na nati tiona onal l ur urba ban n po poli licies cies

Na Nati tiona onal l Ur Urba ban n Po Poli licies cies - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Na Nati tiona onal l Ur Urba ban n Po Poli licies cies 07-07-2017 Why National Urban Policies? Administ nistra rativ tive e Bounda ndari ries es State e of Ur f Urba banization nization Increased Population 69% of total

  1. Na Nati tiona onal l Ur Urba ban n Po Poli licies cies 07-07-2017

  2. Why National Urban Policies?

  3. Administ nistra rativ tive e Bounda ndari ries es

  4. State e of Ur f Urba banization nization Increased Population 69% of total population live in urban settings that constitute 8% of the total national area.

  5. State e of Ur f Urba banization nization Beirut Urban Growth

  6. Urba ban n Governance rnance Beirut Municipalities

  7. Scales les of f Inter erven entio tion Planning Stakeholders - Public Service Providers

  8. National ional Urba ban n Po Polici icies es NUP is a vital tool for governments seeking to manage rapid urbanization by promoting transformative, productive, inclusive and resilient long-term urban development, through a government-led process, ensuring the active involvement of Planning Stakeholders. Key thematic areas of NUP: Urban Legislation, Urban Economy, and Urban Planning. Projec ject t Objec ectiv tive: Devising a framework for urban planning practices that enforce resiliency, sustainability, accessibility, and prosperity for all city dwellers.

  9. Methodology hodology Phase 1: 1. Diagnosis: Review of existing documents relevant to urban planning on the Global, Regional, and National levels. 2. Consultations: Sharing preliminary findings with stakeholders to discuss and validate the challenges, opportunities, and policy recommendations. 3. Recommendations for Phase 2 Key outcomes: • Promoting awareness of NUP to Governmental institutions, International Agencies, Academic Institutions, Community & Civil Society. • Developing a unified goal towards achieving NUP through National Deliberations Phase 2: • Drafting and Implementation of National Urban Policies for Lebanon

  10. Minis nistry try of f Pl Planning: nning: Fo Fores eseen een Role le • Main governing body orienting, facilitating, and monitoring local authorities and planning actors. • Sets the coordination mechanism and platform for planning stakeholders. • Creating an enabling environment for mainstreaming National Urban Policies. The ministry needs to be provided with a clear mandate and be identified as the official planning decision making authority.

  11. Thank you


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