Clinical Neuroanatomy JANUSZ BONKOWSKI
Nerve Root functional anatomy About the right amount More than you would about Myotomes. ever want to know about Dermatomes. (And an easy way to (And how important are remember them) they anyway?)
Keegan &Garrett MRC Aids to the examination of peripheral N
Sir Henry Head The London Hospital Sensory loss after division of the Superficial Radial Nerve.
Otfrid Foester Breslau (now Wroclaw)
“ I need not discuss here the circumstances under which such a selected procedure may be undertaken” Forster,O Brain 1933
Forster in USSR 1922
KEEGAN & GARRETT (1948) Dermatomes based on nerve root entrapment syndromes in disc prolapse patients.
Peripheral nerve sensory distribution charts are more “precise” than Dermatome charts as the boundaries are more defined.
Peripheral nerve lesions cause a variable area of sensory loss but it tends to be more dense than dermatomal loss and there is little overlap between peripheral nerves.
Myotomes : memorise this or ….
Simple guide to Myotomes (with exercises) J.Last
Upper limb takes a bit more work
There is considerable overlap between dermatomes Nerve Root compression pain is usually sclerotomal so does not follow dermatomal lines. Although most motor actions involve more than one myotome individual root compression can cause profound motor deficits: Footdrop after L5 crush Triceps weakness after C7 compression Intrinsic muscle of hand with T1 lesion
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