Multiparty Session Types and their Applications Nobuko Yoshida, Rumyana Neykova Imperial College London 1
Outline ➤ Idioms for Interaction ➤ Multiparty Session Types ➤ Scribble and Applications to a Large-scale Cyberinfrastructure ➤ Recent Results on Multiparty Session Types 2
Programming languages are tools which offer frameworks of abstraction for such activities – promoting or limiting them • Imperative • Functional • Logical
Quicksort in pure lambda: Quicksort with combinators:
Quicksort in ML:
Current: Communication is Ubiquitous ➤ The way to organise software is increasingly based on communications (Cloud Computing, many cores, message-passing parallel computation, ...) ➤ Question ➣ How to formally abstract/specify/implement/control communications? ➣ How to apply mobile processes and their type theories to real distributed applications and programming languages? 3
Current: Communication is Ubiquitous ➤ The way to organise software is increasingly based on communications (Cloud Computing, many cores, message-passing parallel computation, ...) ➤ Question ⇒ Multiparty session type theory = ➣ How to formally abstract/specify/implement/control communications? ➣ How to apply mobile processes and their type theories to real distributed applications and programming languages? ⇒ large-scale cyberinfrastructure for e-Science = 4
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Session Types Overview � Properties � Communication safety (no communication mismatch) � Communication fidelity (the communication follow the protocol) � Progress (no deadlock/stuck in a session)
Dynamic Monitoring [RV’13, COORDINATION’14, FMSD’15] Global Type Projection Local Type Local Type Local Type Dynamic Dynamic Dynamic Monitoring Monitoring Monitoring Program Program Program Carol Bob Alice
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Buyer: A local projection
OOI agent negotiation 1/5 I CIAD+COI+OV+Negotiate+Protocol 11 / 42
OOI agent negotiation 2/5 type <yml> "SAPDoc1" from "SAPDoc1.yml" as SAP; global protocol Negotiate(role Consumer as C, role Producer as P) { } 12 / 42
OOI agent negotiation 3/5 (choice) type <yml> "SAPDoc1" from "SAPDoc1.yml" as SAP; global protocol Negotiate(role Consumer as C, role Producer as P) { propose(SAP) from C to P; choice at P { accept() from P to C; confirm() from C to P; } or { reject() from P to C; } or { propose(SAP) from P to C; } } 13 / 42
OOI agent negotiation 4/5 type <yml> "SAPDoc1" from "SAPDoc1.yml" as SAP; global protocol Negotiate(role Consumer as C, role Producer as P) { propose(SAP) from C to P; choice at P { accept() from P to C; confirm() from C to P; } or { reject() from P to C; } or { propose(SAP) from P to C; choice at C { accept() from C to P; confirm() from P to C; } or { reject() from C to P; } or { propose(SAP) from C to P; } } } 14 / 42
OOI agent negotiation 5/5 (recursion) type <yml> "SAPDoc1" from "SAPDoc1.yml" as SAP; global protocol Negotiate(role Consumer as C, role Producer as P) { propose(SAP) from C to P; rec X { choice at P { accept() from P to C; confirm() from C to P; } or { reject() from P to C; } or { propose(SAP) from P to C; choice at C { accept() from C to P; confirm() from P to C; } or { reject() from C to P; } or { propose(SAP) from C to P; continue X; } } 15 / 42
Local protocol projection (Negotiation Consumer) // Projection for Consumer // Global propose(SAP) to P; propose(SAP) from C to P; rec START { rec START { choice at P { choice at P { accept() from P; accept() from P to C; confirm() to P; confirm() from C to P; } or { } or { reject() from P; reject() from P to C; } or { } or { propose(SAP) from P; propose(SAP) from P to C; choice at C { choice at C { accept() to P; accept() from C to P; confirm() from P; confirm() from P to C; } or { } or { reject() to P; reject() from C to P; } or { } or { propose(SAP) to P; propose(SAP) from C to P; continue START; continue START; } } } } } } 19 / 42
FSM generation (Negotiation Consumer) 20 / 42
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