new technologies and quality of life in senior citizens


NEW TECHNOLOGIES AND QUALITY OF LIFE IN SENIOR CITIZENS Pilar Escuder Joaqun Gil 09-05-2006 CONTENTS Introduction Background Objectives Why ICTs and QOL: Justification What we want to do: Methodology


  2. CONTENTS � Introduction � Background � Objectives � Why ICTs and QOL: Justification � What we want to do: Methodology � What we have already done � Conclusions

  3. INTRODUCTION: QOL (I) � Quality of Life (QOL): “An indvidual’s perception of his/her position of life in both the culture context and the system of values in relation to his/her objectives, expectations, patterns and concerns” (WHO)

  4. INTRODUCTION: QOL (II) “Research on QOL is important since the concept is emerging as an organisng principle wich may be applicable to the improvement of a society like ours, a society submitted to social, political, technological and economic transformations” (Schalock 1996:43-61)

  5. INTRODUCTION: ICTs (I) � Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs): “The term “ICT” refers to forms of technology that are used to transmit, store, create, share or exchange information.”(UNESCO) “The combination of hardware, software and the means of production that enable the exchange, processing and management of information and knowledge.”

  6. INTRODUCTION: ICTs (II) ‘Digital divide’: Describes the fact that the world can be divided into people who do and people who don't have access to - and the capability to use - modern information technology. In our societies, the senior citizens and the disabled are the main affected groups ‘Digital literacy’: Is it a solution for the ‘digital divide’?

  7. BACKGROUND: Studies on QOL (I) Progressive population aging / Increase of � life expectancy Current life expectancy: � Women: 83.8 years – Men: 77.2 years – 7 million people over 65 (5th position in EU � ranking). Forecast for 2050: 12.5 million

  8. BACKGROUND: Studies on QOL (II) � 4 outstanding elements related to social well- being among senior citizens: - Retirement - Level of income - Health problems - Solitude

  9. BACKGROUND: Studies on ICTs (I) � Television: – The main means of information and entertainment – The most popular programmes: � Quiz shows � Soap operas � Movies � News – 84.9% of the senior citizens watch it every day

  10. BACKGROUND: Studies on ICTs (II) Computers: � Computer uses Only 10% of seniors – citizens have a PC 70 63 60 Uses: – 60 46 A. Word procesors (63%) 50 41 B. Internet (60%) 40 33 C. Databases (46%) 30 24 20 D. Viewing/editing programs (41%) 10 E. Spreedsheet(33%) 0 A B C D E F F. Games (24%)

  11. BACKGROUND: Studies on ICTs (III) � Internet: – Growth of users over 50 years: 28% (the fastest) – “The number of users over 55 years is greater and greater. Web sites owners have increasingly more oppotunities to promote their products and sevices to this public, who in many cases, already uses networks to organise their finances and to prepare their holydays” (Nielsen//NetRatings) – BUT: Only 0.9% of the total of users is over 65 years, so we can increase the number of senior users

  12. BACKGROUND: Studies on ICTs (IV) Main uses of the Internet: – Internet uses Communication/E-mail A. (63.9%) 70 63,9 61,6 Seeking information (61.6%) B. 60 Administratio-related matters C. 50 44,3 (44.3%) 40 30 Mobile telephone system: � 20 Mobile phone penetration: – 10 32% in senior citizens (the 0 last in EU ranking) A B C Only 27% are frequent users –

  13. MAIN OBJECTIVE � To study/analyse the relationship between ICTs and QOL in senior citizens: DOES THE ICTs INFLUENCE ON QOL? HOW THEY INFLUENCE?

  14. SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES – Approach the social reality of the elderly, in relation to their QOL. – Know the use of ICTs by senior. – Approach the seniors’ knowledge about ICT contributions. – Know if a learning of ICTs on the part of seniors exist. – Discover the difficulties that seniors face when learning and using ICTs – Provide imformation to educators on how to improve the motivational and learning processes of seniors in relation to ICTs

  15. JUSTIFICATION (I) � ICTs influence our societies � Digital divide Digital literacy � Social life is founded in the communication among its members � We belive the ICTs can help the communication between our senior citizens, BECAUSE (Internet):

  16. JUSTIFICATION (II) 1. Facilitates interacion among senior citizens 2. Faculitates a better intergerational relationship 3. Activity gives life 4. Improves self-esteem 5. Allows for major social participation and creative contribution

  17. JUSTIFICATION (III) � If we wish to emphatically affirm the connection between ICTs and QOL, and be able to design effective future strategies, we should realistically consider the social reality on elderly people: – Their own perception of their QOL – Their level of use and access to ICTs – The problems they are faced with � Does the use of ICTs by elderly really and effectively improves their QOL? In what sense?

  18. METHODOLOGY (I) A SURVEY AS STATISTICAL WAY TO OBTAIN RELEVANT DATA SURVEY. 2 groups of items, both formulated for each person questionned: QOL Index Use of ICTs (Internet)

  19. METHODOLOGY (II) � 1st PHASE: Pilot Survey – Carry out a check sample constituted by students from the Senior Citizen’s University: – Validity/Clarity/Efficacy of the survey? � 2ns PHASE: Sample Selection – Random Sample: 2 parameters � Place of residence: Territorial diversity/Environment incidence � Activity: Diversity of activities, occupations, interests, possibilities and circumstances related to senior citizens

  20. METHODOLOGY (III) � 3rd PHASE: Conducting the Survey – People over 50 years – Take advantage of the contacts made during the previous phase – Both items formulated for each person: QOL and ICTs � 4th PHASE: Structure and analysis of the information obtained – Relationship between the use of ICTs and QOL?

  21. WHAT WE HAVE ALREADY DONE � We have complete the First Phase: Pilot Survey in Vinaroz, where the Senior Citizen’s University has a senior education programme. � We have complete the Second Phase: Sample Seletion. � We have some provisional datas to expose.

  22. POVISIONAL CONCLUSIONS (I) � QOL: – The average QOL self-perception of the questioned people is 7 (in a scale from 1 to 10), but: � People who uses ICTs (Internet) frequently usually have a better QOL self-perception. � We can confirm that people who live in rural areas usually have a worst consideration to ICTs, and most of them belive that ICTs are unnecessary for their daily life.

  23. PROVISIONAL CONCLUSIONS (II) ICTs: � Reasons why senior Why senior citizens don't use the Internet – citizens don’t use a computer/the Internet: E 8,1 A. Lack of knowledge D 14,4 (45,6%) C 37,4 B. Lack of interest (40%) B 40 C. Lack of access (37.4%) A 45,6 D. High cost (14,4 %) E. Feeling that there is a 0 10 20 30 40 50 lack of security (8,1%) %

  24. PROVISIONAL CONCLUSIONS (III) – Statements that senior citizens questioned are agreed with: � Science and technology development allows life to be more beneficial and easy (44.2%) � Science and technology development is essential for a society progress (44.1%) � Too much attention is payed to science, and not enough to other values which are necessary to improve the world (28%) � New technologies are within everybody reach (16,2%) � Scientific and technological innovations are imposed without valuing the effects that they can have on people’s life and the society, in a long time (14%) � The Internet is a safe mean (7%)

  25. PROVISIONAL CONCLUSIONS (IV) � The QOL concept contemplate both personal factors (health, life satisfaction, independence) and socio-environmental factors (support networks, social services…) � Permanent education (in ICTs) facilitates personal interaction processes recognised as being beneficial � A significant social participation is especially important to improve QOL in senior Citizens Digital literacy is seemingly to promote the significant social � participation, fortiying the social support networks, the self- steem and making senior citizens participants of the material advantages that ICTs offer.



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