msd ii group p14546 introductions

MSD II Group P14546 Introductions Name Role Corey Rothfuss Team - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

MSD II Group P14546 Introductions Name Role Corey Rothfuss Team Leader Kayla King Mechanical Engineer Josh Horner Mechanical Engineer Ryan Dunn Electrical Engineer David Yoon Electrical Engineer Matthew Nealon Electrical Engineer

  1. MSD II Group P14546

  2. Introductions Name Role Corey Rothfuss Team Leader Kayla King Mechanical Engineer Josh Horner Mechanical Engineer Ryan Dunn Electrical Engineer David Yoon Electrical Engineer Matthew Nealon Electrical Engineer Cody Stevens Electrical Engineer

  3. Agenda  Project Overview – Brief Explanation  Engineering Requirements  Final Design  Project Status  Testing Results  Opportunities for Improvement

  4. Project Overview

  5. Current Concept Virtual Reality is used to simulate 3D environments using  multiple cameras, sensors, and immersive displays Most people know it from video games but it can be used for  research applications  Relate eye movements to their corresponding body movements (our project) Training in specialized tasks  Healthcare  Current techniques use markers in combination with  cameras to track hand motion In some positions, markers are occluded from optical view,  resulting in missing data points

  6. Current Concept

  7. Problem Statement Current State   Current techniques use active markers with cameras to track hand motion Desired State   The project will focus on providing a functional prototype to track hand movement that is lightweight, durable, and relatively inexpensive The glove will not interfere with user’s natural hand movements   Sensors transmit useable motion data to the computer for analysis Project Goals   Analyze current designs Identify opportunities for improvement of benchmarked designs  ○ Lighter ○ Better data rate ○ More accurate ○ Cheaper Constraints   Must be able to stay within budget means ($1000)

  8. Stakeholder(s) Primary Customer : Gabriel Diaz   Contact: 585-317-3595 Secondary Customer : Susan Farnard   Contact: 585-475-4567 Faculty Guide : Ed Hanzlik   Contact: 585-475-7428 Sponsor (financial support): RIT 

  9. Engineering Requirements

  10. Final Design

  11. Concept Architecture

  12. CAD Model

  13. Finished Product

  14. Project Status  Major Components of the overall system are functional Most Engineering Requirements were met in full   Flex Sensors and lightweight glove assembly provides a cost efficient Data Glove  The glove allows more information for hand movements with correlating eye movements in addition to camera markers in the Virtual Reality Environment providing more accurate research  All sensors are functional provide signal in real-time to be processed in python Awaiting orders for PCB board to make final creation of the  glove ○ Due by Tuesday 12/9

  15. Testing Results – Calibration 4400.00 4200.00 Sensor 1 Sensor 2 4000.00 Sensor 3 Sensor 4 3800.00 Sensor 5 3600.00 Sensor 6 Sensor 7 3400.00 Sensor 8 Sensor 9 3200.00 3000.00 0 20 40 60 80 100

  16. Repeatability Testing 6 cm Cylinder 4500 4000 3500 3000 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 0 2870000 2880000 2890000 2900000 2910000 2920000 Sensor 2 Sensor 3 Sensor 4 Sensor 5 Sensor 6 Sensor 7 Sensor 8 Sensor 9

  17. Repeatability Test Result Sample Middle Finger, Main Knuckle Pre-Calibration Calibration Equation y = -0.0558x 2 + 9.6141x + 3288.9 Middle Finger, Main Knuckle Post-Calibration

  18. Remaining Opportunities  Create veins on glove to house wires  Gather additional characterization data now that filtering is functional  Revise signal conditioning circuit board to use full signal scale  Develop Python-based calibration calculations  Evaluate other knuckle assembly mounting solutions

  19. MSD I Budget  The Budget for this project was $1000  Our team spent around $860 of that budget. Majority of the purchasing money was used for buying  Microcontroller parts, PCBs in a timely fashion, and flex sensors.

  20. Questions?

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