Collecting Quotations by T Collecting Quotations by Topic opic Degr Degrees of Pr ees of Preserv eservation and ation and Tr Transte anstextual xtual Relations among Genr Relations among Genres es Monica Berti Monica Berti Leuv Leuven, LECTIO - Labor en, LECTIO - Laboratory for Critical T atory for Critical Text Editing, May 14, 2012 xt Editing, May 14, 2012 Collecting fr Collecting fragments in the 21st century agments in the 21st century
relation type elation type perspective perspectiv collecting quotations collecting quotations by by topic topic collecting collecting quotations & & te e-uses quotations textual r xtual re-uses
reasons easons topic topic context conte xt endote endotextual xtual and and exote xotextual xtual approac appr oach h
Textual Fr xtual Fragments agments “multi-te “multi-textual” xtual” featur features es indefiniteness of indefiniteness of te textual boundaries xtual boundaries
Thucydides Diodorus Siculus Plutarch, Life of Pericles Inscriptions Athenaeus epigraphical and Lexicographers literary sources Revolt of Samos (441-439 BC) Ion of Chios Stesimbrotos of Thasos Androtion Ephoros 7 fragmentary authors Douris of Samos Lysimachos of Alexandria Alexis of Samos
synoptical repr synoptical r epresentation esentation of of primary sour primary sources ces http://demo.fragmentaryte agmentarytexts.or g/
synoptical repr synoptical r epresentation esentation http://demo.fragmentaryte agmentarytexts.or g/
Plutar Plutarch, h, Life of Pericles Life of Pericles 25-28 25-28 gossip quotations gossip quotations authoritativ authoritative quotations e quotations quotations as demonstrations quotations as demonstr ations unnamed quotations unnamed quotations vs vs . named quotations . named quotations memor memorable sayings and statements able sayings and statements quotations inside quotations quotations inside quotations
Plutar Plutarch, h, Life of Pericles Life of Pericles 25.1 25.1 gossip quotations gossip quotations influencing r influencing readers’ judgments eaders’ judgments affecting the account affecting the account
Plutar Plutarch, h, Life of Pericles Life of Pericles 28.1, 28.1, 28. 28.6 6 authoritativ authoritative quotations e quotations reminder to the r eminder to the reader eader authoritativ authoritative seal e seal
Plutar Plutarch, h, Life of Pericles Life of Pericles 26.3 26.3 quotations as demonstr quotations as demonstrations ations authoritativ authoritative demonstr e demonstrations ations corr correctness of the author’s judgment ectness of the author’s judgment
Plutar Plutarch, h, Life of Pericles Life of Pericles 25.1, 26.1, 25.1, 26.1, 26. 26.4 4 unnamed quotations unnamed quotations vs vs . named quotations . named quotations (anonymous citations) (anonymous citations) impersonal citations impersonal citations pr pronominal citations onominal citations
Plutar Plutarch, h, Life of Pericles Life of Pericles 8.6, 28.5 8.6, 28.5 memor memorable sayings and statements able sayings and statements public speec public speeches hes anecdotes anecdotes
Plutar Plutarch, h, Life of Pericles Life of Pericles 27.3, 28.5 27.3, 28.5 quotations inside quotations quotations inside quotations quotations “talking with eac quotations “talking with each other” h other” refer eference sour ence sources for anecdotes ces for anecdotes
Athenaeus, Athenaeus, Deipnosophistae Deipnosophistae 13.81 (603e) 13.81 (603e) multi-fr multi-framed quotations amed quotations cr cross-genr oss-genre quotations e quotations erudite quotations erudite quotations refer eference collections of quotes ence collections of quotes
Athenaeus, Athenaeus, Deipnosophistae Deipnosophistae 13.81 (603e) 13.81 (603e) multi-fr multi-framed quotations amed quotations effectiv effective r e reconte econtextualization xtualization historical fr historical frame ame sympotic fr sympotic frame ame liter literary fr ary frame ame
Athenaeus, Athenaeus, Deipnosophistae Deipnosophistae 13.81 (603e) 13.81 (603e) cr cross-genr oss-genre quotations e quotations liter literatur ature and painting e and painting cr cross-genr oss-genre allusions e allusions media “talking with eac media “talking with each other” h other” cr cross-genr oss-genre c e classifications lassifications
Athenaeus, Athenaeus, Deipnosophistae Deipnosophistae 13.81 (603e) 13.81 (603e) refer eference collections of quotes ence collections of quotes information management information management collection of quotes collection of quotes libr libraries of citations aries of citations working tools orking tools
Athenaeus, Athenaeus, Deipnosophistae Deipnosophistae 13.31 (572f) 13.31 (572f) (Ale (Alexis Samios, xis Samios, FGrHist FGrHist 539 F 1) 539 F 1) frustrating br frustr ating brevity of the quotation evity of the quotation deconte decontextualized quotation xtualized quotation intermediate quoter intermediate quoter final quoter final quoter
textual r te xtual re-uses of lost w e-uses of lost works orks quotation quotation quoter quoter quotation quotation quoting text quoting te xt quotation quotation original te original text xt
relation type perspectiv elation type perspective e r. with other genr . with other genres es r. with other writers and quotations . with other writers and quotations r. with non-citations . with non-citations r. with r . with readers eaders r. with libr . with libraries aries r. with r . with reality eality
Thank y Thank you ou monica.berti@unir
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