National Archives The State-of of-the-Art in in Dig igital Heritage and it its Role in in Strengthening SAARC Saubhagya Pradhananga, Acting Director General National Archives, Nepal 1
Organization Structure Ministry of Culture, Tourism and Civil Aviation Archives Unit Archive Section Conservation Unit Microfilm and Electronic Record Manegment Section National Archives Manuscript Unit Administration Librar ary Account 3
Legislat ative Provision Definition Archives Preservation Act 2046 Archives Transfer of Preservation Documents Archives Preservation Archives Act 2046 Rule, 2007 Preservation Rule 2063 Cultural Policy 2067 4 Penalty
Sta tate te o of Docume mentary H Heritage i in Nat ation onal A Archives, N Nepal .A. irck-Bark in N.A A Palm lm-leaf manuscript, Skanda-Puran, 8 810 AD t in ipt Collection in Bir Handwritten manuscrip andwritten text in th cen Saddharma Pundarika, 8 th centu tury palm alm-le leaf handi) (Cha Han ousands Ha Nis ishwasatatva Samhit ita, 32 Thou Shaiv Sh aiva Tan antra 9th th c. “Memory of the World” Nyayabikasin ini, King Jayasthiti Malla’s legal code, 5 writ ritten in 1380 1380 AD
Sourc rces o of Document nts in National A Arc rchive ves, Nepal Bir Library Gov./N.Gov Offices Private Archives & Library Private collection Records of Land. Collection Gorkhapatra 6 th May 1901. 6
REFERENCE LIB IBRARY National l Archives has as a a reference lib library ry covering var arious su subjects. 20 20,0 ,000 Prin rinted books s wit ith DDC (D (Dewey De Decimal Clas lassification) 7
Memory of the World Register Susrutamhita (Sahottartantra) manuscript Niśvāsattatvasaṃhitā Manuscript Kaisar Library , Nepal National Archives, Nepal
International Affiliation National Archives MOW- UNESCO 9
CHALLENGE : Earth Quake Significance of Digitization and Microfilming 10
Signification of Digitization and Microfilming • Tengboche Monastery An electrical short circuit on January 19, 1989 CHALLENGE : FIRE (Bs 2045 Magh 6) Microfilm series no -L • Fire at Pashupatinath temple Jun 25, 2005. Micro film series no -PN • Fire at Prok village at Gorkha district In 2001 the prok village got fire , every things were lost Micro film series no – L 11
Signification of Digitization and Microfilming Illicit Traffic .Miniature paintings return: The NA has succeed In 16 Aug 2013 to return three pairs of miniature paintings on wooden covers painted in 11 th to 14 th century AD of CHALLENGE : Ill • Siva dharma , • Bishnudharma • Bhagawat Puran 12
Coordination for Preservation of Historical Documents Office of Dept. of Land Legislature - Management Parliament Nepal Army and Archive National Dept. of Civil Library Personnel Records Tribhuwan University GUTHI Library Corporation Keshar Library Martin Chautari Dilli Raman Regmi Madan Asha Saphu Library Library Kuthi 13
Conservation (aft (a fter (b (before res estoration) restoration) 14
After Earthquake 2015 OPPORTUNITIES for Digital Documentation 15
Flowi wing ng K Know nowledge a edge and I Inf nfor ormation on Book Lunching Program After Earthquake 2015 16
After Earthquake 2015 The State -of of-the-Art in Digital Heritage Preservation Strategy 39,000 – Manuscript 2900,000 Folios 2300 – Roll NAO Collection 200,000 - Manuscript 60,00,000 - Folios 10,000 – Roll NAM Collection 2300,000 - Folios 35,000 – Manuscript NAD 17
OPPORTUNITIES to Adopt advance Technology Digitizing the Manuscripts and Records Preservation Strategy 18
Digitizition and Management of Data Imag mage M Managemen ement S System em 19
Flowi wing ng K Know nowledge a edge and I Inf nfor ormation on Develop the In International Links with SRAAC 20
OPPORTUNITIES to Expand the Collection Digital / Photography Archives 21
Future strategy for preservation Documentation Conservation NATIONAL ARCHIVES Centre Centre Digital Archives/Data Centre Training Centre Research Centre Digital Service through Web-based Application 22
Challenges and Is Issues Virus, malware, spyware, worm attack Digitization of very old documents. Ensuring long-term access to digital information is a complex challenge Storage of digital data, management and operation. Metadata handling Digital preservation strategies Legal issues Technical assistance Access restrictions Security threats Management cost 23
Strengthening SRAAC through Digital Heritage Develop the Network within the SRAAC countries Develop Joint project to enhance the Knowledge and Capacity Building Develop Joint academic research project & Exchange the Academic Knowledge Cooperation for Technical support to preserve the digital Heritage Access of digital Catalogues of Archives . Access of digital records on the basis of Government's Rule. 24
THANK YOU Welcome to Nepal 25
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