new research why a provocative approach falls short in

New Research: Why a Provocative Approach Falls Short in Two out of - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

New Research: Why a Provocative Approach Falls Short in Two out of Three Critical Conversations Housekeeping Items Your Participation Join audio: Choose Mic & Speakers to use VoIP Choose Telephone

  1. New Research: Why a Provocative Approach Falls Short in Two out of Three Critical Conversations

  2. Housekeeping Items Your Participation Join audio: • Choose “ Mic & Speakers” to use VoIP • Choose “Telephone” and dial using the information provided Questions/Comments: • Submit questions and comments via the Questions panel. • Please continue to submit your text questions and comments using the Questions Panel Note: Today’s presentation is being recorded and will be posted on the company website.

  3. Tim Riesterer Chief Strategy and Research Officer Corporate Visions @TRiesterer Co-Author: Customer Message Management Conversations That Win the Complex Sale The Three Value Conversations

  4. Customer lifecycle messaging Why Change? Why Stay? Customer Acquisition Customer Renewal

  5. Seller Opinion Survey Approach Buyer Simulation Approach Winner Neuroscience Losers Best Practices Imitation Decision-Making Science

  6. Decision Science-Based Simulations Develop Recruit Identify statistically Marketing/Sales hundreds of significant differences Messaging participants to Determine Most based on simulation Conditions simulation Likely Principles responses to determine Identify Core to Test winning condition. Science Review 40 Condition 1 Concept years of Related to Task Persuasion Research Uncertainty Findings Winning Status Condition 2 Condition Quo Loss Bias Aversion/ Condition 3 Risk • Neuroscience • Preference Seeking • Behavioral Stability • Perceived Cost Economics Develop a messaging • Social Condition 4 of Change framework based on • Selection Psychology Contrast winning condition. Difficulty Validate against Effect • Anticipated proven decision Condition 5 Regret science principles

  7. Decision Science-Based Simulations w/ third-party researcher Develop Recruit Identify statistically Marketing/Sales hundreds of significant differences Messaging participants to Determine Most based on simulation Conditions simulation Likely Principles responses to determine Identify Core to Test winning condition. Science Review 40 Condition 1 Concept years of Related to Task Persuasion Research Uncertainty Findings Winning Status Condition 2 Condition Quo Loss Bias Aversion/ Condition 3 Risk • Neuroscience • Preference Seeking • Behavioral Stability • Perceived Cost Economics Develop a messaging • Social Condition 4 of Change framework based on • Selection Psychology Contrast winning condition. Difficulty Validate against Effect • Anticipated proven decision Condition 5 Regret science principles

  8. Seller Opinion Survey Approach Buyer Simulation Approach Winner Neuroscience Losers Best Practices Imitation Decision-Making Science

  9. Customer lifecycle messaging Why Change? Customer Acquisition

  10. Defeating the Status Quo Bias Your Solution

  11. Defeating the Status Quo Bias Your Solution Preference Stability

  12. Defeating the Status Quo Bias Your Solution Preference Stability Cost of Action/ Change

  13. Defeating the Status Quo Bias Your Solution Preference Stability Selection Cost of Difficulty Action/ Change

  14. Defeating the Status Quo Bias Your Solution Preference Anticipated Stability Regret /Blame Cost of Selection Action/ Difficulty Change

  15. Defeating the Status Quo Bias Your Solution Before and after Preference Anticipated Stability hero Story Regret /Blame Cost of Selection Action/ Difficulty Create enough Change Contrast De-stabilize Cost of their preferences Staying same

  16. Professor Zak Tormala Stanford Business School

  17. Why Change Story Messaging Test

  18. Four Test Conditions • Standard Problem/Solution/Credential Pitch • Problem/Solution w/Value Adds Pitch • Problem/Solution w/Unconsidered Needs Pitch • Lead with Unconsidered Needs Pitch

  19. Uniqueness 6 5 Statistically Significant Uniqueness Improvement 50% 4 3 2 Standard Value Added Unconsidered Unconsidered Solution Solution Needs Last Needs First

  20. Quality 9 8 7 Statistically Significant Quality Improvement 10+% 6 5 Standard Value Added Unconsidered Unconsidered Solution Solution Needs Last Needs First

  21. Persuasiveness 8 7 Statistically Significant Persuasion Improvement (10+%) 6 5 4 Standard Value Added Unconsidered Unconsidered Solution Solution Needs Last Needs First

  22. Highlighting unconsidered needs is unexpected, which can boost persuasion, but this only helps when it happens at the beginning of the message. When it happens at the end, it’s too late . Dr. Zakary Tormala Stanford

  23. Why Change Story Model Improved Unconsidered New Way Need Flawed Story with Current Contrast Approach

  24. Customer lifecycle messaging Why Change? Customer Acquisition

  25. Customer lifecycle messaging Why Change? Why Stay? Customer Acquisition Customer Renewal

  26. Defeating the Status Quo Bias Your Solution Preference Before and after Anticipated Stability Regret hero Story /Blame Cost of Selection Action/ Difficulty Create enough Change De-stabilize Contrast Cost of their preferences Staying same

  27. Defeating the Status Quo Bias REINFORCING Your Solution Reinforce Preference Before and after Reinforce Anticipated Stability Regret hero Story /Blame Cost of Selection Reinforce Action/ Reinforce Difficulty Create enough Change De-stabilize Contrast Cost of their preferences Staying same

  28. Professor Zak Tormala Stanford Business School

  29. Why Stay Story Messaging Test

  30. Three Test Conditions • Reinforce Status Quo Bias Message • Provocative/Challenging/Insight Message • Provocative Message with Upsell/Price Increase

  31. Attitudes 7 Statistically Significant Improvement 9.63% 6 5 4 Status Quo Reinforce Point of View Provocative Point of View + Upsell Provocative Status Quo Message Message w/Upsell

  32. Intention to Renew 8 7 Statistically Significant Improvement 13.27% 6 5 4 Provocative Status Quo Reinforce Point of View Provocative Point of View + Upsell Message w/Upsell Status Quo Message

  33. Switching Likelihood 7 6 Statistically Significant Decrease 10.61% 5 4 Status Quo Point of View Point of View + Upsell Provocative Reinforce Provocative Message w/Upsell Status Quo Message

  34. Across multiple dimensions, the status quo reinforcement messages were more persuasive and effective than the provocative messages in the ‘why stay’ context . Dr. Zakary Tormala Stanford

  35. Why Stay Story Model Detail Mention Risk Document Competitive of Change Results Advances Review Prior Highlight Decision Cost of Process Change

  36. Customer lifecycle Why Change? Why Stay? Customer Acquisition Customer Renewal

  37. Customer lifecycle Why Change? Why Stay? Customer Acquisition Customer Renewal

  38. Professor Nick Lee Warwick Business School

  39. Why Pay Messaging Test

  40. Situation Background Small business owner, hired firm to provide and promote health and wellness benefit program. Your contract is up for renewal Started at 20% participation, goal was 80%, achieved 50%. Turnover down, but not sure if attributable to program In addition to the renewal, your vendor is asking for a 4% price increase in the new two-year contract. Tested six different price increase messaging approaches to determine most effective.

  41. Six Test Conditions Same Opening Documents Business Results to Date Introduce Improved Improved Improved External Reinforce Unconsidered Capabilities Capabilities Capabilities Factors Status Quo Need w/ Anchor No Anchor Timed Discount No Control Bias New features New features New features Must pass Deliberately New opt-out that increase that increase that increase along outside reinforce and approach and performance performance performance cost increase highlight new new services features Will cost 4% Adds 8% but Adds 4% to Adds 8% to Adds 8% but more, but cost but you we will share the cost of will split the Will be adding should see get 4% timing cost - net 4% the contract difference to 4% to cost of payback 1 yr discount increase make it 4% contract Same 4% Price Increase Rate In Every Case

  42. Most Favorable Attitude 18.8% Least Favorable Attitude

  43. Most Likely to Renew 15.5% Least Likely to Renew

  44. Most Likely to Stick With 14.4% Least Likely to Stick With

  45. Most Likely to Switch 16.3% Least Likely to Switch

  46. Most Likely to Consider Competitive Offers 7.6% Least Likely to Consider Competitors Offers

  47. Put your customers at risk by challenging them Lowest favorable attitude • Least likely to renew • Least likely to stick • Most likely to switch • Most likely to look at competitive offers • Lowest performer in 5 other areas: • (least credible, lowest confidence, least innovative, least trustworthy, least compelling) • Most unique and unexpected

  48. The picture is compelling. If you introduce an unconsidered need, you actually start making them think more carefully about what they want, and how to get it, so they might be more likely to consider others. That was pretty amazing to me, how it was so clear! Dr. Nick Lee Warwick


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