
Needs Janet Sumner, Executive Director, Wildlands League The two - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

What the Planet Needs Janet Sumner, Executive Director, Wildlands League The two great environmental challenges of our time biodiversity loss and climate change help/index.html The

  1. What the Planet Needs Janet Sumner, Executive Director, Wildlands League

  2. The two great environmental challenges of our time

  3. biodiversity loss and climate change

  4. help/index.html

  5. The Earth is is on th the verge th mass f 6 th of ext xtinction event. Mass = 75% Today? 60%

  6. IPBES report is coming and it will likely say: • Nature is in freefall planet’s support systems are stretched • widespread species extinctions • mass human migration


  8. Climate & Nature Interconnected & require urgent action

  9. According to Anthony Barnosky, an extin xtinction exp xpert from Stanford, we have at most 20 years to change our rela lationship wit ith nature. . If If we do, , we can avoid id the sixth ixth extin xtinction.

  10. Canada What can we do

  11. Ecoregions Not Political Boundaries

  12. North West Passage and Arctic Oceans Great Lakes (24% of the planet’s freshwater) Emerald Edge (Temperate Rainforest)

  13. Boreal Carbon stored (billions of tonnes) Twice as much per ha as the amazon global importance

  14. Boreal ➢ 40% of the birds ➢ 3 Billion birds travel north to the Boreal every year ➢ 5 Billion return south

  15. Mammal Movement Yellowstone to Yukon backbone of the continent Algonquin to Adirondacks & the Appalachians Grasslands

  16. • few regions have enough protection • The most dire is in the south because little remains intact

  17. Start with what the planet needs In the south… • Rebuild, Restore, plant, nurture • Remove barriers to protection • corridors and connectivity • Climate Resilience, Flood Risk reduction • A Connected Network of protection • Human connection • Ethical Space

  18. The hemisphere is relying on you.

  19. What the Planet Needs Protect enough land, freshwater and oceans

  20. What the Planet Needs Janet Sumner, Executive Director, Wildlands League
