SEQUENCE Introduction ICAO APAC office initiatives Contingency in Afghanistan airspace a) Partial Contingency – Airspace available with no ATS b) Complete Contingency Afghanistan airspace not available Pakistan’s Proposals – 03 Different Options 3
Introduction Transition of Air Navigation Services (ANS from the military to Afghan civil authorities); Afghanistan no / limited capability for the provision of ATS (Air Traffic Control Officers –ATCOs competency); Afghan ATS infrastructure limitations; Disruption of ANS in Kabul FIR - uncontrolled airspace; ICAO APAC Office, IATA, world aviation community’ concerns for flight safety; 29 August 2016 4
ICAO APAC OFFICE INITIATIVES ICAO APAC office held three meetings of the Ad Hoc Afghanistan Contingency Group (AHACG) sine late 2014; A special side line meeting alongwith Air Traffic Management Sub-Group/4 (ATM/SG/4) meeting held in Bangkok from 4-8 July, 2016; Preparation of a contingency plan to maintain air traffic flows with no or minimum impact; A special coordination meeting of AHACG on 25 th August, 2016 to finalize the Afghanistan contingency plan; 29 August 2016 5
SCENARIO - 1 Partial contingency services – Airspace available with no ATS; 29 August 2016 6
SCENARIO - 1 Partial contingency services – Airspace available with no ATS; 29 August 2016 7
PAKISTAN’S PROPOSAL – OPTION -1 AFGHANISTAN AIRSPACE AVAILABLE – NO ATS During disruption in the provision of ATS – Afghanistan upper airspace (FL 310 and above) may be made available; Crossing / converging ATS routes in upper airspace (at or above FL310) within Kabul FIR may be closed; The extension of BOBCAT timings to 24 hours as discussed during first meeting of AHACG is supported; Application of 10 minutes longitudinal separation at regional level for traffic overflying Afghanistan airspace at the same flight levels . 29 August 2016 8
SCENARIO - 1 The routes segments of ATS Route N636 (PAROD- SERKA ) and M875 (TAPIS- SITAX ) may be closed during availability of P628 and L509 respectively to avoid convergence. 29 August 2016 9
PAKISTAN’S PROPOSAL – OPTION -1 Pakistan will ensure longitudinal separation of 10 minutes at TCPs with application of Mach number technique; Minimum longitudinal separation shall continue to exist till the next TCP between Afghanistan and Iran / Turkmenistan / and Tajikistan ; 29 August 2016 10
PAKISTAN’S PROPOSAL – OPTION -1 Iran, Turkmenistan and Tajikistan shall also apply the same procedure for east bound traffic to ensure 10 minutes longitudinal separation over the TCPs between Afghanistan and Pakistan . 29 August 2016 11
PAKISTAN’S PROPOSAL – OPTION -1 FL330 shall be kept vacant as per existing restriction; Pakistan may also consider feeding westbound traffic via SERKA to P628; Note: Pakistan has an efficient CNS infrastructure and further augmentation is under process. 29 August 2016 12
PAKISTAN’S PROPOSAL – OPTION 2 Another option with parallel unidirectional routing scheme in Afghanistan FIR is proposed as under to facilitate emergency climb / descend if so required; EAST BOUND ROUTES L750 (RANAH - Afghanistan) - ROSIE (Pakistan). M875 (AMDAR (Afghanistan) – SITAX (Pakistan). L333 (SOKEM (Afghanistan) – SERKA (Pakistan). 29 August 2016 13
PAKISTAN’S PROPOSAL – OPTION 2 WEST ST BOUND ROUTES L509 (ASARI (India)– LAJAK (Pakistan) – TAPIS – P173 to DAVET) Afghanistan). N644 (JHANG – PAVLO (Pakistan) – (LEMOD (Afghanistan) P628 (VIKIT – ASLUM (Pakistan) – CHARN (Afghanistan); NOTE: All other operating condition as specified in Option-1 shall apply. 29 August 2016 14
PAKISTAN’S PROPOSAL – SCENARIO 1 RECOMMENDATION Pakistan fully supports operation through Afghanistan airspace based on application of Mach Number technique and 10 minutes longitudinal separation. 29 August 2016 15
SCENARIO - 2 Closure of airspace AFGHANISTAN Avoidance of Kabul FIR; DERBO Flight operation via South of Afghanistan PAKISTAN (through Iran, ADEBA Pakistan to India); DANOV AKRAL Organized Track IRAN System (OTS) KEBUD LAKAT proposed by Iran PANGJUR is supported. 29 August 2016 16
PAKISTAN’S PROPOSAL – OPTION 3 CIRCUMNAVIGATING SOUTH OF AFGHANISTAN AIRSPACE THROUGH IRAN AND PAKISTAN Three ATS route L124 (KEBUD), G665 (ASVIB) and G452 (DERBO) are already in operation and will accommodate most of diverted traffic; Additionally a new contingency bi-directional ATS route is proposed from DANOV (Iran) – new TCP AKRAL (284902N 0613755E)- LAKAT (270632N 0650125E Intersection point at G214) – ADEBA – NH – TASOP / RAMSA – Pratapgarh (India); AFGHANISTAN DERBO PAKISTAN ADEBA DANOV AKRAL IRAN KEBUD LAKAT PANGJUR 29 August 2016 17
TRAFFIC ORIENTATION SCHEME Iran proposed Royal Road OTS and restricted operation at specific flight levels; Pakistan supports Iranian Royal OTS scheme; Accordingly air traffic circumnavigating south of Afghanistan Airspace through Iran, Pakistan and India shall operate at the flight levels as specified below; Eastbound traffic at FLs 310,350 & L370; Westbound traffic at FLs 300,340 & 360; Iran shall not hand over traffic to Karachi at METBI / EGRON on OTS flight levels. 29 August 2016 18
TRAFFIC ORIENTATION SCHEME Eastbound TFC entering Karachi FIR (at OTS FLs) via; AFGHANISTAN DERBO (route G452) - Exit via TIGER (Delhi FIR); DANOV (Iran) – AKRAL (New DERBO ATS route in Pakistan) to LAKAT- Nawabshah (route B210) - Exit via TASOP (route A325) – to Pratapgarh; PAKISTAN KEBUD (route-L124) to ADEBA DANOV PANGJUR (route G210) – AKRAL Karachi – Exit via TELEM (Mumbai FIR India); OR IRAN KEBUD (route-L124) to KEBUD PANGJUR (route M636) – LAKAT PANGJUR Karachi – Exit via SAPNA (Mumbai FIR India); 29 August 2016 19
TRAFFIC ORIENTATION SCHEME Westbound TFC entering Karachi FIR (at OTS FLs) via; TIGER (route G452) - Exit via DERBO (Tehran FIR); PRATAPGARH (route A325) – TASOP (route B210) – Nawabshah – LAKAT (New ATS route in Pakistan) - Exit via AKRAL to DANOV (Iran); PARTY (route G208) and SAPNA ( M638) – Karachi – PANGJUR -(route G208 / L124) - Exit via KEBUD (Iran); KABIM (route P518) – PANGJUR -(route G208 / L124) - Exit via KEBUD (Iran); 29 August 2016 20
PBN ROUTE SPECIFICATIONS IN PAKISTAN Initially RNAV 5 navigation specification is envisaged for; Routes G452, New proposed route and G214 with existing 50NM longitudinal separation; Non-compliant aircraft will be accommodated at or below FL290; Higher flight levels may be available subject to coordination with ATC (in surveillance environment); FL410/430 will be made available in Karachi FIR to enhance airspace capacity. NOTE : Pakistan has planned RNP 2 navigation specification for en-route phase of flight. 29 August 2016 21
CIRCUMNAVIGATING AFGHANISTAN VIA NORTH Another possible option is to circumnavigate Afghanistan airspace from north through Dushanbe FIR to Lahore FIR as per following; ATS route L509 SAMAR (India) – INDEK-JABAR - PESHAWAR / P500 to PADDY – FIRUZ (DOSHANBE FIR) during 1500UTC to 2400UTC at the flight levels; From 1500UTC – 1900UTC at FL300 / UNL; and From 1900UTC - 2400UTC at FL280 / UNL. Beyond the availability of ATS route L509 (i.e. 1500 to 2400UTC), the operators may like to use ATS route A466 (SAMAR – India / Pakistan TCP) to Lahore - Jhang - D.I.Khan and P500 to ADINA – Peshawar – PADDY to FIRUZ (DUSHANBE) as given in the map below; 29 August 2016 22
ACTION BY PAKISTAN A new bi-directional ATS route established to support traffic flows ensuring flight safety ; Implementation of traffic orientation scheme to segregate traffic minimizing conflictions; Fourth ATC Sector in Karachi ACC is already operational during night. It can be made operational at any time in case of contingency in Afghanistan airspace; Air Traffic Controllers training has already been completed; Safety assessment (for all three options) has also been completed; Flight Levels 410 / 430 are being made available during contingency; Pakistan is ready to support operation in case of Afghan contingency as and when situation so arise. 29 August 2016 24
PAKISTAN PROPOSAL - SCENARIO 2 RECOMMENDATIONS Pakistan supports Iran and Indian proposals for circumnavigating Air Traffic through South of Afghanistan; Proposed Traffic Orientation Scheme may be implemented in India, Pakistan and Iran; Circumnavigating Afghanistan airspace via Lahore – Dushanbe FIRs (ATS Route P500) may also be considered. 29 August 2016 25
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