new computing in 2019 and beyond opportunities challenges

New Computing In 2019 and Beyond - Opportunities, Challenges, and - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

New Computing In 2019 and Beyond - Opportunities, Challenges, and Threats Fromm Institute Fall 2019 - Lecture 7 Bebo White - 1 calendar 2 questions 1.Would Sophia be capable of inadvertently giving a wrong answer?

  1. New Computing In 2019 and Beyond - Opportunities, Challenges, and Threats Fromm Institute Fall 2019 - Lecture 7 Bebo White - 1

  2. calendar 2

  3. questions 1.Would Sophia be capable of inadvertently giving a wrong answer? How could she vet her information source? 2.What is your opinion of robotic sex-workers? - (Bebo: remember the 3 D’s?) 3.Would exoskeletons be expected to follow The Laws of Robotics since they are only partially robotic? 4.If there were two Sophias, would they realize that each other was a robot? Would their attitude change? 5.What programming languages are used for developing robot software? 3

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  7. roam robotics (Thanks Gail!) 7

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  11. ubiquitous “existing or being everywhere at the same time” “constantly encountered” “widespread” ———— What would ubiquitous computing ( ubicomp ) be? What would a ubiquitous computing infrastructure be? 11

  12. why ubiquity? • computing/Internet access as a “basic human right” • ambient/invisible computing/Internet access, “everyware” • computing as a “utility;” constant availability and completely connected • processing of information is linked with each activity or object as encountered • “bring your own device” (BYOD) • what are the enabling technologies? 12

  13. ubiquitous vs. pervasive • pervasive - involves devices that allow access to just about anything e.g., mobile phones • ubiquitous - suggests not obviously using computers; computing in the background e.g., a pacemaker esp. one that communicates with your doctor; Alexa, Siri, Watson, Sophia? • maybe not so obvious interfaces…example? we’ll use the terms interchangeably 13

  14. “Can ubiquitous mean Everyone, everything connected?” 14

  15. remember ‘the digital divide?’ (1/2) • economic equality • social mobility • democracy • economic growth 15

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  18. remember ‘the digital divide?’ (2/2) • it is now greater than ever with the entire world (not just “the third world”) • we expect ubiquitous access • our employers expect ubiquitous access • vendors/services/advertisers expect ubiquitous access • devices expect ubiquitous access • going “off the grid” is an anomaly 18

  19. components of it ubiquity • connectivity and networks • computing resources - software and hardware • platforms • mobility* • payment systems* • energy resources* • education and training* How do we do it? 19

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  22. 5G is subject to interference - not just technical What about censorship and network neutrality? - not a technical issue 22

  23. intro (or review) of cloud computing (1/2) • “in the cloud” has become a meme - what does it mean? • could be a model for the hardware/software component of ubiquity • “on-demand availability of computer systems resources, especially data storage and computing power, without active management by the user” • many examples - GMail/GoogleDocs/GoogleDrive, Dropbox, iCloud, MS Office 365, Flickr, etc. - how many do you use? 23

  24. intro (or review) of cloud computing (2/2) • pioneered/popularized by Amazon (now a major part of their business) • enabled rapid deployment of computing resources • with heavy software/hardware investments • “pay as you play” • designed for scaleability • typically involves multiple types of services • currently used by many familiar services e.g., Netflix 24

  25. consider your mobile phone (1/2) • it’s no longer just a device for making calls • you can run apps to do jobs like MSWord • you can operate your TV remotely via IOT • you can access more photos than your phone’s memory can store (augment its storage) • you can select and play music that you don’t own • you can watch movies and TV anywhere • you are expanding its native/local capabilities 25

  26. consider your mobile phone (2/2) • a popular meme: “a smartphone has much more computing power than Apollo 11” • actually, it has access (not native) to as much computing power as that of a major corporation or maybe the city of San Francisco • it has the ability to run computer programs available only to large clusters or supercomputers, e.g., • cryptocurrency mining • complex weather forecasting models, etc. • this is an example of ubiquitous computing and your mobile phone is the agent - all it needs is a Web browser 26

  27. cloud services • SaaS - Software as a Service • PaaS - Platform as a Service • IaaS - Infrastructure as a Service • more - including BaaS (Blockchain as a Service), DaaS (Desktop as a Service) 27

  28. SaaS PaaS IaaS 28

  29. let’s consider S aa S • MS Word (local) vs Google Docs (cloud) • TurboTax (local) vs TurboTax (cloud) • What are the advantages and disadvantages of these? • portability? • interface? • cost/licensing? • platform independence? • security/privacy? • sharing? • archiving? 29

  30. let’s consider P aa S • scenario: • a friend sends you a Windows file, you have a Mac, what do you do? • your friend expects you to return a file they can read (or execute), what do you do? • PaaS supports virtual machines of all types 30

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  32. public, private, and hybrid clouds • Public - what we’re used to…”the cloud” • free or paid services • no maintenance required • possible concerns re: security and privacy • Private - a business has sole access to resources • Hybrid - data and applications can move between public and private clouds • may be hard to maintain and keep secure 32

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  34. beyond cloud computing • Edge Computing - attempts to bring services closer to user location in order to optimize response time and throughput/bandwidth • Fog Computing - uses edge devices (think IOT devices) to perform as much service as possible before using “the cloud” • Grid Computing - uses clusters of distributed computers to create a virtual “super-computer” - similar to cloud systems • uses volunteer/donated computers e.g., BOINC 34

  35. don’t be worried about security and privacy 35

  36. “If computers of the kind I have advocated become computers of the future, then industry may someday be organized as a public utility just as the telephone system is a public utility…The computer utility could become the basis of a new and important industry” -John McCarthy, MIT Centennial, 1961 36

  37. what is a commodity and are computing resources a commodity? • Fungible • Interchangeable • Measurable • Different sources • Standard units 37

  38. utility computing • cloud services plus pervasive connectivity provide the elements of a public computing utility • access to services most often accomplished via the Web • suppose that computing, storage, etc. were made available like electricity, water, gas, telephone, etc. (we already have Internet) • unlimited capacity driven only by cost • like electricity, water, and gas, users don’t really know (or care) where the resources come from • could be from a public or private service, shared users, or competitive vendors • suppose management, support, contracts, billing, etc. were handled on a blockchain? 38

  39. utility computing service provider 39

  40. utility computing consumers 40

  41. byod • Bring Your Own Device ( BYOD ); Bring Your Own Technology ( BYOT ); Bring Your Own Phone ( BYOP ); Bring Your Own PC ( BYOPC ); Bring Your Own ____ • attempts to bring Internet content and applications in a device-independent environment • usually, “if you can get to the Web, you can do anything” • BYOD is not just a human issue - remember diversity of interfaces • how does this relate to IOT? 41

  42. typical byod issues • access • devices - functionality • synchronization • what to store and how • software and hardware update cycles • style and customization • security and privacy • policies 42

  43. “So, the ability of any device at anytime from any location connecting to a network and accomplishing any computational task all seamlessly is true ubiquity” -Bebo 43

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