money for college 3 major types of financial aid

Money for College 3 Major Types of Financial Aid Grants & - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Money for College 3 Major Types of Financial Aid Grants & Scholarships Gift aid that does not need to be earned or require repayment Federal Work Study Money earned by the student through a campus job Loans Borrowed

  1. Money for College

  2. 3 Major Types of Financial Aid  Grants & Scholarships  Gift aid that does not need to be earned or require repayment  Federal Work Study  Money earned by the student through a campus job  Loans  Borrowed money to be paid back, with interest

  3. Research Saves  Explore Careers Majors Colleges

  4. FAFSA – U.S. Citizenship and Residency

  5. What does completing a FAFSA do for me? Cal Grants $1,094- Blue & Gold 12,630 at Pell Grant Scholarship Eligible Covers Up to Middle Class Schools Tuition at UC $6,195/year Scholarship SEOG 10-40% Tuition Amount CA College Discount at Promise Grant Varies CSU & UC Free Classes at Community Work Study College! Amount Varies $1,298-4,000 Student Success Completion PLUS Loans Grant at community college Stafford Institutional Loan Aid

  6. What does completing a Dream Act Application do for me? Completed By non-citizens and non-residents who: Cal Grants Graduated or will • $1,094- graduate from a CA 12,630 at Dream Loan high school Eligible $4,000 Schools Has or will have • annually at UC and CSU attended a CA high California Only College school for at least 3 Promise years or equivalency Grant Blue & Gold Has attended total • Free classes Scholarship at of 3 years at CA Pays Tuition at Community UC elementary, College secondary, or high school and earned credits in CA from a Institutional Middle Class Scholarship Aid CA HS equivalent to 10-40% 3 years Douiscnt at CSU and UC Only

  7. Pell Grant  Up to $6,195  Automatically considered when submitting FAFSA  Based off income, family size, number of dependents in college, and age of oldest parent

  8. Work Study  Earn a paycheck and gain work experience with jobs on or off campus

  9. Stafford Loans Subsidized Loans Unsubsidized Loans  For students with  Not based on financial demonstrated financial need; interest is charged need, no interest is during all periods, from charged while in school $2,000 in first year of at least half time. Up to college, up to $7,500 a $3,500 in first year of year in senior year. college, and up to  4.53% current fixed APR $4,500 annually in senior year  4.53% current fixed APR

  10. Plus Loan  Unsubsidized loans for parents of dependent students and for graduate/professional students. Interest is charged during all periods  7.08% fixed APR

  11. Semester Unit Requirement  Full time (12 or more units) = 100% of Award  ¾ Time (9 to 11.5 units) = 75% of Award  ½ Time (6 to 8.5 units) = 50% of Award  < ½ Time (.5 to 5.5 units) = Pell Grant eligibility will vary from $0-$544 depending on student’s Expected Family Contribution (EFC)

  12. Cal Grants: Apply by March 2nd Cal Grant A Cal Grant B Cal Grant C Can be used at CSU, CSU, UC, Community Pays for tuition and • • • UC and some College, and some fees for vocational private schools for private programs up to tuition and fees Living Allowance $2,462 • $5,742 at a CSU and Books $1,094 for books • • $12,630 at a UC $1,672 Cannot be used at • • • Up to $9,084 at Will pay tuition and For-Profit colleges • • private non-profit fees at Cal Grant eligible 4-year Minimum 3.0 GPA college beginning in • Held for two years second year • while at community college. Contact Minimum 2.0 GPA • CSAC for 3 rd year hold. You can’t use a Cal Grant at all CA schools, find a list of eligible schools at:

  13. California College Promise Grant  California College Promise Waiver of enrollment fees at California Community College  Have $1,104 of Unmet Need  Off Campus max EFC = $17,284  With Parent max EFC = $10,784  Submit FAFSA or Dream ACT or  Paper Application available (Lower EFC Required)

  14. California College Promise Reimbursement  California College Promise (AB-19)  “Free Two Years Community College”  Intent is to help students who do not qualify for financial aid  Each college can design own program  Check with college before enrolling COS created Promise Reimbursement   Reimburse students who pass 12 units with a ‘C’ or better

  15. *Middle Class Scholarship  CSU and UC campuses only  For families who earn up to $177,000 Max Awards UC = $5,028 CSU = $2,298

  16. Blue & Gold Opportunity Plan  Covers tuition and fees for families with income less than $80,000 at a University of California campus  Available for freshmen and transfer students

  17. Dream Loan for Undocumented Students  CSU’s and UC’s only  APR = 5.05%  Max = $4,000/year or $20,000 lifetime  10 year repayment and six month grace period

  18. Keep your FINANCIAL AID!  SAP- Satisfactory Academic Progress  SAP is Cumulative- your past stays with you  GPA- must maintain 2.0 grade point average  PACE- must complete 67% of attempted units Dual and Concurrent Students: Your GPA and PACE stay with you!

  19. What information do I need? 2018 College List 1. COS 2. Fresno State 3. Fresno Pacific 4. Sacramento State 5. UC Davis

  20. FSA ID: Student and Parent Requirements   Social Security Number  Name exactly as it appears on SS card  Email Address other than school’s email address ( gmail, yahoo, Hotmail, etc)  Parent and Student can’t share the same email address Two last names without a Two last names with a hyphen hyphen Carlos Michael Carlos Michael Smith Garcia Smith-Garcia Garcia is last name Smith-Garcia is last name for application for application

  21. What happens after I apply?  Confirmation shows EFC (Expected Family Contribution)  Lower number = Higher Financial Aid Eligibility Check Your Email and Mail •  Some students get selected for verification  Turn in documents ASAP (Before August)  Refund instructions

  22. Summer School Do a 2019-20 FAFSA or California College Promise Application for financial aid during summer. 2017

  23. Scholarships Go to: What do you need? 1. Three solid references 2. Personal statement (900 words max) 3. Fill out questions One application, hundreds of scholarships opportunities!

  24. How do I get money for College? October 1 st - Research March 2 nd - Turn in all Maintain Check FAFSA and Confirm Careers, CA required 2.0 GPA Dream ACT your email college Degrees, Deadline Applications attending paperwork and 67% Open with CA Colleges, for Cal Pace 20/21 Student Aid And cost Grant Commission eligibility

  25. Questions? College of the Sequoias Financial Aid (559) 730-3747


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