Agreement • Project Design & Implementation handled by LGU • St Paul Port Authority provides financing agreements for LEEP participants through Energy gy Savings ngs Pa Partner nership ship Progr gram m LGU U + Commerce merce Prov ovider er Proje ject ct Inta take Investiga estigati tion on Financin cing Revie iew w & Selecti ection on Steps ps Operati tion on Loca cal l Unit it Constr struct ction ion Implement ement Desi sign gn of Gover ernme nment nt Bids Proje ject ct Led Steps ps • For more information contact Alex x Cecchi cchini ni at alex. x.cecchi cecchini ni@stat .us or 651-539 39-170 707 • Contact Peter Klein at SPPA for ESP information 6

  7. Community Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Loan Program “Rev It Up” Program Authority:   MN Statutes 216C.145 & 146 authorize Commerce and MMB to coordinate issuance of up to $20M in revenue bonds to originate loans to eligible public entities seeking to finance cost-effective energy efficiency and renewable energy projects.  Project Security  Primarily projected energy savings or production, revenue generated from increased productivity, or credit enhancements of the borrower.  Solicitation Process Commerce anticipates issuing an annual RFP to solicit project proposals from  public entities seeking capital to finance eligible projects. For or more re informat ormation ion conta ntact ct Er Eric Rehm hm at eric.reh c.rehm@s m@sta tate.m or  call 651-539 539-1853. 853. 7


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