Oak Ridge National Laboratory Presentation to ETEBA LeAnne Stribley Director, Acquisition Management Services April 24, 2014
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ORNL is well positioned for the near term • The Bipartisan Budget Agreement passed in December 2013 provides 2 years of financial stability • We expect to complete FY14 and FY15 with no major shifts in our programs 3 Presentation name
ORNL Procurement Activity – FY13 (% of Totals) TRANSACTIONS DOLLARS Market- place P-Card 4.8% 2.8% PO's 21.9% Market- place 49.5% P-Card 28.6% PO's 92.3% Marketplace 57,724 Marketplace $31,052,430 P-Cards 33,299 P-Cards $18,070,547 PO's 25,594 PO's $592,748,490 TOTAL 116,617 TOTAL $641,871,467 4 Presentation name
FY13 Purchases - P-Cards DOLLARS TRANSACTIONS Lease of MPO / Waste / Admin Waste / MPO / Equipment InterAgency Containers Services Containers InterAgency Lease of 0% 1% 2% 0.2% 0% 0.8% Equipment 0.0% Admin Services Laboratory Computers 2.8% Laboratory 17.6% 14.7% 18% Computers 25% Infrastructure Infrastructure Support Support 2% 2.1% Equip / Equip / Supplies Supplies 52% 61.8% PO's: $592.8m 25,594 P-Cards: $18.1m 33,299 Marketplace: $31.1m 57,724 5 Presentation name
FY13 Purchases - Marketplace DOLLARS TRANSACTIONS Waste / Admin Waste / Admin Containers Services Containers Services 0.3% 0.0% 0.6% 0.0% Laboratory Laboratory 16.2% 17.1% Computers 27.4% Infrastructure Infrastructure Support Support 1.8% Computers 0.3% 43.6% Equipment / Supplies 38.1% Equipment / Supplies 54.5% PO's: $592.8m 25,594 P-Cards: $18.1m 33,299 Marketplace: $31.1m 57,724 6 Presentation name
FY13 Purchases - Purchase Orders DOLLARS TRANSACTIONS Waste / Waste / Containers Containers 0.1% 0.7% Universities Universities Admin Admin 6.6% 5.7% Services Services 8.9% 14.9% MPO / Computers InterAgency 9.5% MPO / 14.6% InterAgency Computers Lease of 21.4% 7.7% Equipment 0.6% Equipment / Supplies Equipment / 3.9% Supplies 17.3% Lease of Equipment Laboratory 3.7% 22.0% Infrastructure Support 21.2% Infrastructure Laboratory Independent Support 20.3% Subcontractors 19.8% 0.2% Independent Subcontractors 0.9% PO's: $592.8m 25,594 P-Cards: $18.1m 33,299 Marketplace: $31.1m 57,724 7 Presentation name
FY12 – Dollars & Actions by Month YTD - Sep 2012 $200.0 16,000 DOLLARS ACTIONS 14,000 $150.0 12,000 10,000 $ (millions) Actions $100.0 8,000 6,000 $50.0 4,000 $161.2 2,000 $53.1 $34.6 $61.0 $31.9 $27.1 $64.6 $35.2 $71.4 $54.7 $73.2 $96.0 0 $0.0 O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S YTD ACTIONS 9,872 9,929 7,892 8,990 10,022 9,560 9,667 10,162 9,484 9,498 13,333 12,652 121,061 $53.1 $34.6 $61.0 $31.9 $27.1 $64.6 $35.2 $71.4 $54.7 $73.2 $96.0 $161.2 $764.1 DOLLARS Includes P-Cards. PM / FY12 by Month.xlsx Data Source: WM/Backupdata.xls 10/8/2012 8 Presentation name
FY13 – Dollars & Actions by Month YTD - Sep 2013 $200.0 16,000 DOLLARS ACTIONS 14,000 $150.0 12,000 10,000 $ (millions) Actions $100.0 8,000 6,000 $50.0 4,000 2,000 $65.3 $41.4 $29.5 $37.6 $57.8 $33.0 $44.3 $55.5 $70.0 $40.6 $68.6 $98.6 0 $0.0 O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S YTD ACTIONS 10,914 9,171 8,398 9,413 9,750 9,011 9,241 9,384 8,619 9,641 11,694 11,381 116,617 $65.3 $41.4 $29.5 $37.6 $57.8 $33.0 $44.3 $55.5 $70.0 $40.6 $68.6 $98.6 $641.9 DOLLARS Includes P-Cards. PM / FY13 by Month.xlsx Data Source: WM/Backupdata.xls 10/2/2013 9 Presentation name
Awards & Mods Competitively Placed FY 2014 - Cumulative (BSC Metric) YTD - Mar 2014 100 Internal Goal = >80% of 'all' Transactions 78.8 78.3 77.9 77.0 76.0 80 74.5 Percentage (%) Goal = >60% of Awards GT $150,000 68.9 68.2 60 66.1 56.7 55.8 40 32.3 20 Transactions Dollars 0 O N D J F M A M J J A S OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP Cumulative ALL Competitive Trans. 4,027 8,082 1 1 ,887 1 6,803 21 ,700 26,699 5,403 1 0,636 1 5,447 21 ,562 27,706 33,883 ALL Comp Base Trans. GT $150k Comp Funded $2,429,987 $1 4,897,336 $1 9,979,1 85 $39,551 ,466 $45,382,495 $67,845,925 $7,51 5,435 $26,263,51 7 $35,831 ,997 $58,01 0,467 $68,689,31 1 $98,475,699 GT $150k Comp Base Funded Base = Competition Code not ZX07, ZX08, ZX12, ZX13 - Excludes BESC Awards. *Includes Educational. SELA/Competitive.xlsx Data Source: BW-7 Report Procurement Competitively Placed 4/1/2014 10 Presentation name
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Subcontract Dollars Placed with SB (%) Firms - FY 2014 (BSC Metric) 100 YTD - Mar 2014 90 SB SDB WOB HUBZone Vet-Owned SD-Vet LB Goal =>54% Goal =>8% Goal =>10% Goal =>3% Goal =>4.5% Goal =>3% YTD $ 80.5M YTD $ 67.9M YTD $ 11.4M YTD $ 10.6M YTD $ 4.2M YTD $ 10.4M YTD $ 6.5M 80 Percentage 70 54.23 60 45.77 50 40 30 20 7.17 7.70 6.99 4.36 10 2.83 0 FY2014 YTDHistorical Data: FY 00* FY 01 FY 02 FY 03 FY 04 FY 05 FY 06 FY 07 FY 08 FY 09 FY 10 FY 11 FY 12 FY 13 SB Base SB=Small Business 54.57 48.41 49.22 54.1 62.7 50.79 57.84 58.47 62.94 49.64 59.24 54.1 52.71 58.36 % (Percentage) 148.4M SDB=Small Disadvantaged 9.77 7.55 6.42 6.24 9.23 7.09 10.54 9.26 11.13 6.82 10.01 9.81 12.00 12.08 Educ Base WOB=Small Woman-Owned 8.51 7.45 12.21 8.8 10.31 7.86 11.35 12.33 14.62 9.7 12.41 11.49 13.28 12.55 19.6M HUBZone=Hist. Underutilized Business Zones 0.05 0.24 0.37 1.97 4.42 3.21 7.35 6.74 6.96 3.53 4.42 2.84 3.88 3.18 Total Proc Vet-Owned=Veteran-Owned Sm Business N/R 0.32 0.82 1.19 3 1.49 4.07 3.52 6.12 4.89 5.93 5.48 4.23 6.18 237.3M SD-Vet=Serv-Disabled Vet-Owned Sm Business N/R 0.037 -0.001 0.028 0.14 0.115 1.652 1.023 2.54 2.86 3.9 3.25 2.16 3.23 Base for SB, SDB, WOB & HUBZone %s excludes Foreign, GOVT, INTG, IGT & Affiliates (FY05-10 includes P-Cards) Data Source: 2096 & Proc Stats 2. * UT-Battelle contract started April 1, 2000. 6 months of data only. Base revised in FY05 & FY07. 2SELA/SE Combined.xlsx 4/1/2014 12 Presentation name
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Upcoming Opportunities Remainder of FY 2014 • Technical Support Services (EERE Program) - BOA Recompete – – Sentech and Energetics incumbents - current usage $15M Sentech and $20M Energetics • Linear Motion System (Energy & Environmental Sciences) - ~$600K • Technical Support Services (Environmental & Ecological Information) - BOA Recompete – – IIA incumbent - current usage $3M, ceiling of $5M – May extend current contract 14 Presentation name
Opportunities ( con’t ) • Helium (liquid and gas) and other gases – RFP Fall 2014 – 1 or more multi-year awards will be made – Current agreements expires March 2015 – 2 vendors currently with combined spend of approximately $2.2m • Document shredding and disposal. Summer 2014 • Fire Protection Engineering and Technical Support staff augmentation. – Contemplate a five year agreement with a value of $3M- $5M. Summer 2014 • Project Management Services (on Business Opportunities website) – estimated $20M – SB Set-Aside. May 2014 • Design Support Summer staff augmentation, Summer 2014 15 Presentation name •
Opportunities ( con’t ) • Design Support - Summer staff augmentation, Summer 2014 • Architect-Engineering Services - Fall 2014 • Engineering Design BOA (ITER)- Recompete – $15M • Central Solenoid Tie Plate Fabrication (ITER)- $4M • Second Line of Defense (SLD) Support (NNP) - $10M* • MPC&A Support (NNP)- $5M* • International Safeguards Support (NNP) - $10M* • GTRI Support (NNP)- $5M* * Multiple BOAs – 5-year period of performance. 16 Presentation name
Doing Business with ORNL • Register in the ORNL Supplier Database and in the System for Award Management (SAM) www.sam.gov (formerly CCR) 17 Presentation name
Doing Business with ORNL • Visit the ORNL Small Business website at www.ornl.gov/smallbusiness. 18 Presentation name
Activities and Awards 13th Annual U.S. Department of Energy Small Business Forum & Expo June 10-12, 2014 Tampa, FL Website: http://smallbusinessconference. energy.gov 2014 ORNL Small Business Impact Awards 19 Presentation name
AMS Process Redesign • Improve advance planning/early involvement in procurements – Co-locate with customers- better visibility/communication – Improve Statements of Work • Simplify/Standardize special terms and conditions / clauses – ES&H and Quality reviews • Improve vendor database and make it the hub/primary resource for buyers – Better linkage to buying trends • Clearly define roles and responsibilities • Oversite of subcontractors on-site • Statusing of procurements 20 Presentation name
O AK R IDGE N ATIONAL L ABORATORY MANAGED BY UT-BATTELLE FOR THE DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY Small Business Programs Office Cassandra McGee Stuart Manager, Small Business Programs 865-576-3560 1060 Commerce Park Dr. mcgeecm@ornl.gov MS-6419 www.ornl.gov/adm/smallbusiness Oak Ridge, TN 37830 21 Presentation name
Oak Ridge National Laboratory: Meeting the challenges of the 21st century 22 Presentation name
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