multiscale methods for capturing geological heterogeneity

Multiscale Methods for Capturing Geological Heterogeneity Stein - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Multiscale Methods for Capturing Geological Heterogeneity Stein Krogstad and KnutAndreas Lie SINTEF ICT, Dept. Applied Mathematics Rijswijk, May 3 2010 Applied Mathematics 03/05/2010 1/16 Physical Scales in Subsurface Modelling The

  1. Multiscale Methods for Capturing Geological Heterogeneity Stein Krogstad and Knut–Andreas Lie SINTEF ICT, Dept. Applied Mathematics Rijswijk, May 3 2010 Applied Mathematics 03/05/2010 1/16

  2. Physical Scales in Subsurface Modelling The scales that impact fluid flow in oil reservoirs range from the micrometer scale of pores and pore channels via dm–m scale of well bores and laminae sediments to sedimentary structures that stretch across entire reservoirs. Applied Mathematics 03/05/2010 2/16

  3. Geological Models Expressing the geologists’ preception of the reservoir: here: geo-cellular models describe the reservoir geometry (horizons, faults, etc) typically generated using geostatistics (or process simulation) give rock parameters (permeability and porosity) Applied Mathematics 03/05/2010 3/16

  4. Geological Models Expressing the geologists’ preception of the reservoir: here: geo-cellular models describe the reservoir geometry (horizons, faults, etc) typically generated using geostatistics (or process simulation) give rock parameters (permeability and porosity) Ex: Brent sequence Rock parameters: have a multiscale structure details on all scales impact flow permeability spans many orders of magnitude Tarbert Upper Ness Applied Mathematics 03/05/2010 3/16

  5. Heterogeneity versus Flow Modelling Gap in resolution: Geomodels: 10 7 − 10 9 cells Simulators: 10 5 − 10 6 cells Applied Mathematics 03/05/2010 4/16

  6. Heterogeneity versus Flow Modelling Gap in resolution: Geomodels: 10 7 − 10 9 cells Simulators: 10 5 − 10 6 cells ⇓ − → sector models and/or upscaling of parameters Coarse grid blocks: ⇓ Flow problems: Applied Mathematics 03/05/2010 4/16

  7. Heterogeneity versus Flow Modelling Gap in resolution: Geomodels: 10 7 − 10 9 cells Simulators: 10 5 − 10 6 cells ⇓ − → sector models and/or upscaling of parameters Coarse grid blocks: ⇓ ⇑ Flow problems: Applied Mathematics 03/05/2010 4/16

  8. Heterogeneity versus Flow Modelling Gap in resolution: Geomodels: 10 7 − 10 9 cells Simulators: 10 5 − 10 6 cells − → sector models and/or ⇓ ⇑ upscaling of parameters Coarse grid blocks: ⇓ ⇑ Flow problems: Applied Mathematics 03/05/2010 4/16

  9. Heterogeneity versus Flow Modelling Gap in resolution: Geomodels: 10 7 − 10 9 cells Simulators: 10 5 − 10 6 cells − → sector models and/or ⇓ ⇑ upscaling of parameters Coarse grid blocks: ⇓ ⇑ Flow problems: Applied Mathematics 03/05/2010 4/16

  10. Heterogeneity versus Flow Modelling Gap in resolution: Geomodels: 10 7 − 10 9 cells Simulators: 10 5 − 10 6 cells − → sector models and/or ⇓ ⇑ upscaling of parameters Coarse grid blocks: Many alternatives: Harmonic, arithmetic, geometric, . . . Local methods ( K or T ) ⇓ ⇑ Global methods Flow problems: Local-global methods Pseudo methods Ensemble methods Steady-state methods Applied Mathematics 03/05/2010 4/16

  11. Simulation on Seismic/Geologic Grid Why do we want/need it? Upscaling is a bottleneck in workflow, gives loss of information/accuracy, is not sufficiently robust, extensions to multiphase flow are somewhat shaky Applied Mathematics 03/05/2010 5/16

  12. Simulation on Seismic/Geologic Grid Why do we want/need it? Upscaling is a bottleneck in workflow, gives loss of information/accuracy, is not sufficiently robust, extensions to multiphase flow are somewhat shaky Simulation on seismic/geologic grid: best possible resolution of the physical processes, faster model building and history matching, makes inversion a better instrument to find remaining oil, better estimation of uncertainty by running alternative models Applied Mathematics 03/05/2010 5/16

  13. Example: Gullfaks Field (North Sea) Bypassed oil (4D inversion vs simulation): Arnesen, WPC, Madrid, 2008 Applied Mathematics 03/05/2010 6/16

  14. Example: Giant Middle-East Field Difference in resolution (10 million vs 1 billion cells): From Dogru et al., SPE 119272 Applied Mathematics 03/05/2010 6/16

  15. Example: Giant Middle-East Field Difference in resolution (10 million vs 1 billion cells): From Dogru et al., SPE 119272 Applied Mathematics 03/05/2010 6/16

  16. How to Close the Resolution Gap. . . ? Simplified flow physics: Can often tell a lot about the fluid movement. “Full physics” is typically only required towards the end of a workflow Applied Mathematics 03/05/2010 7/16

  17. How to Close the Resolution Gap. . . ? Simplified flow physics: Can often tell a lot about the fluid movement. “Full physics” is typically only required towards the end of a workflow Operator splitting: fully coupled solution is slow.. subequations often have different time scales splitting opens up for tailor-made methods Applied Mathematics 03/05/2010 7/16

  18. How to Close the Resolution Gap. . . ? Simplified flow physics: Can often tell a lot about the fluid movement. “Full physics” is typically only required towards the end of a workflow Operator splitting: fully coupled solution is slow.. subequations often have different time scales splitting opens up for tailor-made methods Use of sparsity / (multiscale) structure: effects resolved on different scales small changes from one step to next small changes from one simulation to next Applied Mathematics 03/05/2010 7/16

  19. From Upscaling to Multiscale Pressure Solvers Standard upscaling: Multiscale method: ⇓ ⇓⇑ Coarse grid blocks: Coarse grid blocks: ⇓⇑ ⇓⇑ Flow problems: Flow problems: Applied Mathematics 03/05/2010 8/16

  20. From Upscaling to Multiscale Pressure Solvers Standard upscaling: Multiscale method: ⇓⇑ ⇓ ⇑ Coarse grid blocks: Coarse grid blocks: ⇓⇑ ⇓⇑ Flow problems: Flow problems: Applied Mathematics 03/05/2010 8/16

  21. Workflow with Automated Upgridding in 3D 1) Automated coarsening: uniform partition in index space for corner-point grids 44 927 cells ↓ 148 blocks 9 different coarse blocks Applied Mathematics 03/05/2010 9/16

  22. Workflow with Automated Upgridding in 3D 1) Automated coarsening: uniform partition 2) Detect all adjacent blocks in index space for corner-point grids 44 927 cells ↓ 148 blocks 9 different coarse blocks Applied Mathematics 03/05/2010 9/16

  23. Workflow with Automated Upgridding in 3D 1) Automated coarsening: uniform partition 2) Detect all adjacent blocks in index space for corner-point grids 44 927 cells ↓ 148 blocks 9 different coarse blocks 3) Compute basis functions ( w i ( x ) , ∇· ψ ij = − w j ( x ) , for all pairs of blocks Applied Mathematics 03/05/2010 9/16

  24. Workflow with Automated Upgridding in 3D 1) Automated coarsening: uniform partition 2) Detect all adjacent blocks in index space for corner-point grids 44 927 cells ↓ 148 blocks 9 different coarse blocks 3) Compute basis functions 4) Block in coarse grid: component for building global solution ( w i ( x ) , ∇· ψ ij = − w j ( x ) , for all pairs of blocks Applied Mathematics 03/05/2010 9/16

  25. Multiscale Methods: Potential More flexible wrt grids than standard upscaling methods: automatic coarsening Applied Mathematics 03/05/2010 10/16

  26. Multiscale Methods: Potential Operations vs. upscaling factor: More flexible wrt grids than standard 7 x 10 8 Basis functions upscaling methods: automatic coarsening Global system 7 Reuse of computations, key to computational 6 1.2 Fine scale solution (AMG) O(n ) efficiency 5 4 3 2 1 0 8x8x8 16x16x16 32x32x32 64x64x64 SPE10: 1.1 mill cells Inhouse code from 2005: Multiscale: 2 min and 20 sec Multigrid: 8 min and 36 sec Applied Mathematics 03/05/2010 10/16

  27. Multiscale Methods: Potential More flexible wrt grids than standard upscaling methods: automatic coarsening Reuse of computations, key to computational efficiency Natural (elliptic) parallelism: giga-cell simulations multicore and heterogeneous computing Applied Mathematics 03/05/2010 10/16

  28. Multiscale Methods: Potential Pressure grid: More flexible wrt grids than standard upscaling methods: automatic coarsening Reuse of computations, key to computational efficiency Natural (elliptic) parallelism: giga-cell simulations multicore and heterogeneous computing Fine-scale velocity − → different grid for flow Transport grid: and transport − → dynamical adaptivity Applied Mathematics 03/05/2010 10/16

  29. Multiscale Methods: Potential More flexible wrt grids than standard Flow-based gridding: upscaling methods: automatic coarsening Reuse of computations, key to computational efficiency Natural (elliptic) parallelism: giga-cell simulations multicore and heterogeneous computing Fine-scale velocity − → different grid for flow and transport − → dynamical adaptivity with and without dynamic Cartesian refinement Research by: Vera Louise Hauge, Shell scholarship Applied Mathematics 03/05/2010 10/16

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