motivat vation and acknowledgements on and

Motivat vation and Acknowledgements on and Acknowledgements - PDF document

Motivat vation and Acknowledgements on and Acknowledgements Software M So ftware Mode odel Check Checking Us ng Using Bogor ng Bogor a Mod Modular an r and E Extensible Model Model Che Checking ng F Frame amework All other

  1. Motivat vation and Acknowledgements on and Acknowledgements Software M So ftware Mode odel Check Checking Us ng Using Bogor ng Bogor – a Mod Modular an r and E Extensible Model Model Che Checking ng F Frame amework All other model-checkers that we know of support only simple � predicates on system states (e.g., the primitive propositions occurring in temporal logic formulas). 3rd Estonian Summer School in Especially when modeling OO languages, states themselves can be � Computer and System Science (ESSCaSS'04) quite complicated (they include the heap). Therefore we are interested in supporting specification predicates � Slide Set 07: Checking JML Specifications over Bogor states that are significantly stronger than those supported in other model-checking frameworks. � Moreover, we are interested in supporting, as much as possible, rich specification languages that other verification tools using different technologies (e.g., theorem proving) also support. These slides are taken from our talk given at TACAS 2004 on � “Checking Strong Specifications Using an Extensible Model- John Hatcliff Matthew B. Dwyer Robby Checking Framework” SAnToS Laboratory, Kansas State University, USA A significant portion of this work was carried out by Edwin � Support Rodriguez US Army Research Office (ARO) Boeing Lockheed Martin US National Science Foundation (NSF) Honeywell Technology Center NASA Langley US Department of Defense IBM Rockwell-Collins ATC Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) Intel Sun Microsystems Concu Concurren rrent Q Queue ueue ba based sed o on Lin Linked ed Li List st Asser Assertions fo for So r Softwa ftware Ve e Veri rifi fica cati tion on (Doug L (Doug Lea’ ea’s u s util.con concurren rrent package package) public class LinkedNode { protected synchronized Object extract() { public Object value; synchronized (head) { � Assertions have become a common practice public LinkedNode next; Object x = null; LinkedNode first =; among developers public LinkedNode(Object x) { if (first != null) { value = x; x = first.value; protected void insert(Object x) { } first.value = null; � 10 years ago assertions were not considered } synchronized (putLock) { assert(x != null); head = first; } useful by developers public class LinkedQueue { LinkedNode p = new LinkedNode(x); return x; } protected final Object putLock; synchronized (last) { } protected LinkedNode head; � recent evidence of the effectiveness of protected LinkedNode last = head; = p; protected int waitingForTake = 0; protected void insert(Object x) { assertions last = p; synchronized (putLock) { public LinkedQueue() { LinkedNode p = new LinkedNode(x); } putLock = new Object(); � David Rosenblum (1995) synchronized (last) { head = new LinkedNode(null); = p; if (waitingForTake > 0) putLock.notify(); } last = p; � now some programming languages have return; } public boolean isEmpty() { if (waitingForTake > 0) putLock.notify(); included assertions in their standard synchronized (head) { } return; return == null; } } } } specifications } public Object take() { � c.f. Java 1.4 assertions public void put(Object x) { Object x = extract(); if (x == null) if (x != null) return x; throw new IllegalArgumentException(); else … insert(x); } } … allows concurrent access to put() and take() … allows concurrent access to put() and take() An exam example ple An exam example ple public class LinkedNode { protected synchronized Object extract() { public class LinkedNode { protected synchronized Object extract() { public Object value; public Object value; assert(putLock != null); synchronized (head) { synchronized (head) { public LinkedNode next; public LinkedNode next; Object x = null; Object x = null; LinkedNode first =; LinkedNode first =; public LinkedNode(Object x) { public LinkedNode(Object x) { if (first != null) { if (first != null) { value = x; x = first.value; value = x; x = first.value; public class LinkedQueue { } first.value = null; } first.value = null; } head = first; } protected final Object putLock; head = first; } public class LinkedQueue { } return x; protected LinkedNode head; protected final Object putLock; return x; } public class LinkedQueue { protected LinkedNode head; Specify that putLock is never null assert(putLock != null); Specify that putLock is never null } protected final Object putLock; protected LinkedNode last = head; protected LinkedNode last = head; } } protected LinkedNode head; protected int waitingForTake = 0; Need more declarative formalisms Need more declarative formalisms protected LinkedNode last = head; protected int waitingForTake = 0; public LinkedQueue() { protected void insert(Object x) { protected int waitingForTake = 0; . protected void insert(Object x) { assert(putLock != null); assert(putLock != null); putLock = new Object(); synchronized (putLock) { synchronized (putLock) { public LinkedQueue() { LinkedNode p = new LinkedNode(x); . head = new LinkedNode(null); LinkedNode p = new LinkedNode(x); putLock = new Object(); assert(putLock != null); synchronized (last) { synchronized (last) { = p; head = new LinkedNode(null); . } = p; last = p; } last = p; } public boolean isEmpty() { if (waitingForTake > 0) putLock.notify(); } assert(putLock != null); return; public boolean isEmpty() { if (waitingForTake > 0) putLock.notify(); synchronized (head) { } synchronized (head) { return == null; return; assert(putLock != null); return == null; } } } assert(putLock != null); } } } public Object take() { } assert(putLock != null); public Object take() { public void put(Object x) { Object x = extract(); public void put(Object x) { Object x = extract(); assert(putLock != null); if (x != null) return x; if (x == null) if (x == null) if (x != null) return x; else … throw new IllegalArgumentException(); assert(putLock != null); throw new IllegalArgumentException(); else … insert(x); } insert(x); } assert(putLock != null); } } Specify that putLock is never null Specify that putLock is never null 1


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