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New Jersey State Forestry Services Lynn Fleming Director/State - PDF document

2/10/2015 New Jersey State Forestry Services Lynn Fleming Director/State Forester View entire nations cover: 1 2/10/2015 Personnel Vicky Young retired Grants Administrator retired Bureau

  1. 2/10/2015 New Jersey State Forestry Services Lynn Fleming Director/State Forester View entire nation’s cover: 1

  2. 2/10/2015 Personnel • Vicky Young –retired • Grants Administrator – retired • Bureau Chief – temp. assignment • Soon to retire – Jack Shuart • Reassignment – Joe Bennett PRIVATE LANDS 2

  3. 2/10/2015 Private Lands • Annual USFS Stewardship reporting – 5,279 landowners assisted – 14, 632 acres – FSI – 2,280 acres ‐ Stand Establishment ‐ – Sawtimber 4.86 M BF – Round wood 27,128 cords – Total harvest $2.7 M Private Lands • 2014 SFS Stats • FLA 5,500 applications 258,000 acres • • FS 2,000 enrolled 150,000 acres • 3

  4. 2/10/2015 NURSERY Nursery • > 300k seedlings for reforestation/afforestation projects • Arbor Day Sandy Storm Recovery Project – 100k seedlings will be provided to homeowners in late March/April • A4055 – Assembly bill – sales cannot be below market value; impact sales to private landowners 4

  5. 2/10/2015 EDUCATION AND OUTREACH Woodland Stewards • Designed to increase basic understanding of forest management to interested public • 4 day/3 night ‐ $75 • Rutgers/NJFA with funding from SFS/USFS • 4 th program in 2014 • 21 successful graduates • Require 30 hours of volunteer service 5

  6. 2/10/2015 Backyard Forestry in 90 minutes 2/12 Pruning trees for health and beauty 3/12 Wildlife in, on, and around your trees 4/9 What’s bugging your trees 5/14 Under the microscope: Tree diseases FREC Programs Full Moon Hike February 2, 2015 March 6, 2015 7:00 p.m. Forest Resource Education Center Jackson, NJ 6

  7. 2/10/2015 Nature Conservancy Workshop Farms, Forests and Rivers: Sustaining Our Way of Life January 28, 2015 10 a.m. – 3.p.m. Free workshop for farmers, landowners and municipalities in the Paulinskill River area. Sussex County Fairgrounds 37 Plains Rd., Augusta, NJ Events • Wild Outdoor Expo ‐ Colliers Mills WMA • Sept 12 ‐ 13, 10 ‐ 3 • Fall Forestry Festival ‐ FREC • Oct 3, 10 ‐ 3 7

  8. 2/10/2015 Website • RFP in review • Interactive; increase information • Create SFS identity separate from Parks STATE LANDS 8

  9. 2/10/2015 State Lands • Plan development process finalized • Working with F&W as well as Parks • Continue discussions with Pinelands Commission • RFP for 30k+ acres – Inventory of 7 DEP parcels – Stokes, High Point, Bear Swamp, Hainesville, Flatbrook, Trout Brook, Walpack State Lands • Harvesting Contracts out or soon ‐ to ‐ be – Double Trouble – Atlantic White Cedar – Whiting WMA – Stafford Forge WMA (second time) – Brendan Byrne SF – Greenwood WMA 9

  10. 2/10/2015 State Lands • Projects underway – Wharton SF – SPB/Hazardous fuel thinning project – Double Trouble SP ‐ Stewardship plan – public comment – Belleplain SF ‐ Stewardship Plan – draft update – Sparta Mtn WMA Stewardship Plan – Weldon Brook WMA FIRE 10

  11. 2/10/2015 RxB • 2014 ‐ >15,000 acres burned • Policy updates ‐ 3 methods for private landowner to manage 1. Landowner conducts – current practice 2. SFS implements – based on availability; no cost for 2015 3. “Professional burn manager” – permits the hiring of a professional still under development Wildfire Stats • 922 wildfires – 677 fires – less than ¼ acre – 200 fires – ¼ to 9.99 acres • 6531 acres • 381 other incidents 11

  12. 2/10/2015 Fire Adapted Community Fire Service Leadership Award Greg McLaughlin URBAN AND COMMUNITY 12

  13. 2/10/2015 Community Forestry • $1.2 M in funding • 264 Municipalities with CFMP • 147 Green Communities Grants • 27 CSIP Grants • 151 Tree City municipalities Consultant program • Shade Tree Federation/Rutgers/SFS • Outreach regarding Community Forestry Management plans, etc • Increase engagement with urban/community forestry foresters • Sometime 2015 13

  14. 2/10/2015 FOREST HEALTH Emerald ash borer in NJ Detected in four municipalities 14

  15. 2/10/2015 EAB Task Force • SFS/Rutgers/Dept of Ag/USDA APHIS • Develop a united message and transfer of information to landowners, municipalities, non ‐ profits, etc • Website ‐ NJ ‐ centric Southern Pine Beetle • Continue to harvest hot spots • Decrease in beetles and spots • Movement is slowly moving north – confirmed in Ocean County • Confirmed on Long Island, NY • Working with USFS for additional forest health funding. 15

  16. 2/10/2015 Northern long ‐ eared bat Proposed for listing as endangered under USFW Endangered Species Act STEWARDSHIP RULE 16

  17. 2/10/2015 Stewardship rule • Must conform to Treasury’s FLA rules and program • Pinelands CMP • Flood Hazard rules and Freshwater Wetlands • OPRA and DEP General Practice and Procedure rules • USFWS – ESA • DEP T&E rules and process • USDA ‐ USFS – Stewardship program is guidance Stewardship rule • Stewardship law and Beck Bill – require monitoring requirements • Guidance document will need to be developed for implementation • VOLUNTARY 17

  18. 2/10/2015 Stewardship rule • 3 stakeholder meetings – Nov. 2014 • New draft to go out within the next week • Submit for legal review – March/April • Governor office approval • 60 – day public comment period New Initiatives • FIA Inventory Contract with USFS • Industry Meeting • Private Lands fuels mitigation projects • Pilot project ‐ Installation of 2 cameras for Detection • Focus on wildfire hazards/risks in Pinelands – grant application 18

  19. 2/10/2015 ISSUE REFERENDUM For more info 19

  20. 2/10/2015 Lynn Fleming, State Forester 609 ‐ 292 ‐ 2520 like us on Facebook 20


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