national latino aids awareness day nlaad amp national

National Latino AIDS Awareness Day (NLAAD) & National Hispanic - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

National Latino AIDS Awareness Day (NLAAD) & National Hispanic Hepatitis Awareness Day (NHHAD) Luis Alberto Mares, LMSW Director of Community Mobilization Programs Latino Commission on AIDS LATIN INO C O COMMI MISSI SSION ON O ON A

  1. National Latino AIDS Awareness Day (NLAAD) & National Hispanic Hepatitis Awareness Day (NHHAD) Luis Alberto Mares, LMSW Director of Community Mobilization Programs Latino Commission on AIDS

  2. LATIN INO C O COMMI MISSI SSION ON O ON A AIDS • A nonprofit organization founded in 1990 to fight HIV/AIDS in Latino communities nationwide • Services in more than 40 States, Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands • Multi-disciplinary Staff • Multicultural/Multilingual Capacity • Long demonstrated history of building national, regional and local coalitions • Led by national AIDS advocate Dennis de Leon since 1993 until his passing in 2009 • Since 2009, Guillermo Chacon has spearheaded coalition building, community mobilization & Spanish- language media outreach efforts as the President of the Commission

  3. LATINO COMMISSION ON AIDS • Fiv ive cor ore ar areas as: 1. Capacity Building Assistance (CBA) 2. Disease Prevention and Health Promotion 3. Direct Services / Access to Care (HIV and Hepatitis testing & navigation services) 4. Health Policy, Advocacy and Community Mobilization 5. Latin Health Disparities Research and Evaluation • Local al, region ional al, & nation ional al level • Uniq ique ue commun mmunity y based participa patory research h model el

  4. Latino Commi Commission on on AI AIDS • Why us? – Because our exper ertise in HIV/ V/AI AIDS S & Hepatitis – Because we follow Diseas ase I Integrat ation n of Public health model – Because we use a Commu munity Mobi obilizat ation model – Because we convene stakeholders and don’t take ownership of local campaigns ( Gra Grass ssroots ) – Because we hear Clients’ s’ r reque uest st – Because we have a National nal p perspe pect ctive ve

  5. Why educate and mobilize? • Because of the ef effect ects of of the epid he epidemic ics in our communities. • Because the la lack ck of of ser ervice ces. • Because of Socia Social d l det etermin inants of of hea health. • Because we need to fight St Stig igma ma. • Because the existence of mis misco conce ception ons.

  6. Lat atino inos/His ispan anic ics an and HIV IV Almost 10,000 Latinos • were newly diagnosed with HIV in 2015. Latinos represent 18% of • the US population but represent 24% of all new HIV diagnosis. Hispanic/Latinos tend to • have a late diagnosis of HIV. Since the beginning of the • epidemic 129,295 Latinos have died from AIDS.

  7. Lat atino inos/His ispan anic ics an and Hepat atit itis is • Chronic liver disease is the 7 th highest cause of death in the Latino community • In 2016 Hispanics were 60 percent more likely to die from Viral hepatitis than whites (OMH) • Despite having lower rates of hepatitis C, Hispanics were 50 percent more likely to die from that disease, in 2015. (OMH) • From 2011-2012 acute Hepatitis C rates increased 23.5% among Hispanics • Hispanic adults 40 years and over are 30% more likely to develop Hepatitis

  8. Ou Our N r Nati ational al Awaren arenes ess C Campai ampaigns : : NLAAD & AAD & NHHAD

  9. NL NLAA AAD & & NHHAD NHHAD • Developed by the Latino Commission on AIDS (2003 & 2012) • National campaigns implemented at the local level • NLAAD & AAD & NHHAD are collective movements aimed at educating and mobilizing Latino communities to increase their knowledge about the dangers of HIV and viral hepatitis respectively, and its high prevalence in Hispanic communities. • Goal al: Draw attention to the critical role HIV & viral Hepatitis testing, prevention education, care, and treatment plays in addressing these epidemics.

  10. NLAAD LAAD & & NHHAD HAD cont ontinued • NLAAD & NHHAD are commu communit ity mobil mob ilizin ing ca campa mpaig igns which foster a diverse network of agencies and stakeholders, implemented at the local, regional and national level, aimed at educating and mobilizing Latino/Hispanic communities to increase their knowledge on the impact of HIV and viral hepatitis.

  11. Com ommun unit ity M Mobil bilizat atio ion is is… Community mobilization is a capacity- building process through which community individuals, groups, and organizations plan, carry out, and evaluate activities on a participatory and sustained basis to achieve an agreed upon goal, either on their own initiative or stimulated by others.

  12. NLAAD & AD & NHHAD D co continued ed NLAAD & NHHAD are National socia ocial ma market etin ing/messaging ca campa mpaig igns implemented every October 15 th and May 15 th respectively to raise HIV & & vir iral hepa hepatit itis is a awarene eness, prevention, testing, treatment education and patient advocacy in the Latino community.

  13. Socia Social M Market etin ing/Messaging: W Wha hat is is it it? • Promotes a voluntary behavior change ↓ • By targeting a specific audience ↓ • In order to improve the personal well being and that of society. • It is a planned process for influencing social change. Social is a research-driven approach to behavior change. • Because it is action-driven, evaluation of its effect is part of the campaign. No campaign can claim success without evaluation.

  14. NLA LAAD & NHHAD AD: C CORE RE ELEM ELEMENTS 1. Partners: - Local - Regional - National 2.Conference calls: Planning 3.Development and dissemination of materials – i.e. campaign kit, website, messaging, images 4. Webinars, trainings, forum for discussion, technical assistance 5. Events

  15. 1. P PARTNER NERS • The NLAAD & NHHAD network (partners) participate in the developing of campaign materials – such as the campaign kit, website, and, all campaign messaging and images. • Communication is key – national NLAAD & NHHAD partners convene via conference call once a month prior to the launch of the campaigns • NLAAD & NHHAD members are able to use all campaign messages and tailor them as needed to address specific community needs. • Materials and trainings are provided

  16. 2. CO CONF NFERENCE CA E CALLS • Conference calls serve as a forum for collaboration, networking and to seek information on how other agencies organize specific events. • Technical assistance and capacity building is provided.








  24. NH NHAAD 20 2018 18

  25. 4. W WEBI BINARS RS NL NLAAD 2 201 017 W Webinars NH NHHAD 2 201 018 Webinars 1. HIV and Latinx 1. Community Voice on Hep C Communities 2. Viral Hepatitis Overview 2. Federal Response to Ending 3. Updated National Viral AIDS / Minor Consent and Hepatitis Action Plan 2017- the Path Towards Ending 2020 the Epidemic in NYS / HIV 4. Latinos and Hepatitis C: Criminalization and the Where we are and what we Latinx Community. need to do. 3. Social Media and NLAAD 5. OMHRC Efforts around Viral 4. Nutrition and HIV Hepatitis C among Latinos

  26. NLAAD & NHHAD Community Mobilization Model

  27. Goal: Building community capacity to raise awareness, promote HIV & viral hepatitis testing, and connecting Hispanics/Latinos to health care Build Community Partnerships/Leadership: Create Planning Committee, Ownership, Consensus Develop a Community Plan: Community Assessment, How to Prepare for NLAAD / NHHAD Implement Community Action Plan: material, marketing, collaboration, media, elected officials Evaluate Effectiveness: revisit goals, successes, challenges, outcomes

  28. Goal: Building community capacity to raise awareness, promote HIV & Viral Hepatitis testing, and connecting Hispanics/Latinos to health care Community-wide changes in norms and behaviors take a long time to develop. Effective, sustainable, and ongoing community-level HIV and viral hepatitis education to confront stigma and bring people to care. All members of a community are potential change agents .

  29. Build Community Partnerships/Leadership: Create Planning Committee, Ownership, Consensus Iden enti tify c core c e commu mmunity ty m member bers for y your P Planning C Commi mittee: ttee: • People living with HIV/viral hepatitis • Community Educators • Community Based Organizations • Communities of Faith • ESL Programs Identify a addit dditional s l stake h holde lders: Elected officials, celebrities, small business owners, Health Departments, media, dance companies, volunteers. Iden enti tify existi ting e efforts ts: Hospitals, clinics, community health centers, existing coalitions, human service providers, colleges.


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