modules and front end electronics developments for the

Modules and Front-End Electronics Developments for the ATLAS ITk - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Modules and Front-End Electronics Developments for the ATLAS ITk Strips Upgrade Carlos Garc a Argos, on behalf of the ATLAS ITk Collaboration University of Freiburg International Conference on Technology and Instrumentation in Particle

  1. Modules and Front-End Electronics Developments for the ATLAS ITk Strips Upgrade Carlos Garc´ ıa Argos, on behalf of the ATLAS ITk Collaboration University of Freiburg International Conference on Technology and Instrumentation in Particle Physics Beijing, May 23rd 2017 Carlos Garc´ ıa Argos (University of Freiburg) Electronics for the ATLAS Strips ITk May 23, 2017 1 / 19

  2. Outline Introduction to the ATLAS Strips ITk 1 Hybrid Circuits 2 Modules 3 ABCStar and HCCStar 4 Conclusions 5 Carlos Garc´ ıa Argos (University of Freiburg) Electronics for the ATLAS Strips ITk May 23, 2017 2 / 19

  3. Introduction to the ATLAS Strips ITk The ATLAS Experiment at the LHC ATLAS is a general purpose experiment at the Large Hadron Collider. It consists of: Tracker (Inner Detector), built with silicon pixels layers, silicon strips (SCT) layers and a Transition Radiation Tracker . Electromagnetic and hadronic calorimeters. Muon chambers. Designed for µ = 25 at 25 ns bunch crossings. Carlos Garc´ ıa Argos (University of Freiburg) Electronics for the ATLAS Strips ITk May 23, 2017 3 / 19

  4. Introduction to the ATLAS Strips ITk The High Luminosity LHC and the Phase 2 Upgrades The major upgrades will take place between 2024 and 2026. Increase in pile-up and luminosity . µ ≈ 200. Inner triplets replaced due to radiation damage ⇒ new designs for 4000 fb − 1 by 2037. Carlos Garc´ ıa Argos (University of Freiburg) Electronics for the ATLAS Strips ITk May 23, 2017 4 / 19

  5. Introduction to the ATLAS Strips ITk The High Luminosity LHC and the Phase 2 Upgrades ATLAS Tracker Upgrade: Increase sensitivity for physics searches. More granularity to counter the higher pile-up and track density , and to have more precise measurements. New detector designs to cope with a higher radiation environment. ATLAS simulated event with 140 pile-up While reducing power consumption and keeping low material . Carlos Garc´ ıa Argos (University of Freiburg) Electronics for the ATLAS Strips ITk May 23, 2017 5 / 19

  6. Introduction to the ATLAS Strips ITk The ATLAS Strips Inner Tracker ATLAS will replace the current tracker with an all-silicon tracker . Channels: pixels ≈ 80 →≈ 600 million and strips ≈ 6 →≈ 70 million. Layout of the Strips Detector: Four barrel layers and six end-cap discs per side. Barrel layers are made from staves , end-cap discs from petals . Staves and petals are an assembly of modules . Modular with integrated cooling and electronics. Radiation levels in the HL-LHC require new designs . Sensors: n-in-p, single sided. No bulk type inversion . Read-out electronics in 130 nm process. Most results here from Technical Design Report (April 2017). Carlos Garc´ ıa Argos (University of Freiburg) Electronics for the ATLAS Strips ITk May 23, 2017 6 / 19

  7. Introduction to the ATLAS Strips ITk The ATLAS Strips Inner Tracker Increased power consumption : Tenfold increase in the number of channels, lower power consumption per channel. Current SCT: ≈ 60% power lost in cables. No more space for extra cables (more material). Higher voltage at PSU ⇒ lower current ⇒ DC-DC conversion at the modules. Sensor bias with HV multiplexing . Single HV cable for multiple modules, material reduction . Radiation hard HV switches required to isolate modules. Power-board with integrated DC-DC converter and HV multiplexer at the modules. Control and monitoring: HV, LV currents, temperature. Carlos Garc´ ıa Argos (University of Freiburg) Electronics for the ATLAS Strips ITk May 23, 2017 7 / 19

  8. Introduction to the ATLAS Strips ITk The ATLAS Strips Inner Tracker Hybrid Control Chip HCC130 : Interface between the read-out chips and the End-of-Structure (stave/petal). Two input data loops and one output data line. ABC ATLAS Binary Chip ABC130 : ABC IBM 130 nm CMOS process. ABC Daisy chain read-out architecture. ABC Reads out 256 strips from a silicon sensor. ABC Binary outputs of the discriminators are sampled at ABC 40 MHz rate and stored in a pipeline . ABC Shaping time of 20 ns. ABC Gain 85 mV / fC and noise < 700 e − ENC for ABC C in = 6 . 4 pF. ABC HCC Carlos Garc´ ıa Argos (University of Freiburg) Electronics for the ATLAS Strips ITk May 23, 2017 8 / 19

  9. Hybrid Circuits The hybrid circuits for Strips Modules are flex circuits holding multiple read-out ASICs. Polyimide base with three or four copper layers. Multiple ABC130 read-out ASICs to connect to a silicon strip sensor. Different shapes for barrel and end-cap. Barrel hybrids End-cap hybrids Carlos Garc´ ıa Argos (University of Freiburg) Electronics for the ATLAS Strips ITk May 23, 2017 9 / 19

  10. Hybrid Circuits Barrel Hybrids Two types, mirrored: Left-Hand (LH) and Right-Hand (RH). Ten read-out ASICs and one HCC per hybrid. Reading out 2560 strips each. One type mounted on Long Strip (LS) modules, two on Short Strip (SS) modules. Carlos Garc´ ıa Argos (University of Freiburg) Electronics for the ATLAS Strips ITk May 23, 2017 10 / 19

  11. Hybrid Circuits End-cap Hybrids Several variations, with different dimensions depending on radius. 13 flavours of hybrids and 9 flavours of modules. Naming scheme : “RxHy” where x is the ring and y is the hybrid position (0 to 3). R5 : split, 9 chips/hybrid Position 0 is bottom/right, position 1 R4 : split, 8 chips/hybrid is top/left. Position 2 is top-right and position 3 is top-left (only Ring 3). R3 : split, 8 chips/hybrid Between 7 and 12 read-out ASICs per R2 : 12 chips hybrid (between 6 and 11 per HCC). R1 : 11 and 10 chips Split sensors/hybrids for higher radii. Varying number of chips per HCC R0 : 8 and 9 chips depending on occupancy and capability of the HCC (up to 11 chips). Different power/DAQ requirements. Carlos Garc´ ıa Argos (University of Freiburg) Electronics for the ATLAS Strips ITk May 23, 2017 11 / 19

  12. Modules Introduction The hybrid is glued on sensor with non-conductive glue. Power-board glued on sensor next to the hybrid(s). Wire-bonds from ASICs to strips and from power-board to hybrid. Power-board not needed for initial prototypes. Read-out from one side of the module to DAQ. Power and data come from opposite sides of the module. Carlos Garc´ ıa Argos (University of Freiburg) Electronics for the ATLAS Strips ITk May 23, 2017 12 / 19

  13. Modules Barrel Long and Short Strips Two flavours of barrel module prototypes: 2 9 = n a i Short strips (SS) : two hybrids on a G 1 2 6 = C N short strips (2 . 5 cm) sensor. E H R Long strips (LS) : one hybrid on a 2 9 = n i a G short strips sensor, strips segments 3 2 6 = C connected together to have long N E H L strips. Initially built and tested on a single module test-frame. Power and data come via IDC Short Strips ENC=654 Gain=87 connectors. Now also tested on a bus-tape Long Strips ENC=905 Gain=87 together with other modules. [ENC (Equivalent Noise Charge) or noise is measured in electrons, Gain is measured in mV/fC.] Carlos Garc´ ıa Argos (University of Freiburg) Electronics for the ATLAS Strips ITk May 23, 2017 13 / 19

  14. Modules End-cap Modules Noise and figures without sensors (averages of the whole hybrid): First Ring 0 sensors received in February. We just produced the first R0 modules . R0H1 ENC=429 Gain=89 R1H1 ENC=442 Gain=90 Multiple hybrid assemblies already tested: Rings 0, 1 and 5: two hybrids. Ring 3: four hybrids. R0H0 ENC=431 Gain=90 R1H0 ENC=436 Gain=89 R3H3 ENC=454 Gain=82 R3H2 ENC=460 Gain=79 R5H1 ENC=446 Gain=81 R5H0 ENC=430 Gain=84 R3H1 ENC=453 Gain=80 R3H0 ENC=441 Gain=83 Carlos Garc´ ıa Argos (University of Freiburg) Electronics for the ATLAS Strips ITk May 23, 2017 14 / 19

  15. Modules End-cap Modules First Ring 0 module. Currently in test-beam at DESY. Sensor has 4 strips segments with different strip lengths: First (top) is ≈ 30 mm, R0H1 long ENC=779 Gain=92 read out by R0H1. Second is ≈ 27 . 5 mm, R0H1 short ENC=773 Gain=91 read out by R0H1. R0H0 long ENC=720 Gain=91 Third is ≈ 22 . 5 mm, read out by R0H0. Fourth (bottom) is R0H0 short ENC=624 Gain=90 ≈ 17 . 5 mm, read out by R0H0. Noise and gain are consistent with previous barrel prototypes. Carlos Garc´ ıa Argos (University of Freiburg) Electronics for the ATLAS Strips ITk May 23, 2017 15 / 19

  16. Modules Module Irradiations and Test-Beam Test-beams at DESY and CERN with full Long Strips barrel modules in 2016. DESY with 4 to 4 . 8 GeV electrons, non irradiated module. CERN with 120 GeV pions, a proton irradiated module to 8 × 10 14 n eq / cm 2 (end-of-life). Next: end-cap Ring 0 modules. Same as with the barrel modules, taking place this year. Carlos Garc´ ıa Argos (University of Freiburg) Electronics for the ATLAS Strips ITk May 23, 2017 16 / 19

  17. Modules Stave of Modules Four modules per side of the stave (out of 13). Power-boards for LV and HV distribution. Bus-tape for data and power distribution from End-of-Stave. Presented in the next talk. Noise performance is fair for all modules. Carlos Garc´ ıa Argos (University of Freiburg) Electronics for the ATLAS Strips ITk May 23, 2017 17 / 19

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