mopan assessment of gpe

MOPAN assessment of GPE 2017-18 Key Findings 11 June 2019 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

MOPAN assessment of GPE 2017-18 Key Findings 11 June 2019 Stockholm , Sweden Agenda 1. How was the assessment conducted for GPE? 2. What are the key messages for GPE? GPE Assessment Process 98 staff interviews External expert QA review

  1. MOPAN assessment of GPE 2017-18 Key Findings 11 June 2019 Stockholm , Sweden

  2. Agenda 1. How was the assessment conducted for GPE? 2. What are the key messages for GPE?

  3. GPE Assessment Process 98 staff interviews External expert QA review 55 responses 265 documents reviewed 3

  4. MOPAN within the larger trajectory of GPE Quality teaching and learning Creation of EFA-FTI Goals Equity, gender equality and inclusion 2002 GPE 2011 Effective and efficient education systems Launched to accelerate GOVERNMENTS progress on universal GPE 2020 Strategic Plan primary education by 2015 NGOs GPE 2002 2003 2004 2012 … 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 PRIVATE SECTOR FOUNDATIONS First MOPAN Assessment MOPAN 3.0 Evaluation sub-strategy GPE’s M&E Strategy / Results Framework 4

  5. Agenda 1. How was the assessment conducted for GPE? 2. What are the key messages for GPE?

  6. Key contextual matters Partnership Replenishment Relationship Grant agent GPE identity approach is is positive; with the World process brings (partnership, complex to growth is Bank is complex, contradiction secretariat, manage; many putting given the WB’s (roles, funding voices resource multiple roles responsibilities mechanism, and pressures on country accountabilities) the Secretariat partners) 6

  7. Key Strengths of the GPE per MOPAN Performance Area 1. STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT 3. RELATIONSHIP MANAGEMENT Shared vision and charter Committed global partnership – strong advocacy work Clear strategic direction Country relationship through LEG Focus on mandate (quality education) Committee efficiency & DCP pre-meeting Comparative advantage in national systems New CRM system development 5. RESULTS Negotiation and influence at country level Good coverage and commitment to Potential for capacity development cross-cutting priorities through ESA/ESP FCAC – relevant processes M&E embedded and tracked 2. OPERATIONAL MANAGEMENT 4. PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT Assets, systems and capacities well aligned to strategic More processes being systematized direction Accounting systems are transparent and improving; including WB financial and HR systems operate effectively value for money work Processes are flexible according to country needs Information management is receiving focus and improving (differentiation Risk analysis work has engaged staff across the agencies and is Financial systems demonstrate good accountability proactive Competent and committed workforce 7

  8. Key Challenges of the GPE per MOPAN Performance Area 3. RELATIONSHIP MANAGEMENT 1. STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT Internal growth/staffing (thematic vs. country focus) Blurred role (fund vs. partnership) Type of engagement with partners (UIS, IIEP) Lack of visibility/comparative advantage Pre-board meetings not fully transferred to Board – Mandate scope has been broadened different participation Growth management 5. RESULTS Indicators too cumbersome and not Strategic performance not yet synthesized SMART enough RESULTS Monitoring of ESPs would be valuable 2. OPERATIONAL MANAGEMENT 4. PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT Confusion in roles, responsibilities of actors/country actors/partners Overall GPE performance reporting dispersed Disbursement delays - lack of analysis Fragmentation – silos, incomplete systems, duplication Approach to capturing and sharing lessons learned not and gaps yet systematic Roles and responsibility Difficult to prove contribution; but efforts to do so could Communication and advocacy affected by role confusion be improved 8

  9. Performance ratings

  10. Final report Final report: May 2019 • Final Brief, Executive Summary, • Detailed Assessment, Overall Performance • Annexes (Evidence Table, List of Documents, Partner Survey Results) Management Response • Within approximately 2 months of release of the report Publicly accessible at:

  11. Thank you.

  12. MOPAN looks at 5 performance areas Source: MOPAN 3.0 Methodology, 2017-18


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