mutations that a fg ect auxin tra ffj c or perception

Mutations that a fg ect auxin tra ffj c or perception give rise to - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

2018 CDB Part IB Plant Development Lecture 2. Polarity and auxin fm ow Jim Haseloff Department of Plant Sciences Mutations that a fg ect auxin tra ffj c or perception give rise to plants with altered body plans Charles and Francis

  1. 2018 CDB Part IB Plant Development Lecture 2. Polarity and 
 auxin fm ow Jim Haseloff 
 Department of Plant Sciences

  2. Mutations that a fg ect auxin tra ffj c or perception give rise to plants with altered body plans

  3. Charles and Francis Darwin’s experiments on signalling during plant phototropism � 3

  4. Demonstration of chemical signaling � 4

  5. Auxin and apical-basal polarity: Apical-basal polarity and the coordination of indeterminate growth and branching in plants is maintained by traffic of growth regulators. These are not passive gradients, but are the product of active cellular transport.

  6. The pathway of auxin traffic through the plant is determined by the activities of influx and efflux carriers. HA H + A -

  7. Auxin influx carrier: AUX1 The aux1 mutant confers resistance to the herbicide 2,4-D, an auxin mimic WT aux1 WT aux1 2,4-D 1-NAA

  8. WT pin1

  9. PIN1 auxin efflux carrier

  10. PIN1 is plasma membrane localised 
 with a polar distribution within the cell (upper cell) (cell wall) (lower cell)

  11. Auxin fm ow and accumulation regulates patterning in the embryo

  12. Immunolocalisation of PIN7 in Arabidopsis embryos Immunolocalisation of PIN4 in Arabidopsis embryos

  13. Changes in PIN1 in distribution during Arabidopsis embryogenesis

  14. Auxin triggered gene expression during embryogenesis DR5::GFP

  15. Mutations that affect auxin traffic or perception give rise to plants with altered body plans.

  16. wild type gnom mutant Immunolocalisation of PIN1 in Arabidopsis embryos

  17. Feedback through regulated expression and localisation of PIN genes

  18. Asymmetric localisation of the PIN1 auxin efflux transporter is a dynamic process and requires the maintenance of polar secretion. Brefeldin A treatment causes rapid loss of PIN1 localisation.

  19. untreated PIN1-GFP PIN1-GFP PM-ATPase PIN2-GFP Application of auxin reverses the effect of � 22 Brefeldin A (BFA)

  20. x Brefeldin A or x Auxin gnom mutant

  21. Inhibition of auxin transport by application of NPA

  22. Defects in auxin transport or response affect patterning of the plant vascular system

  23. “Canalisation” of auxin flow

  24. Auxin flux

  25. PIN1 localisation

  26. Family of PIN genes in the Arabidopsis root pin2 mutant seedlings show loss of gravitropism in the root

  27. PIN2 localisation

  28. PIN3 localisation PIN4 localisation

  29. PIN1 PIN2 PIN2 PIN3 PIN4

  30. control + NPA auxin fm ux inhibitor Polar fm ux of auxin controls cell fate and organisation in the Arabidopsis root

  31. PIN1 PIN2 PIN2 PIN3 PIN4

  32. Gravity and PIN3 mediated redirection of auxin fm ow at the root tip regulates the direction of root growth

  33. Feedback-regulated traffic of auxin coordinates polar growth of plant cells It provides both long-range coordination of plant architecture, and a short-range mechanism for controlling individual cell fates. • Embryo polarity and outgrowth • Root and shoot meristem outgrowth “Canalisation” of auxin flow • Vascular development

  34. Tra ffj c of auxin regulates many aspects of plant growth and development

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