Neglected topics CS 446
Adversarial examples and deep networks 1 / 23
“Adversarial examples”? ◮ Standard ML setup: ◮ We have training data; try to do well on withheld testing data. ◮ Adversarial/robust ML setup: ◮ We have training data; try to do well on small perturbations of training and testing data. 2 / 23
“Adversarial examples”? ◮ Standard ML setup: ◮ We have training data; try to do well on withheld testing data. ◮ Adversarial/robust ML setup: ◮ We have training data; try to do well on small perturbations of training and testing data. ◮ This is an old problem (see for instance “robust statistics”). ◮ For deep networks, it has been rekindled for the following reasons: ◮ Deep networks have absurdly good performance on training and test error, comparable to humans . ◮ Unlike humans, deep networks completely choke on small perturbations. ◮ Some background reading: ◮ Original paper: “Intriguing properties of neural networks”; Christian Szegedy, Wojciech Zaremba, Ilya Sutskever, Joan Bruna, Dumitru Erhan, Ian Goodfellow, Rob Fergus; . ◮ Nice theory overview: video lecture by Sebastien Bubeck . 2 / 23
Adversarial examples in computer vision (“Explaining and harnessing adversarial examples”; Ian J. Goodfellow, Jonathon Shlens, Christian Szegedy.) ◮ Can make a small change humans can’t see, and fool an otherwise impressive deep network. ◮ There are versions that are “physical”, e.g., you wear special 3-d printed glasses and fool a deep-network-based security system. ◮ This is one reason self-driving cars are scary, but there are others. (The death caused by an Uber self-driving car was not due to a deep network.) 3 / 23
Formal statement of problem ◮ Training loss: ℓ ( f ( x ) , y ) . ◮ Adversarial training loss ( ℓ ∞ is popular): � p � ∞ ≤ δ ℓ ( f ( x + p ) , y ) max ◮ By making δ small and solving for p , we can find an imperceptible adversarial perturbation. ◮ There are many variations; e.g., forcing us to switch the label to a specific y ′ (“targeted attacks”). ◮ Finding an adversarial example means solving this maximization problem. There’s a lot of research into this, it seems to boil down to gradient descent (ascent) variants. 4 / 23
Defenses ◮ Finding ways to make networks robust is a big research area (“defenses against these attacks”). ◮ Natural approach: do ERM on the adversarial loss : n 1 � � � min max f ( x i + p i ) , y i � p i � ∞ ≤ δ ℓ . n f ∈F i =1 (From “Towards deep learning models resistant to adversarial attacks” by Aleksander Madry, Aleksandar Makelov, Ludwig Schmidt, Dimitris Tsipras, Adrian Vladu.) 5 / 23
Other comments ◮ Big research area (both attacks and defenses). ◮ Lots of hype (this is good and bad). ◮ Isn’t just an issue with deep networks; but it’s interesting to know what parts of the question are due to them. ◮ Might motivate changes in training algorithms. 6 / 23
Time series 7 / 23
Time series ◮ Rather than having IID (( x 1 , y 1 ) , . . . , ( x n , y n )) , we either have: ◮ (( x 1 , y 1 ) , . . . , ( x n , y n )) where ( x i +1 , y i +1 ) uses ( x i , y i ) (“Markov assumption”), or even more history. ◮ Multiple “traces”: we collect m time series, with lengths ( t 1 , . . . , t m ) : � m �� � t j ( x ( j ) i , y ( j ) i ) . i =1 j =1 ◮ This is an extremely classical topic with many approaches inside and outside ML. ◮ E.g., the signal processing community; look up “auto-regressive model” for a basic approach (linear). ◮ We skipped/rushed the Hidden Markov Model (HMM) slides, which give a graphical model formulation and approach. ◮ Recurrent neural networks (RNNs) are another approach. ◮ ML Theory community is behind on this topic (e.g., a “generalization bound” that doesn’t grow quickly with length t j ). I’m not sure why. 8 / 23
Recurrent neural networks (RNNs) ◮ The model is based on a deep network f . ◮ At time i we get both an input x i , and a state vector s i . ◮ We compute ( y i , s i +1 ) = f ( x i , s i ) , where y i is our output, and s i +1 is the state vector consumed in the next round. ◮ Popular choice of f : “Long short-term memory (LSTM)”. ◮ Example: consume English words, output Japanese words. ◮ There are all sorts of issues with this; for instance, words should not be in 1-to-1 mapping! ◮ Most language stuff these days uses a “BiLSTM”, but I’ve also heard of people using multi-layer 1-d conv equivalently well. 9 / 23
Reinforcement learning (RL) 10 / 23
RL setup ◮ We are again in the time series setup ( x 1 , . . . ) , but: ◮ Our choices affect future x ! ◮ There are no clear losses/rewards; people talk about “rewards”, “feedback”, and “reinforcement”. ◮ There are many variants of the problem with many approaches. ◮ Some problems can be solved with a deterministic approach; dynamic programming was proposed by Bellman for reinforcement learning problems, and “Bellman equation” still fundamental in RL. ◮ For some other classical ideas, look up “MDP” and “POMDP”. 11 / 23
Chess example ◮ Very few moves actually result in feedback (checkmate or draw). ◮ We can work backwards from such moves to assign scores. ◮ This is computationally prohibitive, but some people have tried (look up “chess tablebase”). ◮ This is too conservative against weak opponents. ◮ Despite this, we can “guess” feedback, either deterministically, or “statistically” (as in course project). ◮ We can also “improve” such an estimate by playing against ourself and averaging the outcomes (“Monte-Carlo Tree Search (MCTS)”). ◮ If instead we form upper and lower bounds on the outcome and descend the game tree to refine them, it is called “alpha-beta search”. 12 / 23
Chess example (continued) Here’s an alternating approach to chess RL (used by “alphago zero”): 1. Fix the evaluation/scoring function f , and play games against self using MCTS (which improves the scoring function). 2. Go over the games, and fit f to the move choices with standard supervised learning (course project suggests only this step). To train, alternate steps 1 and 2. To “test”/play, do step 1. (“AlphaGo Zero cheatsheet”, not by me.) 13 / 23
(“AlphaGo Zero cheatsheet”, not by me; larger version.) 14 / 23
Resources ◮ This is a huge field with not just many approaches, but many styles of approaches from many different fields (not just CS or ML even). ◮ The Berkeley “Deep RL” course presents some cutting-edge material and also links to many other resources: . ◮ Theoretical simplification of the problem: bandit algorithms. 15 / 23
Natural language processing (NLP) 16 / 23
Natural language processing (NLP) ◮ This is a big application area concerned with human text. ◮ Most basic approach: rewrite task as supervised learning from R d to R k . ◮ Input encoding #1: “bag of words” (document becomes normalized vector of per-word counts); effective for easy problems. ◮ Input encoding #2: Word2Vec (a standard deep network that has become a very standard way to encode words). ◮ Cutting-edge approaches now use word-level and even character-level deep networks (or recurrent networks), with complicated outputs (tasks like a sequence of question-answer pairs). ◮ For more info, see this recent stanford NLP class: . 17 / 23
Dealing with data 18 / 23
Dealing with data ◮ Data cleaning/normalizing: a huge issue which could break everything we’ve discussed if it is ignored. ◮ Another issue is missing data/entries. People used to use EM for this, but I’m not sure what’s current practice? ◮ Data augmentation. ◮ For CIFAR , it’s standard to thrown in random crops and flips. ◮ pytorch provides tools for data cleaning and augmentation (look up torchvision.transforms ). 19 / 23
Why are deep networks dominating? 20 / 23
Why are deep networks dominating? ◮ I don’t think anyone really knows. Certainly, no one has good predictive power (why didn’t we use ReLU, batch norm, and convnets when they were discovered in the 1970s?). 21 / 23
Why are deep networks dominating? ◮ I don’t think anyone really knows. Certainly, no one has good predictive power (why didn’t we use ReLU, batch norm, and convnets when they were discovered in the 1970s?). ◮ A few reasons: ◮ They seems to succinctly approximate many natural phenomena, perhaps due to some underlying compositional/hierarchical structure. ◮ They seem to work well with recent hardware coincidences (“GPU” was not designed for deep learning). ◮ They seem to work well with lots of data (at least, as they are trained now), and we now have lots of data. ◮ Gradient descent + deep networks = magic. ◮ The software infrastructure is amazing; “hacking” deep networks is somehow fun and accessible to basically every programmer. ◮ The momentum with the “social coding” ecosystem. 21 / 23
Other big neglected topics 22 / 23
Other big neglected topics ◮ Interpretability (crucial for many applications, including medicine and law). ◮ Applications-specific issues (e.g., in audio, robotics, . . . ). 23 / 23
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