
National Laboratory Presentation to ETEBA LeAnne Stribley - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Oak Ridge National Laboratory Presentation to ETEBA LeAnne Stribley Director, Acquisition Management Services April 24, 2014 2 Presentation name ORNL is well positioned for the near term The Bipartisan Budget Agreement passed in

  1. Oak Ridge National Laboratory Presentation to ETEBA LeAnne Stribley Director, Acquisition Management Services April 24, 2014

  2. 2 Presentation name

  3. ORNL is well positioned for the near term • The Bipartisan Budget Agreement passed in December 2013 provides 2 years of financial stability • We expect to complete FY14 and FY15 with no major shifts in our programs 3 Presentation name

  4. ORNL Procurement Activity – FY13 (% of Totals) TRANSACTIONS DOLLARS Market- place P-Card 4.8% 2.8% PO's 21.9% Market- place 49.5% P-Card 28.6% PO's 92.3% Marketplace 57,724 Marketplace $31,052,430 P-Cards 33,299 P-Cards $18,070,547 PO's 25,594 PO's $592,748,490 TOTAL 116,617 TOTAL $641,871,467 4 Presentation name

  5. FY13 Purchases - P-Cards DOLLARS TRANSACTIONS Lease of MPO / Waste / Admin Waste / MPO / Equipment InterAgency Containers Services Containers InterAgency Lease of 0% 1% 2% 0.2% 0% 0.8% Equipment 0.0% Admin Services Laboratory Computers 2.8% Laboratory 17.6% 14.7% 18% Computers 25% Infrastructure Infrastructure Support Support 2% 2.1% Equip / Equip / Supplies Supplies 52% 61.8% PO's: $592.8m 25,594 P-Cards: $18.1m 33,299 Marketplace: $31.1m 57,724 5 Presentation name

  6. FY13 Purchases - Marketplace DOLLARS TRANSACTIONS Waste / Admin Waste / Admin Containers Services Containers Services 0.3% 0.0% 0.6% 0.0% Laboratory Laboratory 16.2% 17.1% Computers 27.4% Infrastructure Infrastructure Support Support 1.8% Computers 0.3% 43.6% Equipment / Supplies 38.1% Equipment / Supplies 54.5% PO's: $592.8m 25,594 P-Cards: $18.1m 33,299 Marketplace: $31.1m 57,724 6 Presentation name

  7. FY13 Purchases - Purchase Orders DOLLARS TRANSACTIONS Waste / Waste / Containers Containers 0.1% 0.7% Universities Universities Admin Admin 6.6% 5.7% Services Services 8.9% 14.9% MPO / Computers InterAgency 9.5% MPO / 14.6% InterAgency Computers Lease of 21.4% 7.7% Equipment 0.6% Equipment / Supplies Equipment / 3.9% Supplies 17.3% Lease of Equipment Laboratory 3.7% 22.0% Infrastructure Support 21.2% Infrastructure Laboratory Independent Support 20.3% Subcontractors 19.8% 0.2% Independent Subcontractors 0.9% PO's: $592.8m 25,594 P-Cards: $18.1m 33,299 Marketplace: $31.1m 57,724 7 Presentation name

  8. FY12 – Dollars & Actions by Month YTD - Sep 2012 $200.0 16,000 DOLLARS ACTIONS 14,000 $150.0 12,000 10,000 $ (millions) Actions $100.0 8,000 6,000 $50.0 4,000 $161.2 2,000 $53.1 $34.6 $61.0 $31.9 $27.1 $64.6 $35.2 $71.4 $54.7 $73.2 $96.0 0 $0.0 O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S YTD ACTIONS 9,872 9,929 7,892 8,990 10,022 9,560 9,667 10,162 9,484 9,498 13,333 12,652 121,061 $53.1 $34.6 $61.0 $31.9 $27.1 $64.6 $35.2 $71.4 $54.7 $73.2 $96.0 $161.2 $764.1 DOLLARS Includes P-Cards. PM / FY12 by Month.xlsx Data Source: WM/Backupdata.xls 10/8/2012 8 Presentation name

  9. FY13 – Dollars & Actions by Month YTD - Sep 2013 $200.0 16,000 DOLLARS ACTIONS 14,000 $150.0 12,000 10,000 $ (millions) Actions $100.0 8,000 6,000 $50.0 4,000 2,000 $65.3 $41.4 $29.5 $37.6 $57.8 $33.0 $44.3 $55.5 $70.0 $40.6 $68.6 $98.6 0 $0.0 O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S YTD ACTIONS 10,914 9,171 8,398 9,413 9,750 9,011 9,241 9,384 8,619 9,641 11,694 11,381 116,617 $65.3 $41.4 $29.5 $37.6 $57.8 $33.0 $44.3 $55.5 $70.0 $40.6 $68.6 $98.6 $641.9 DOLLARS Includes P-Cards. PM / FY13 by Month.xlsx Data Source: WM/Backupdata.xls 10/2/2013 9 Presentation name

  10. Awards & Mods Competitively Placed FY 2014 - Cumulative (BSC Metric) YTD - Mar 2014 100 Internal Goal = >80% of 'all' Transactions 78.8 78.3 77.9 77.0 76.0 80 74.5 Percentage (%) Goal = >60% of Awards GT $150,000 68.9 68.2 60 66.1 56.7 55.8 40 32.3 20 Transactions Dollars 0 O N D J F M A M J J A S OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP Cumulative ALL Competitive Trans. 4,027 8,082 1 1 ,887 1 6,803 21 ,700 26,699 5,403 1 0,636 1 5,447 21 ,562 27,706 33,883 ALL Comp Base Trans. GT $150k Comp Funded $2,429,987 $1 4,897,336 $1 9,979,1 85 $39,551 ,466 $45,382,495 $67,845,925 $7,51 5,435 $26,263,51 7 $35,831 ,997 $58,01 0,467 $68,689,31 1 $98,475,699 GT $150k Comp Base Funded Base = Competition Code not ZX07, ZX08, ZX12, ZX13 - Excludes BESC Awards. *Includes Educational. SELA/Competitive.xlsx Data Source: BW-7 Report Procurement Competitively Placed 4/1/2014 10 Presentation name

  11. 11 Presentation name

  12. Subcontract Dollars Placed with SB (%) Firms - FY 2014 (BSC Metric) 100 YTD - Mar 2014 90 SB SDB WOB HUBZone Vet-Owned SD-Vet LB Goal =>54% Goal =>8% Goal =>10% Goal =>3% Goal =>4.5% Goal =>3% YTD $ 80.5M YTD $ 67.9M YTD $ 11.4M YTD $ 10.6M YTD $ 4.2M YTD $ 10.4M YTD $ 6.5M 80 Percentage 70 54.23 60 45.77 50 40 30 20 7.17 7.70 6.99 4.36 10 2.83 0 FY2014 YTDHistorical Data: FY 00* FY 01 FY 02 FY 03 FY 04 FY 05 FY 06 FY 07 FY 08 FY 09 FY 10 FY 11 FY 12 FY 13 SB Base SB=Small Business 54.57 48.41 49.22 54.1 62.7 50.79 57.84 58.47 62.94 49.64 59.24 54.1 52.71 58.36 % (Percentage) 148.4M SDB=Small Disadvantaged 9.77 7.55 6.42 6.24 9.23 7.09 10.54 9.26 11.13 6.82 10.01 9.81 12.00 12.08 Educ Base WOB=Small Woman-Owned 8.51 7.45 12.21 8.8 10.31 7.86 11.35 12.33 14.62 9.7 12.41 11.49 13.28 12.55 19.6M HUBZone=Hist. Underutilized Business Zones 0.05 0.24 0.37 1.97 4.42 3.21 7.35 6.74 6.96 3.53 4.42 2.84 3.88 3.18 Total Proc Vet-Owned=Veteran-Owned Sm Business N/R 0.32 0.82 1.19 3 1.49 4.07 3.52 6.12 4.89 5.93 5.48 4.23 6.18 237.3M SD-Vet=Serv-Disabled Vet-Owned Sm Business N/R 0.037 -0.001 0.028 0.14 0.115 1.652 1.023 2.54 2.86 3.9 3.25 2.16 3.23 Base for SB, SDB, WOB & HUBZone %s excludes Foreign, GOVT, INTG, IGT & Affiliates (FY05-10 includes P-Cards) Data Source: 2096 & Proc Stats 2. * UT-Battelle contract started April 1, 2000. 6 months of data only. Base revised in FY05 & FY07. 2SELA/SE Combined.xlsx 4/1/2014 12 Presentation name

  13. 13 Presentation name

  14. Upcoming Opportunities Remainder of FY 2014 • Technical Support Services (EERE Program) - BOA Recompete – – Sentech and Energetics incumbents - current usage $15M Sentech and $20M Energetics • Linear Motion System (Energy & Environmental Sciences) - ~$600K • Technical Support Services (Environmental & Ecological Information) - BOA Recompete – – IIA incumbent - current usage $3M, ceiling of $5M – May extend current contract 14 Presentation name

  15. Opportunities ( con’t ) • Helium (liquid and gas) and other gases – RFP Fall 2014 – 1 or more multi-year awards will be made – Current agreements expires March 2015 – 2 vendors currently with combined spend of approximately $2.2m • Document shredding and disposal. Summer 2014 • Fire Protection Engineering and Technical Support staff augmentation. – Contemplate a five year agreement with a value of $3M- $5M. Summer 2014 • Project Management Services (on Business Opportunities website) – estimated $20M – SB Set-Aside. May 2014 • Design Support Summer staff augmentation, Summer 2014 15 Presentation name •

  16. Opportunities ( con’t ) • Design Support - Summer staff augmentation, Summer 2014 • Architect-Engineering Services - Fall 2014 • Engineering Design BOA (ITER)- Recompete – $15M • Central Solenoid Tie Plate Fabrication (ITER)- $4M • Second Line of Defense (SLD) Support (NNP) - $10M* • MPC&A Support (NNP)- $5M* • International Safeguards Support (NNP) - $10M* • GTRI Support (NNP)- $5M* * Multiple BOAs – 5-year period of performance. 16 Presentation name

  17. Doing Business with ORNL • Register in the ORNL Supplier Database and in the System for Award Management (SAM) (formerly CCR) 17 Presentation name

  18. Doing Business with ORNL • Visit the ORNL Small Business website at 18 Presentation name

  19. Activities and Awards 13th Annual U.S. Department of Energy Small Business Forum & Expo June 10-12, 2014 Tampa, FL Website: http://smallbusinessconference. 2014 ORNL Small Business Impact Awards 19 Presentation name

  20. AMS Process Redesign • Improve advance planning/early involvement in procurements – Co-locate with customers- better visibility/communication – Improve Statements of Work • Simplify/Standardize special terms and conditions / clauses – ES&H and Quality reviews • Improve vendor database and make it the hub/primary resource for buyers – Better linkage to buying trends • Clearly define roles and responsibilities • Oversite of subcontractors on-site • Statusing of procurements 20 Presentation name

  21. O AK R IDGE N ATIONAL L ABORATORY MANAGED BY UT-BATTELLE FOR THE DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY Small Business Programs Office Cassandra McGee Stuart Manager, Small Business Programs 865-576-3560 1060 Commerce Park Dr. MS-6419 Oak Ridge, TN 37830 21 Presentation name

  22. Oak Ridge National Laboratory: Meeting the challenges of the 21st century 22 Presentation name


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