modifications progress update

Modifications Progress Update Place your chosen image here. The - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Modifications Progress Update Place your chosen image here. The four corners must just cover the arrow tips. For covers, the three pictures should be the same size and in a straight line. Grid Code Development Forum 2 May 2018 GC0096

  1. Modifications Progress Update Place your chosen image here. The four corners must just cover the arrow tips. For covers, the three pictures should be the same size and in a straight line. Grid Code Development Forum – 2 May 2018

  2. GC0096 & GC0097 GC0096: Storage, Definition and Assignment of Technical Requirements for Storage Technologies:  There is no further update since last month  Workgroup Consultation to be issued following decision from Authority on GC100-102 (decision expected w/c 30 April 2018) GC0097: TERRE  The Workgroup Report was presented to Grid Code Review Panel on 22 April 2018 for review.  The Proposal will now proceed to Code Administrator Consultation 2

  3. GC0098 GC0098: Using GB Grid Code data to construct the EU Common Grid Model in accordance with Regulation EU 2015 1222 CACM and Regulation EU 2016 1719 FCA  Self – Governance modification  Authority quashed Panel Determination Vote and modification returned to the Grid Code Review Panel  Proposer has re-drafted legal text and the Panel has now considered a revised consultation paper which addresses key industry feedback  The modification will now proceed to second Code Administrator Consultation 3

  4. GC0100, GC0101 and GC0102 GC0100: EU Connection Codes GB Implementation – Mod 1 GC0101: EU Connection Codes GB Implementation – Mod 2 GC0102 EU Connection Codes GB Implementation – Mod 3  Final Modification Reports were submitted to the Authority on 20 February 2018  Authority decision expected w/c 30 April 2018. 4

  5. GC0103 GC0103: Introduction of Harmonised Applicable Electrical Standards  Workgroup 3 convened on 27 March to review actions and potential alternatives  Scale of documentation to review is large and prioitisation discussion occurring in the Workgroup  Workgroup Documentation available online - code/modifications/gc0103-introduction-harmonised-applicable-electrical 5

  6. GC0104 & GC0105 GC0104: EU Connection Codes GB Implementation – Demand Connection Code  Workgroup Vote took place on the 23 April 2018  Workgroup Report will be presented to the May Panel meeting; the Final Modification Report is due to be submitted to the Authority by the end June 2018.  Special GC Panel for Recommendation Vote on 14 June 2018 GC0105: System Incidents Reporting  Two Workgroup meetings held on 22 Feb and 16 March  Workgroup Consultation being developed in line with Workgroup discussions  Date for Workgroup Consultation is pending 6

  7. GC0106 GC0106: Data exchange requirements in accordance with Regulation (EU) 2017/1485 (SOGL)  Workgroup convened on 28 March to review and develop Code Mapping.  Workgroup Consultation issued 6 April 2018 and closed on 27 April 2018.  Workgroup will convene for the 7 th time on 2 May to discuss Workgroup Consultation Responses and discuss next steps  All KORRR and supporting reference papers for the meeting are available on the National Grid website:  exchange-requirements-accordance-regulation-eu-0 7

  8. GC0107 GC0107: The open, transparent, non discriminatory and timely publication of the generic and/ or PGM specific values required to be specified by the relevant TSO(s) and / or relevant system operator et al., in accordance with the RfG.  The first Workgroup meeting was held on Monday 18 December 2018 where the Workgroup held discussions on whether the modification is required for EU compliance. All Workgroup members with the exception of the Proposer stated that it was not required for compliance.  Date for Workgroup 2 TBC.  Following discussions at April GCRP, this modification will now be amalgamated with GC0113  Website updated with proposal and can be accessed online via: 07%20Modification%20Proposal.pdf 8

  9. GC0108 GC0108: EU Code: Emergency & Restoration: Black start testing requirement  Revised Modification proposal presented to Panel in March.  Panel agreed that the modification should be treated as a Self- Governance modification  Code Administrator Consultation issued and will close on 17 May  E&R Code mapping 11 May : code-emergency-restoration-black-start-testing  Panel will undertake Determination Vote in June 2018 following the Code Administrator Consultation 9

  10. GC0109 GC0109: The open, transparent, non discriminatory and timely publication of the various GB electricity Warnings or Notices or Alerts or Declarations or Instructions or Directions etc., issued by or to the Network Operator(s).  Raised at February 2018 Panel.  First Workgroup date to be decided  code/modifications/open-transparent-non-discriminatory-and-timely- 0 10

  11. GC0110 & GC0111 GC0110: LFSM-O compliance requirements for Type As and B PGMs GC0111: Fast Fault Current Injection specification text  Raised at April Grid Code Review Panel  Agreed to proceed as Self-Governance with Workgroup  Workgroup Nominations to be issued  Subject to Ofgem decision on GC0100-0102, first Workgroup to be held in June 11

  12. GC0112 GC0112 Grid Legal Separation Grid Code changes to incorporate NGESO  Panel determined that a Workgroup assess the modification  One Workgroup pre and post Workgroup Consultation  Workgroup nominations to be issued w/e 4 May. Meeting to be scheduled held on the same day as CUSC Webex. Date late May/early June to be advised . 12

  13. GC0113 GC0113 The open, transparent, non discriminatory and timely publication of the generic and/ user specific values required to be specified by the relevant TSO(s) and / or relevant system operator et al., in accordance with the DCC.  Modification to be assessed by a Workgroup  Modification amalgamated with GC0107  Workgroup nominations to be issued w/e 4 May 13


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