New Jersey Department of Education (NJDOE) School Performance Reports 2018-19 Toms River Regional Schools Based on guidance provided by the NJDOE
2018-19 School Performance Reports • Federal requirement under ESSA • Detailed School Performance Reports for each school/district • One-page Summary Reports for each school/district • Continued effort to engage with parents/community • Resources • Translated Spanish version
Where Can You Find the Performance Reports? You can find the performance reports on the New Jersey Department of Education homepage, Use the “School Performance Reports” link in the center of the page. 3
School Performance Reports Homepage You can also go directly to the School Performance Reports homepage, 4
Summary Performance Reports 5
What Kinds of Information Do the School Performance Reports Include? The New Jersey School Performance Reports contain hundreds of data points about schools and districts across New Jersey including: ✔ School and district overviews ✔ Demographic information ✔ Student growth ✔ Academic achievement ✔ College and career readiness ✔ Graduation and postsecondary information ✔ School climate and environment ✔ Staff information ✔ School Accountability ✔ School and district narrative information 6
New Data Added to the Full Reports NJDOE added several new data elements to the 2018-19 School Performance Reports based on requests received during stakeholder engagement, federal reporting requirements, and the goal of promoting equity and progress: • Participation in Computer Science and Information Technology courses • School-level per-pupil expenditures • Additional student group data for student growth, chronic absenteeism, graduation rates, and career and technical education program participation • Three-year progress data for student growth, proficiency, and graduation rates 7
Progress on Accountability Indicators: 2016-17 to 2018-19 Data Measure 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 53.8 55.9 54.8 ELA Proficiency 37.2 37.3 37.4 Math Proficiency 47 47 48 ELA Growth 41 41 44 Math Growth 4-Year Graduation Rate 91.7 91.8 91.7 93.3 93.7 93.1 5-Year Graduation Rate Progress toward English Language N/A 60.9 64.6 Proficiency 11.8 11.7 12.1 Chronic Absenteeism 8
Student Growth • Student growth percentile (SGP) from 1 to 99 • English (4 th to 8 th grade) • Mathematics (4 th to 7 th grade) • Explains progress compared to students who had similar test scores in the past (“ academic peers ”) • An SGP between 35 and 65 is considered “typical”. • Median student growth percentile (mSGP) for that group is the percentile in the middle of the list. • NJDOE standard for school and district accountability purposes is an mSGP of at least 40. 9
Student Growth ELA ELA ELA Math Math Math Performance 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 Median Student Growth Percentile 47 47 48 41 41 44 Met Met Met Met Met Met Standard Standard Standard Standard Met Standard? (40-59.5) Standard Standard Statewide Median Student Growth 50 50 50 50 50 50 Percentile 10
Statewide Assessment Proficiency ELA ELA ELA Math Math Math Performance 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 Participation 96.9 97.6 98.0 96.9 97.4 97.7 Proficiency Rate 53.8 55.9 54.8 37.2 37.3 37.4 Annual Target 50.6 52.2 53.7 39.9 42.0 44.1 Met Annual Target? Met Target Met Target Met Target Not Met Not Met Not Met Statewide Proficiency 54.9 56.7 57.9 43.5 45.0 44.5 11
Graduation Rates Note: For accountability and annual targets, graduation data from the year prior is used; therefore, annual target status for Cohort 2019 4-year and Cohort 2018 5-year are not provided. Cohort 2017 Cohort 2018 Cohort 2019 Cohort 2016 Cohort 2017 Cohort 2018 Performance 4-Year Rate 4-Year Rate 4-Year Rate 5-Year Rate 5-Year Rate 5-Year Rate Graduation Rate 91.7 91.8 91.7 93.3 93.7 93.1 Annual Target 92.7 92.8 92.4 92.6 Target Met? Not Met Not Met Met Target Met Target State 90.5 90.9 90.6 91.8 92.4 92.5 12
Graduation Pathways What assessment did students use in order to meet their graduation assessment requirement? New information in the reports shows how our students are qualifying for graduation. Subject Pathways for Class of 2019 District State ELA Statewide Assessment 75.6 62.8 ELA Substitute Competency Assessment 15.0 25.9 ELA Portfolio Appeals 2.2 5.6 ELA Alternate Requirements specified in IEP 7.2 5.6 Math Statewide Assessment 61.5 56.5 Math Substitute Competency Assessment 26.9 29.3 Math Portfolio Appeals 3.1 7.2 Math Alternate Requirements specified in IEP 8.5 6.8 13
Progress Toward English Language Proficiency One of the more significant changes under federal law ESSA is that it elevated attention to English Learners (ELs) by adding a measure of English language proficiency (ELP) into the overall school accountability system. Now, all schools are accountable for ensuring ELs make progress toward ELP. Percentage of English Learners Progress Toward English Language Proficiency District State 2018-19 Target Met Target? District State 64.6 43.7 51.9 Met Target 1.9 7.0% 14
Chronic Absenteeism Student absences provide important information about a school’s culture and climate. Research shows that absences impact a student’s ability to succeed in school. Chronic absenteeism is defined as being absent for 10% or more of the days enrolled during the school year. A student who is not present for any reason, whether excused, unexcused, or for disciplinary action, is considered absent unless permitted by state statute or regulations. Grade District State PK 37 31 KG 10 13 1 8 10 2 7 8 3 6 7 4 9 7 5 6 8 6 7 8 7 11 9 8 11 10 9 15 11 10 19 12 11 19 14 12 27 19 15
Teacher Demographic Information Do the students in our classrooms have the opportunity to be led by diverse teachers? Teacher diversity improves outcomes for all students. Race Teachers Across the State Students Across the State White 83.6% 42.4% Hispanic 7.3% 29.9% Black or African American 6.6% 15.0% Asian 2.0% 10.2% Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander 0.1% 0.2% American Indian or Alaska Native 0.1% 0.1% Two or More Races 0.2% 2.1% Race Teachers Across Our District Students Across Our District White 98.5% 69.8% Hispanic 1.1% 17.8% Black or African American 0.2% 5.0% Asian 0.2% 3.8% Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander 0.0% 0.1% American Indian or Alaska Native 0.0% 0.1% Two or More Races 0.0% 3.3%
College and Career Readiness The College and Career Readiness section of the reports shows information about college entrance exams, advanced coursework, career and technical education (CTE) programs, and participation in coursework across subject areas. College and Career Readiness Measures District State % of 12 th graders that took SAT in high school 62.4% 72.1% % of 12 th graders that took ACT in high school 13.4% 19.6% % of 11 th and 12 th graders enrolled in one or more Advanced Placement (AP) or International Baccalaureate 33.5% 35.2% (IB) course % of 11 th and 12 th graders enrolled in dual enrollment 0.0% 19.0% coursework % CTE concentrators 3.0% 10.3% % of students earning industry-valued credentials 0.5% 0.9% Number of students earning a Seal of Biliteracy 103 5,468 17
College and Career Readiness The College and Career Readiness section includes participation in visual and performing arts coursework for students in grades 6 through 12. 100% of students in grades 6 through 8 enrolled in an arts course (State = 90.9%) • 30.4% enrolled in Music courses (State = 65.1%) • 0.0% enrolled in Dance courses (State = 2.2%) • 0.0% enrolled in Drama courses (State = 7.1%) • 70.6% enrolled in Visual Arts courses (State = 32.9%) 53.2% of students in grades 9 through 12 enrolled in an arts course (State = 50.9%) • 28.5% enrolled in Music courses (State = 17.6%) • 0.4% enrolled in Dance courses (State = 2.3%) • 1.2% enrolled in Drama courses (State = 3.9%) • 28.0% enrolled in Visual Arts courses (State = 32.9%) 18
How is a Specific Student Group Performing in Our District? *Data not displayed to protect student privacy Two or More SPED Econ Dis ELL White Hispanic Black Asian Percentage of population 70% 18% 5% 4% 3% 18% 29% 2% ELA Performance on State Assessment 59% 40% 37% 78% * 18% 6% 21% Math Performance on State Assessment 41% 24% 18% 68% * 12% 24% 21% Student Growth in ELA (mSGP) 48 45 45.5 53 43 40 45 39 Student Growth in Math (mSGP) 45 42 40 57 44 41 44 41 Graduation Rate (Cohort 2019 4-year) 93% 89% 84% 92% * 83% 86% 87% Graduation Rate (Cohort 2018 5-year) 94% 90% 84% 99% * 80% 88% 83% Post-secondary enrollment (16 month) 78% 69% 64% 91% * 46% 64% 30% Chronic Absenteeism Rate 12% 13% 18% 3% 15% 18% 19% 8% 19
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