NAXOS2018 Extended Producer Responsibility as key tool to implement Circular Economy 6th International M ONIKA R OMENSKA Conference R EGULATORY AND PA M ANAGER , EXPRA on Sustainable Solid Waste Management, 13 ‐ 16 June
5 ANNI VE RSARY PROVI DE 200 industry-o wne d, no n-pro fit RS o ve r with pa c ka g ing HAVE 20 c o lle c tio n, so rting o ve r o f e xpe rie nc e a nd MBE a nd re c yc ling e xpe rtise in the infra struc ture wa ste ma na g e me nt MI L L I ON fie ld 26 ME YE ARS PE OPL E EXPRA 19 E NSURE RE CYCL I NG AND RE COVE RY o f o ve r o f pa c ka g ing e ve ry ye a r in a nutshe ll MI L L I ON T ONNE S
Our Members – non-profit 26 PROs Ecopak EKO KOM Fost Plus VAL I PAC EcoPack EEQ Green Dot Bosnia and Czech Belgium Belgium Bulgaria Canada Cyprus Herzegovina Republic ETO RINKI Herrco Öko Pannon IRF TAMIR CONAI Estonia Finland Greece Hungary Iceland Israel Italy Valorlux PAKOMAK GreenPak Nedvang Grønt Punkt ECO ‐ ROM ENVI ‐ PAK Luxembourg Macedonia Malta Netherlands Norway Romania Slovakia Slopak Ecoembes Ecovidrio FTI CEVKO Slovenia Spain Spain Sweden Turkey
What is Extended Producer Responsibility? “an environmental policy approach in which a OECD producer’s responsibility for a product is extended to the post ‐ consumer stage of a product’s life cycle” Shifting the responsibility towards the GOALS producer; Provide incentives for eco design; Extended producer responsibility schemes form an WFD essential part of efficient waste management .
Why Extended Producer Responsibility? Compliance a nd #1 Performance #2 Ga the ring a nd sha ring Knowledge #3 Re info rc ing Policy
Stakeholders: Roles and Responsibilities NATIONAL AUTHORITIES: OBLIGED INDUSTRY: PROs: ● Set legal framework; ● Take ownership of their ● Coordinate relations with ● Implement it through responsibility; all partners involved; accreditattion; ● Allign and act as one; ● Provide tender contracts ● Define clear roles of all and tender books; ● Set up run and controll actors; efficient EPR Orgnaziations; ● Ensure quality (quality ● Ensure control and This image cannot currently be displayed. This image cannot currently be displayed. requirements are fulfilled) enforcement; LOCAL AUTHORITIES: RECYCLING INDUSTRY CONSUMERS/CITIZENS ● Cooperate with the EPR ● Provide qualitative services; Sort their waste at home scheme ● Come up with innovative in the way that has been ● Implement and stimulate ideas; communicated to them separate collection; ● Be transparent: traceability ● Ensure quality of provided and efficiency services;
EPR’s role in a circular economy Pa c ka g ing ma nufa c ture r AND fina nc ia l Ope ra tio na l re spo nsib ility Ne w pro duc ts Ma te ria l fo r ne w pro duc ts F ille r/ b o ttle r EPR Packaging Pa c ke d Recovery pro duc t Organisation Re c yc ling / re c o ve ry So rting L o c a l Autho rity’ s Wa ste Ma na g e me nt Co mpa ny Co lle c tio n & So rting Re ta il tra de Co ntra c t a g re e me nts Co nsume r F ina nc e d b y fe e s
Implementation of the Packaging Directive 3 countries without any Tax versus EPR compliance scheme => continuous discussion Taxes Ukra ine , Russia ? 36 De nma rk, Hung a ry, Cro a tia European Countries 1 country with Fund Trading of certificates Scheme run by industry I c e la nd UK , (Po la nd) 30 with Producer Responsibility Austria , Be lg ium, F ra nc e , Spa in, Ge rma ny, I re la nd, Cyprus, L uxe mb o urg , Po rtug a l, Swe de n, Gre e c e , L a tvia , Ma lta , L ithua nia , Cze c h Re pub lic , Slo va k Re pub lic , I ta ly, Slo ve nia , E sto nia , Ro ma nia , Bulg a ria , T urke y, No rwa y, F inla nd, Se rb ia , I sra e l, Ne the rla nds, Po la nd, Ma c e do nia , Bo snia I He rze g o vina
EPR - several ways of implementation EPR System in hands ‘Tradable Credits’ Several PRO‘s sharing PROs acting in of obliged industry Competing PROs Model with several infrastructure different areas traders (BE , E S, I T , NL , NO, CZ, (DE , PL , RO, BG) (DE , AT ) (RO, BG) F R, I E , PT ) (UK ) One comprehensive PROs have Operational Collection and EPR system in parallel system for all established parallel responsibility fully sorting with local to a deposit system (household) infrastructure with local authorities authorities packaging (DE , NO, SE , F I , E E ) (E E ) (F R, NL , CZ) (BE , E S, I T ) (e .g . BE , F R, E S, I T ) Household & ICI Same rules for all Shared cost Incentive cost Packaging treated Full cost approach packaging approach approach differently (e .g . DE , AT , BE , SE ) (e .g . I T , CZ, SK , RO) (e .g . I T , E S, F R) (UK ) (DE , F R, BE , E S) No operational responsibility for local authorities (e .g . DE , AT , SE )
Sustainable production Pro mo ting e c o de sig n a nd pa c ka g ing o ptimiza tio n b y: Pro visio n o f info rma tio n & c o nsulta tio n; F e e struc ture ; E xc ha ng e o f b e st pra c tic e s; Wo rksho ps a nd tra ining s.
Collection and sorting E sta b lishing re le va nt c o lle c tio n infra struc ture : Clo se c o o pe ra tio n with L o c a l a utho ritie s; Pro mo ting inno va tio n;
Development of recycling and recovery rates for packaging, EU-27, 2005–2014
Recycling rate for all packaging 2015 New targets 65% by 2025
Consumer – Consumer – in the center of the in the center of the system system
What does this mean? Making people aware or conscious of, change their behaviour > believers Critical success factors: ‐ A strong insight that moves people ‐ Sustainable efforts during a long period
E PR g e ne ra l, minimum Hig he r ta rg e ts re q uire me nts EPR and the new Waste Legislation Da ta & Re c yc ling Re po rting c a lc ula tio n ha rmo nisa tio n Cha lle ng e s & Oppo rtunitie s E a rly Wa rning De finitio ns Syste m
The Waste Legislation Review : what role for EPR? • The waste legislation review is an opportunity for the harmonisation of the EPR rule across the EU. • The EPR minimum requirements (Art 8a WFD) touch upon: • Defining role and responsibilities • Establishing a reporting system and ensuring information transparency • Cost coverage (closed list) • Fee modulation • Incentives for taking part in the separate collection systems • Monitoring and enforcement framework (including self ‐ control mechanism) 17
Implementation: Early warning report The Commission in cooperation with the European Environment Agency, will draw up reports on the progress towards the achievement of the targets (three years before each time ‐ limit at the latest). The reports shall include the following: (a) an estimation of the achievement of the targets by each Member State; (b) a list of Member States at risk of not achieving the targets within the respective time limits accompanied by appropriate recommendations; (b) examples of best practices that are used throughout the Union and that could provide guidance for progressing towards achieving the targets; 18
Measurement point Unified calculation method: Default method: when the packaging waste enters the recycling operation Derogation: measuring at the output of any sorting operation ( against certain criteria. The details of the applicable method will be fine ‐ tuned by the Commission via the comitology process. This includes a method for calculating the losses and taking into account reusable packaging )
EU Recycling PW Targets 90% 85% 80% 80% 75% 75% 70% 70% 70% 70% 65% 60% 60% 60% 60% 55% 55% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 40% 30% 30% 25% 22,50% 20% 15% 10% 0% Overall paper glass Plastic ALuminium Ferrous metals Wood Current min taregts New Tragets 2025 New Tragets 2030 20
CEP: what role for EPR? When it comes to Extended Producers Responsibility schemes, the Commission believes that EPR can: Pro vide e c o no mic inc e ntive s fo r b usine sse s to de ve lo p mo re E nc o ura g e de sig n fo r re c yc ling susta ina b le pro duc ts (e .g . c o - mo dula tio n) Pro mo te g re a te r dia lo g ue b e twe e n He lp impro ve the e ffic ie nc y o f the pro duc e rs, lo c a l a utho ritie s a nd re c yc ling pro c e ss re c yc le rs Re duc e wa ste a nd litte ring
Next Steps • The environmental approach with the highest room of manoeuvre EPR’s potential • Providing a recycling solution for all packaging while helping enable the circular plastics’ economy • More stringent recycling measurement that will affect Variables performance • Chinese ban and its effect on materials’ supply and demand • Data and reporting quality Implementation • Fragmented markets affect EPR schemes’ performance • Definition of stakeholders’ roles and responsibilities , transparency of new rules ‐ free ‐ riding control ‐ and enforcement will play a crucial role
EXPRA beliefs : How to make EPR successful? (1) PR is one tool within a c o mpre he nsive po lic y a ppro a c h; E Diffe re nt stakeholders sho uld ha ve clear roles to play, ensuring no conflict of interests!; PR o rg a nisa tio ns sho uld b e run by obliged companies on E a not-for-profit basis; Focus on separate collection a nd c o lle c tio n infra struc ture fo r inhabitants is ke y fo r the suc c e ss o f the syste m!
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