NEUROFEEDBACK THERAPY IN GROUP SETTING Ms Jerry Lee Association of Resource & Education for Autistic Children (REACh)
I. INTRODUCTION Ne Neur urof ofee eedb dbac ack th ther erapy y (NFT (NFT) ) is is a • techn te hnique ique th that t pr pres esen ents ts rea eal-time time fee eedb dbac ack k on on br brainw ainwave e ac activity tivity as as me meas asur ured ed by by se sens nsor ors s on on th the e sc scalp alp th throu ough gh th the e for orm of m of a a vide video o ga game, me, mo movie vie or or music music disp display lay. . (See, (See, 20 2010 10) NFT is NFT is use used d as as an an co compliment mplimentar ary y • th ther erapy for or sp spec ecial ial ne need eds s childr hildren en an and d ha has s pr prod oduc uced ed po positiv sitive e ef effec ects ts as as fou ound nd i in n pr previou vious s res esea earch. h.
1) 1) Autism utism Spect Spectrum Disor um Disorder der (AS (ASD) D) Jar arusiewicz usiewicz (2002) (2002) 24 participants: 12 received NFT 12 acted as control group 36 sessions: Inhibit theta, enhance low beta at C4 site
26% average reduction in total ATEC rated autism symptoms versus 3% in comparison with control group. Children in NFT group showed Improvement in socialization, vocalization, anxiety, schoolwork, tantrums, and sleep, compared with control group.
Pined Pineda a et al. (20 et al. (2008) 08) 8 high-functioning ASD participants Assigned to either placebo or experimental groups 10 weeks training of the mu frequency band (8 – 13 Hz). Experimental participants showed increased sustained attention ability, and improved scores on subscales of the ATEC compared to the placebo group.
Kouijz ouijzer er, , de de Moor Moor, , Ger Gerrit rits, , Congedo Congedo, , & & van van Sc Schie hie (2009) (2009) 14 participants: 7 children received NFT 7 children acted as control group 40 sessions Inhibit theta, enhance low beta at C4 Participants who received NFT showed improvement in social interaction, communication and concept generation.
Impr Improvements ements in cognitiv in cognitive function e functions s inc include: lude: Sustained auditory selective attention Inhibition of verbal responses Inhibition of motor responses Set shifting (switch between the numerical and alphabetical mode) Planning ability
Fauzan auzan & & Mahayud Mahayuddin din (2014) (2014) 34 participants (age 3 to 20) 36 training sessions Inhibit theta, enhance beta at frontal lobe Participants were reported to show improvement in their social behaviors, sleeping pattern and reduction in aggressiveness and tantrum.
2) 2) Att Attentiv entive e Deficit Deficit Hy Hyper peractivity activity Disor Disorder der (ADHD (ADHD) Kais Kaiser er & & Othme Othmer (2000 (2000) 1089 subjects 726 children 186 subjects with ADHD or ADD diagnoses 20 or more sessions SMR-beta neurofeedback training
Neurofeedback training produced significant improvement in attentiveness, impulse control, and response variability. Significant clinical improvement in one or more measures was seen in 85% of those subjects with moderate pre-training deficits.
Fuc Fuchs, B hs, Birbau irbaumer mer, , Lutz Lutzenber enberger ger, , Gr Gruz uzelier elier, , & & Kaiser Kaiser (2003) (2003) 34 children (age 8 to 12) 22 in neurofeedback group 12 in methylphenidate group Neurofeedback group: reinforcement on the production of cortical SMR and beta activity
Both neurofeedback and methylphenidate groups reported: Improvements on all subscales of the Test of Variables of Attention. Improvements on the speed and accuracy measures of the d2 Attention Endurance Test. Significant reduction in behaviors related to the disorder as rated by teachers and parents on the IOWA-Conners Behavior Rating Scale. These findings suggest that neurofeedback was efficient in improving some of the behavioral concomitants of ADHD in children .
Mohammadi Mohammadi, , Malmi Malmir, , Khale Khaleghi ghi (2015) (2015) 16 16 childr hildren en (a (age ge 9-15) 15) 13 13 bo boys ys and and 3 3 gir girls ls All All childr hildren w en wer ere e dia diagno gnose sed d with with ADHD ADHD- combined comb ined type type st pha 1 st phase (15 ses se (15 session sions): enh s): enhanc ance e SMR SMR and and redu educe ce the theta a ta at C4. t C4. nd ph 2 nd phas ase (15 se e (15 sess ssion ions): e s): enh nhan ance ce beta beta and and redu educe theta ce theta at t C3. C3.
Assessm Assessments ents con consisted of sisted of d2 d2 attention endur ttention endurance ance test, AD test, ADHD HD rating ting sca scale le (par (parent f ent for orm) a m) at thr t three ee time time periods periods: bef : befor ore, e, mid middle dle and and the the end end of of the tr the training. aining. Based Based on parents’ reports, hyp hyper eractivity/impulsivity activity/impulsivity wer ere e nd pha impr improved after the ed after the 2 nd phase of se of beta beta tr training aining. .
II. OBJECTIVE OF STUDY 1. 1. To o explor xplore the possibility e the possibility of of ha having par ving parents c ents conduct the N onduct the NFT FT in in group oup. . 2. 2. To o explor xplore the pos e the possibility sibility of of using using standar standardiz dized ed neur neurof ofeedbac eedback tr trea eatment tment pr protocol f otocol for c or childr hildren en with autism. with autism.
III. STUDY STATEMENT Incr Increase ease in in the po the power of er of SMR on SMR on C4 C4 is is associa associated with ted with the r the reduction of eduction of hype hyperactivity/im activity/impuls pulsivi ivity ty symptoms. symptoms. Enhan Enhancemen cement t of of beta w beta waves es and and decr decrease in ease in excessiv cessive e theta in the theta in the left hemispheric left hemispheric on C3 on C3 ar are e recommended to impr ecommended to improve e att ttention. ention.
Alpha Alpha activity activity is is tr trained ained most most fr frequentl equently y in in parietal parietal regions gions and and had sho had shown positiv wn positive e ef effects in ects in impr improvemen ement t of of cogn cognitiv itive e perf perfor ormance and to ac mance and to achie hieve e relax elaxed me ed mental ntal sta state. te.
IV. METHOD Dur Duration: tion: 6 w 6 weeks eeks The study he study was as car carried out ried out in a in a fr free ser ee service vice centr centre f e for c or childr hildren en with with autism autism in P in Penan enang, g, Malay Malaysia. sia.
Eight Eight c childr hildren w en wer ere s e selected to elected to par parti ticipa cipate in t te in this his stu study dy. They w hey wer ere assi e assigned to 2 g gned to 2 groups oups (4 per (4 persons sons in in eac each h group oup). ). Eac Each g h group r oup receiv eceived 10 session ed 10 sessions s of of NFT NFT (2 (2 sess sessions ions per per week). eek).
GR GROUP OUP 1 1 GR GROUP OUP 2 2 Received standardized Received individualized neurofeedback treatment neurofeedback treatment protocols. protocols. Protocols: Protocols were based on 1. C3 Beta - improve participant’s critical attention needs. (clinical symptoms) 2. C4 SMR - reduce impulsivity and restless behavior 3. Pz Alpha - improve sensory regulation and cognition
V. SAMPLE GR GROU OUP P 1 Four our childr hildren en dia diagnosed with gnosed with autism autism spec spectr trum um disor disorder der (mode (moderate te le level el) Age Age 7 to 11 7 to 11 Selection criteri Selection criteria: a: Able to sit through a 45 minutes session Children who can commit to 10 sessions of NFT
GR GROUP OUP 2 Four c our childr hildren en dia diagnos gnosed with ed with autism autism spectr spectrum um disor disorder der (3 moder (3 moderate, 1 te, 1 se sever ere) e) Age Age 5 to 20 5 to 20 Selection Selection Crit Criteria: eria: Children are able to sit through a 45 minutes session Children who can commit to 10 sessions of NFT
VI. PROTOCOLS GR GROU OUP 1 P 1 Child Child Pr Protoco otocol Period eriod Frequ equenc ency A, B, C C3 Beta 6 All sessions & D C4 SMR 6 Sessions 1, 3, 5, 7 & 9 Pz Alpha 6 Sessions 2, 4, 6, 8 & 10
GR GROU OUP P 2 Child Child Pr Protoco otocol Period eriod Frequ equenc ency E P3 Beta 4 All (moderate) T4 Delta 4 sessions F C3 Beta 4 (moderate) F8 Delta 4 G P3 Beta 4 T4-P4 Delta 4 (severe) H C3 Beta 4 (moderate) T4-P4 Delta 4 Protocols are decided based on children’s needs.
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