The University of Hong Kong Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering EcomE/EESE/InofE Technical Project Presentation Time-table 2007-08 To: All EEE & CSIS Teaching Staff From: Dr W H Lam (EEE) (N. B. Classes of all Level 3 EComE/EE/CE/InfoE courses will be suspended during this week) Date_ Time_Peri Venue Student Name Class Supervisor Second_Examiner Project_Title Select od 14/4/2008 (Monday), CYC-601J 14-Apr 09:10-09:35 CYC601J CHUNG MUN MING Dr. Y.S. Hung On-line signature verification EComE Dr. C.H. Leung 14-Apr 10:00-10:25 CYC601J NG SHING YIU ROY Dr. Y.S. Hung Detection and recognition of licence plates of running vehicles InfoE Dr. C.H. Leung 14-Apr 11:05-11:30 CYC601J FONG KAM YIN Humanoid Robot EE Dr. Y.S. Hung Dr. C.H. Leung 14-Apr 11:30-11:55 CYC601J GAO YUAN 3D Geometric Modeling from Turntable Sequence EComE Dr. Y.S. Hung Dr. C.H. Leung 14-Apr 12:10-12:35 CYC601J GUAN DA Robust Image Matching EComE Dr. Y.S. Hung Dr. C.H. Leung 15/4/2008 (Tuseday), CYC-601J 15-Apr 09:10-09:35 CYC601J CHAN WING NANG Dr. K.Y. K. Wong Wireless link for Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) application EComE Dr. G.X. Shen 15-Apr 09:35-10:00 CYC601J LAM MEI YIN MAY Dr. K.Y. K. Wong Wireless link for Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) application EComE Dr. G.X. Shen 15-Apr 10:00-10:25 CYC601J WU WENWEI Dr. K.Y. K. Wong Wireless link for Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) application InfoE Dr. G.X. Shen 15-Apr 10:40-11:05 CYC601J CHEUNG KA YI EComE Dr. K.Y. K. Wong About the amplifier and regenerator used in optical transmission Dr. G.X. Shen 15-Apr 11:05-11:30 CYC601J NG MAN HIN MATTHE EComE Dr. K.Y. K. Wong Electromagnetic Effects and Protection of Civil Aircrafts Dr. G.X. Shen 15-Apr 11:30-11:55 CYC601J CHAU TSZ FUNG Microwave Photonics EComE Dr. K.Y. K. Wong Dr. G.X. Shen 16/4/2008 (Wednesday), CYC-308 16-Apr 09:10-09:35 CYC308 The development of ITS system – the remote video systems and the image based automatic road traffic speed detection systems CHENG TSZ CHUNG EComE Dr. W.H. Lam Dr. Lawrence Yeung 16-Apr 09:35-10:00 CYC308 The development of ITS system – the remote video systems and the image based automatic road traffic speed detection systems LAU TSZ KING EComE Dr. W.H. Lam Dr. Lawrence Yeung 16-Apr 10:00-10:25 CYC308 EComE Dr. W.H. Lam The development of Java-based (J2ME) wireless personalized real-time road traffic Information systems CHAN KA CHUN Dr. Lawrence Yeung 16-Apr 14:10-14:35 CYC308 Dr. Wallace C.H. Choy Image segmentation with new Fuzzy Logic algorithms KWOK MAN KIT EComE Dr. W.K. Tsui 16-Apr 14:35-15:00 CYC308 Dr. Wallace C.H. Choy Multi-object extraction with Markov Random Field (MRF) TSANG PUI SZE InfoE Dr. W.K. Tsui 16-Apr 15:00-15:25 CYC308 Dr. Wallace C.H. Choy Numerical computation of pressure wave propagation in arteries WONG WAI YI EE Dr. W.K. Tsui 16-Apr 15:40-16:05 CYC308 Dr. Wallace C.H. Choy Applying Optimization for Position Estimation on Wireless Sensor Networks YIM PUI YEE InfoE Dr. W.K. Tsui 16-Apr 16:05-16:30 CYC308 ZHENG SHOUDE EComE Dr. W.K. Tsui Dr. Wallace C.H. Choy A comparison of two registration techniques for digital subtraction radiography Dr. Wallace C.H. 16-Apr 16:30-16:55 CYC308 Nanoscale particles for biosensor applications FUNG KONG YIU EE Choy Dr. W.K. Tsui 16/4/2008 (Wednesday), CYC-601J 16-Apr 14:10-14:35 CYC601J CHAN CHIU WING Prof. P.T. Lai Nanostuctures using a self-assembly technique EComE Dr. A.H.W. Choi 16-Apr 14:35-15:00 CYC601J WOO WAI CHUNG Prof. P.T. Lai Enhancing LED performance with microspheres AMANDA EE Dr. A.H.W. Choi 16-Apr 15:00-15:25 CYC601J WONG NGA TING EComE Dr. A.H.W. Choi Prof. P.T. Lai The Fabrication and packaging for LED devices 16-Apr 15:40-16:05 CYC601J LAI MAN SHUN Website Design for a Family InfoE Prof. P.T. Lai Dr. A.H.W. Choi 16-Apr 16:05-16:30 CYC601J LEE WAI WAH Fabrication and Characterization of Germanium MOSFET BELINDA EComE Prof. P.T. Lai Dr. A.H.W. Choi 16-Apr 16:30-16:55 CYC601J TSANG HING PONG EE Distributed Generation Source Planning Dr. J. Zhong Dr. K.P. Chan Dr. Wallace C.H. 16-Apr 17:10-17:35 CYC601J MOK PUI SUM Determine the absolute optical properties of organic semiconductors and OLEDs EComE Choy Dr. W.K. Tsui Dr. Wallace C.H. 16-Apr 17:35-18:00 CYC601J LAM WAI NOK Efficiency Enhancement of Organic semiconductor LEDs EE Choy Dr. W.K. Tsui
16/4/2008 (Wednesday), CYC-603 16-Apr 10:00-10:25 CYC603 Power converters for high power LED lamps PANG HON MAN EE Dr. M.H. Pong Prof. K.T. Chau 16-Apr 10:40-11:05 CYC603 CHEUNG LING FUNGEE Dr. M.H. Pong Simulation of Railway Signalling System using a Railway Model Prof. K.T. Chau 16-Apr 11:05-11:30 CYC603 KWONG HANG WAI Dr. M.H. Pong PWM Control and the Communication Equipment in Traction Vehicle Model EE Prof. K.T. Chau 16-Apr 11:30-11:55 CYC603 LI TAM TAN FUNG Dr. M.H. Pong Design of a Solar Powered Multi-type Batteries Charger EE Prof. K.T. Chau 16-Apr 12:10-12:35 CYC603 Dr. M.H. Pong Design and construct a thermoelectric converter CHAN CHI MING EE Prof. K.T. Chau 16-Apr 12:35-13:00 CYC603 Dr. M.H. Pong Design and construct a wind power converter CHAN HEUNG WING EE Prof. K.T. Chau 17/4/2008 (Thursday), CYC-601J 17-Apr 09:10-09:35 CYC601J LEUNG WAI FUNG Music recognition EComE Prof. P.T. Lai Dr. A.H.W. Choi 17-Apr 09:35-10:00 CYC601J TSO MEI YAN Fabrication and characterization of organic transistor EComE Prof. P.T. Lai Dr. A.H.W. Choi 17-Apr 10:40-11:05 CYC601J LEE LAK TAO EE Dr. J. Zhong Should Hong Kong open its electricity market Dr. K.P. Chan 17-Apr 11:05-11:30 CYC601J TSE YUI CHUNG EE Dr. J. Zhong Power Distribution Network and Expansion Planning, modeling, control in Hong Kong Dr. K.P. Chan 17/4/2008 (Thursday), CYC-603 17-Apr 09:10-09:35 CYC603 Dr. M.H. Pong Design and construct a thermoelectric converter LAU YIN NUNG EE Prof. K.T. Chau 17-Apr 09:35-10:00 CYC603 Dr. M.H. Pong Design and construct a wind power converter MAK WAI HO EE Prof. K.T. Chau Lunch Break 17-Apr 14:10-14:35 CYC603 Dr. K.L. Ho An Interactive Multimedia Learning Tool for Mobile Network CHEUNG KA MING InfoE Dr. S.W. Cheung 17-Apr 14:35-15:00 CYC603 Dr. K.L. Ho An Interactive Multimedia Learning Tool for Mobile Network LEUNG KIN WAI InfoE Dr. S.W. Cheung 17-Apr 15:00-15:25 CYC603 Dr. K.L. Ho An Interactive Multimedia Learning Tool for Mobile Network WONG KA WAI EE Dr. S.W. Cheung 17-Apr 15:40-16:05 CYC603 Dr. K.L. Ho Monitoring of different mobile networks in Hong Kong YUEN SUI TONG InfoE Dr. S.W. Cheung 17-Apr 16:30-16:55 CYC603 Dr. G.K.H. Pang Speed from photos HO KIN SAN EE Dr. N.H.C. Yung 17-Apr 17:10-17:35 CYC603 HE YU LIN ELAINE EComE Dr. N.H.C. Yung Dr. G.K.H. Pang Reinforcement Learning Using Neural Networks in Stock Price Prediction CHOI LAI HONG 17-Apr 17:35-18:00 CYC603 Dr. N.H.C. Yung Intelligent surveillance system based on computer vision CLARENCE InfoE Dr. G.K.H. Pang 18/4/2008 (Friday), CYC-313 18-Apr 10:00-10:25 CYC313 Prof. P.Y.S. Cheung Prototyping of a high-end CCD camera surveillance system MAK CHUN YIN EComE Dr. N. Wong 18-Apr 10:25-10:50 CYC313 Prof. P.Y.S. Cheung Prototyping of a high-end CCD camera surveillance system MAK WING CHEUNG EComE Dr. N. Wong 18-Apr 10:50-11:15 CYC313 Prof. P.Y.S. Cheung Prototyping of a high-end CCD camera surveillance system TONG CHUN KIT InfoE Dr. N. Wong 18-Apr 11:30-11:55 CYC313 Activities Monitor for Elderly CHAN CHUN YIK EE Prof. P.Y.S. Cheung Dr. N. Wong 18-Apr 11:55-12:20 CYC313 Intensive Care Unit (ICU) Intelligent Bed CHAN WANG TAT EComE Prof. P.Y.S. Cheung Dr. N. Wong CHEUNG CHEUK 18-Apr 12:20-12:45 CYC313 Bioelectric Impedance Measuremnt KIN EE Prof. P.Y.S. Cheung Dr. N. Wong 18/4/2008 (Friday), CYC-601J 18-Apr 09:10-09:35 CYC601J CHEN TIAN MIN Applications on 3G mobile phones InfoE Dr. K. S. Lui Dr. W.H. Lam 18-Apr 09:35-10:00 CYC601J WANG YANG Applications on 3G mobile phones EComE Dr. K. S. Lui Dr. W.H. Lam 18-Apr 10:00-10:25 CYC601J NG CHING WAI InfoE Dr. K. S. Lui Webpage management Dr. W.H. Lam 18-Apr 10:40-11:05 CYC601J WONG CHUNG YIN EComE Dr. K. S. Lui Intelligent Meeting Scheduling System Dr. W.H. Lam 18-Apr 11:05-11:30 CYC601J CHAN CHO WAI EComE Dr. Lawrence Yeung Dr. W.H. Lam Resouce Allocation in Wireless Mesh Networks 18/4/2008 (Friday), CYC-603 18-Apr 13:45-14:10 CYC603 Dr. Y.C. Wu Building an Intelligent and Mobile Presentation System (IMPS) TSE TUNG MING InfoE Dr. V. Tam EComE Dr. V. Tam Dr. Y.C. Wu Applying the Nature-Inspired Method for Adaptive Routing on Mobile Ad Hoc Networks 18-Apr 14:10-14:35 CYC603 ZHANG ZIJIE 18-Apr 14:35-15:00 CYC603 HO PAK HO EComE Dr. V. Tam Dr. Y.C. Wu A WiFi-based e-Class System 18-Apr 15:15-15:40 CYC603 YEUNG KWOK HANGEComE Dr. V. Tam Dr. Y.C. Wu WiFi-based wireless broadband equipment for home use 18-Apr 15:40-16:05 CYC603 SZE CHEUK YIN EE Dr. Y.C. Wu Dr. V. Tam Baseband receiver design and simulation for HDTV broadcasting system 18-Apr 16:05-16:30 CYC603 EComE Dr. Y.C. Wu Dr. V. Tam Baseband receiver design and simulation for HDTV broadcasting system WONG KAI KONG 18-Apr 17:10-17:35 CYC603 EComE Prof. V.O.K. Li Enhancements to the Peer-to-peer Interactive Video-on-demand System CHEN SHUAI Dr. W.W. Tsang CHU CHUN HANG 18-Apr 17:35-18:00 CYC603 Enhancements to the Peer-to-peer Interactive Video-on-demand System ERIC InfoE Prof. V.O.K. Li Dr. W.W. Tsang 18-Apr 18:00-18:25 CYC603 EComE Prof. V.O.K. Li Enhancements to the Peer-to-peer Interactive Video-on-demand System LI XIN Dr. W.W. Tsang 19/4/2008 (Saturday), CYC-601J
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