Writing “Depression, to Happiness, and Then Gone” A narrative is a piece of literature with someone { narrating it. Either as a first person, second person or third person. By: Una Bach
Billy Casper is saddened about the loss of Kes. He meets a girl named Alice, that becomes his best friend. Jud murders Alice, Billy becomes very depressed. Billy commits suicide. The Plot
Set in Barnsley in South Yorkshire England. Time: 1970s Usually rainy and grey. The mood is usually down and depressed. Setting
Billy is the protagonist in my story, he is the main character. Jud (Billy’s older brother) is the Antagonist in my story because he murders Alice. Billy is also the dynamic character because he Alice made him brighter. Alice is the static character because she does not change at all, she is always adventurous and open minded. Character
The mood is very grey and depressing. The main character is not a jolly person . Atmosphere
My story’s theme is Love. Billy loves Alice so much that when he found her dead he was so upset that he committed suicide. Theme
My story is written as a third person narrative story. It is written as; then he said, she replied. Third person: the narrator sees what emotions characters have and what is happening to them. Point of View
To make my story more interesting I made it dramatic. The literary devices I used are: Onomatopoeia, and similes. Literary Devices
How I Edited My Story 1. Peer Editing: I asked someone to read my story and tell me what I should fix. 2. Spell Check: I used the Word Spell Check to correct all my spelling mistakes.
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