need a name acronym

Need a name / acronym ! GOAL : to build a consortium CERN Europe - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Need a name / acronym ! GOAL : to build a consortium CERN Europe South Asia Initiative for Particle Physics, R&D in Detectors, IT and Grid Computing, Accelerator Technology, Applications and Training Collaborators and Institution

  1. Need a name / acronym ! GOAL : to build a consortium CERN – Europe – South Asia Initiative for Particle Physics, R&D in Detectors, IT and Grid Computing, Accelerator Technology, Applications and Training Collaborators and Institution who have expressed initial interest: John Ellis – Kings College Giovanni Anelli, Ian Bird, Manuela Cirilli, Contacted and on going Albert de Roeck, Michael Doser, Fabiola Peter Jenni - Albert Ludwigs discussions: Gianotti, Manfred Krammer, Archana Universitaet Freiburg Sharma, Emmanuel Tsesmelis and Steven Goldfarb - University of Spokespeople LHC Experiments Charlotte Lindberg Warakaulle Melbourne - IPOGG ATLAS – Christoph Rembser Kate Shaw - ICTP Daniela Bortoletto – Oxford CMS – Kerstin Borras CERN ALICE – University Ian Shipsey – Oxford University LHCb – Draft v6 - August 24 th 2016 Draft v7 – June15 th 2017 Rudiger Voss - EPS Draft v8 August 24 th 2017 Barbara Erazmus – CNRS Heads of Departments at CERN Draft v9 Sep 10 2017 Nadia Pastrone INFN Engineering Draft v10 Oct 4 2017 Cristina Biino INFN Draft v11 Oct 16 2017 Leandar Litov – Sofia University – Contact people in SA Countries Bulgarian Rep Draft v13 Oct 29 Zoltan Zsillazsi ATOMKI - Hungary DESY tbc … STFC contacted – await response Several Institutions in the region MEETING 2 – Emmanuel Tsesmelis & Archana Sharma – Nov 15, 2017

  2. Build a consortium SA Countries – CERN and European Institutions Associate Members in region take lead BHUTAN Mauritius Bangla Desh CERN -EU Maldives INDIA PAK Sri Lanka Afghanistan Nepal 4

  3. DRAFT Initial ideas for discussion of a Marie-Curie (RISE) R&D and Innovation Staff Exchange Proposal Project Management WP1 Transversal Transversal Transversal Transversal Transversal WP9 WP8 WP7 WP2 WP3 R&D WP4 WP5 WP6 Building the Education, Linkages Intelligent / Development Advanced Detector case for Future training with R&D for Light of Software IT technologies Cancer Disseminati Industry Future Mechanical Tools Computing Treatment with -on & Accelerator Engineering And HEP Tools Outreach Applications Services Tracking Novel high Service Simulations for Novel Procurements Video Sharing Detectors field magnets WP2,4,6,7 Complex Concept for Linkages for Tutorials, Lessons Analytics and Data WP2 to WP8 Media learnt from Algorithm Dev Repositories Events European R&D and Large Area Fast of physics Health Training on Detectors Developing Machine VLS related digital Management State of the Engineering Learning Tomography Interdisciplin objects, pubs program art VLS Scanning: Tools for very Construction ary (WP2-9) and s/w Cryogenics CT for mapping Large Scanner Innovative DB Feasibility Outreach Education & as built Concepts Study Events Training on Cloud Experiments Feasibility Training, Cancer Large systems Computing for Develop study of dissemination Readout & Treatment & FLUKA& analysis Business case tunable Ions and education Trigger Hadron GEANT reconstruction for Medical Accelerators Engineering Electronics Therapy and Applications in Developing Tools School simulation Europe and Materials for Training, South Asia Schools on dissemination Radiation Industries Education & FLUKA GEANT and education Safety Advanced and DB mgmt Detector-School Training Training

  4. Status - after some discussions Project Management 14.11.2017 WP1 Transversal Transversal Transversal Transversal Suggestions for names WP6 WP9 WP5 WP2 WP3 R&D WP4 Detector Building the Advanced IT R&D for Intelligent / Development technologies case for Future Computing Future Light of Software Cancer Treatment And Services Accelerator Mechanical Tools with HEP Tools Applications Engineering Sharing Novel high Developing Simulations for Novel Concept Tracking Lessons learnt from field magnets Engineering Complex for Data Detectors European Health Tools for very Analytics and Repositories of Management Large Scanner Algorithm Dev physics related State of the Large Area Fast program digital objects, art Detectors Machine pubs and s/w Cryogenics Service for Learning Linkages Calorimetry WP2,4,6,7 with Industry Feasibility Cloud Innovative DB study of Computing for Concepts Readout & Trigger Develop Business tunable Ion analysis Electronics case for Medical Accelerators reconstruction Large systems Applications in and simulation FLUKA& Europe and South GEANT Asia Industries WP8 WP9 WP7 Developing Education, training Linkages with NON LHC Materials for Dissemination & Video Tutorials, Industry Experiments Schools on Media Events Outreach FLUKA GEANT ISOTOPES and DB mgmt Training schools (Engineering, Interdisciplinary VLS Tomography Procurements nTOF .. Radiation Detectors, Software, Instrumentation, Outreach Events Construction Linkages for Safety Training Hadron therapy etc.) Feasibility Study WP2 to WP8 Training material to be converted into Reference Materials

  5. Proposal Project Management WP1 Suggestions for names Can these be merged? WP5 WP5 WP2 WP3 R&D WP4 WP7 Detector technologies Advanced IT R&D for Intelligent / Development NON LHC LHC Experiments & Computing Future Light of Software Experiments beyond And Services Accelerator Mechanical Tools Applications Engineering ISOTOPES Novel high Developing Simulations for Novel Concept Tracking nTOF .. field magnets Engineering Complex for Data Detectors Tools for very Analytics and Repositories of Antimatter Large Scanner Algorithm Dev physics related State of the Large Area Fast digital objects, art Detectors Machine pubs and s/w Cryogenics Service for Learning Calorimetry AD / WP2,4,6,7 Feasibility Cloud COMPASS Innovative DB study of Computing for Concepts Readout & Trigger tunable Ion analysis Electronics NA62/SHIP Accelerators reconstruction Large systems and simulation FLUKA& GEANT WP9 WP8 Developing Education, training Linkages with Materials for Dissemination & Video Tutorials, Industry Schools on Media Events Outreach FLUKA GEANT and DB mgmt Training schools (Engineering, Interdisciplinary VLS Tomography Procurements Radiation Detectors, Software, Instrumentation, Outreach Events Construction Linkages for Safety Training Hadron therapy etc.) Feasibility Study WP2 to WP8 Training material to be converted into Reference Materials

  6. Proposal for Project Management discussion WP1 Suggestions for names Can these be merged? WP5 WP2 WP3 R&D WP4 WP6 Detector technologies R&D for Intelligent / Development of Software Tools NON LHC LHC Experiments & Future Light Experiments beyond Accelerator Mechanical Advanced IT Computing Applications Engineering And Services ISOTOPES Novel high Developing Simulations for Novel Concept Tracking nTOF .. field magnets Engineering Complex for Data Detectors Tools for very Analytics and Repositories of Antimatter Large Scanner Algorithm Dev physics related State of the Large Area Fast digital objects, art Detectors Machine pubs and s/w Cryogenics Service for Learning Calorimetry AD / WP2,4,6,7 Feasibility Cloud COMPASS Innovative DB study of Computing for Concepts Readout & Trigger tunable Ion analysis Electronics NA62/SHIP Accelerators reconstruction Large systems and simulation FLUKA& GEANT WP8 WP7 Developing Education, training Linkages with Materials for Dissemination & Video Tutorials, Industry Schools on Media Events Outreach FLUKA GEANT and DB mgmt Training schools (Engineering, Interdisciplinary VLS Tomography Procurements Radiation Detectors, Software, Instrumentation, Outreach Events Construction Linkages for Safety Training Hadron therapy etc.) Feasibility Study WP2 to WP8 Training material to be converted into Reference Materials

  7. Marie Skłodowska -Curie Research and Innovation Staff Exchange (RISE) From Svet 1.11.2017 EU Support Office Archana Sharma 20-6-2017

  8. What is a RISE action? The RISE scheme promotes international and inter-sector collaboration through research and innovation staff exchanges, and through sharing of knowledge and ideas from academia to industry (and vice-versa). Purpose  To strengthen existing and build new networks of international and/or inter- sectoral cooperation  To significantly improve the interaction between organisations in the academic and non-academic sectors within Europe and worldwide  knowledge sharing  To broaden the career development of participating staff  exposure to other countries and sectors Archana Sharma 20-6-2017 8

  9. Financial aspects UNIT COSTS = a fixed amount per person-month of secondment  EU contribution = unit cost * person-months Staff member unit cost = 2,000 € per person-month Can be used to pay an additional top up allowance to the staff member to cover additional travel and Institutional unit cost = 2,500 € per person-month subsistence costs, to organise additional training activities or horizontal networking events Research, training & networking = 1,800 € Management & indirect costs = 700 €  2,430,000 € max. grant 2,000 € * 540 PMs = 1,800 € *540 PMs = 700 € *540 PMs = RISE 540 PMs 1,080,000 972,000 378,000 Archana Sharma 20-6-2017 9

  10. How to apply?  Call opens = 22 November 2017  Deadline = 21 March 2018 Archana Sharma 20-6-2017 10


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