Models and refined models for involutory reflection groups and classical Weyl groups Models and refined models for involutory reflection groups and classical Weyl groups FABRIZIO CASELLI AND ROBERTA FULCI FPSAC’10 - San Francisco
Models and refined models for involutory reflection groups and classical Weyl groups Plan of the talk 1. Introduce projective reflection groups , a generalization of classical complex reflection groups;
Models and refined models for involutory reflection groups and classical Weyl groups Plan of the talk 1. Introduce projective reflection groups , a generalization of classical complex reflection groups; 2. introduce involutory reflection groups , a family which is bigger than { G ( r , n ) } . Build a Gelfand model for these groups;
Models and refined models for involutory reflection groups and classical Weyl groups Plan of the talk 1. Introduce projective reflection groups , a generalization of classical complex reflection groups; 2. introduce involutory reflection groups , a family which is bigger than { G ( r , n ) } . Build a Gelfand model for these groups; 3. provide a refinement for such model for involutory reflection groups. Two examples: 3a B n ; 3b D n .
Models and refined models for involutory reflection groups and classical Weyl groups 1. Projective reflection groups → 1. Introduce projective reflection groups, a generalization of classical complex reflection groups
Models and refined models for involutory reflection groups and classical Weyl groups 1. Projective reflection groups Starting point: complex reflection groups Let V be a ℂ -vector space of finite dimension.
Models and refined models for involutory reflection groups and classical Weyl groups 1. Projective reflection groups Starting point: complex reflection groups Let V be a ℂ -vector space of finite dimension. A complex reflection group is a group G < GL ( V ) which is generated by reflections.
Models and refined models for involutory reflection groups and classical Weyl groups 1. Projective reflection groups Starting point: complex reflection groups Let V be a ℂ -vector space of finite dimension. A complex reflection group is a group G < GL ( V ) which is generated by reflections. Finite complex reflection groups consist of (Shephard-Todd, 1954; Chevalley, 1955): an infinite family of groups G ( r , p , n ), where p ∣ r ; 34 more sporadic groups.
Models and refined models for involutory reflection groups and classical Weyl groups 1. Projective reflection groups Starting point: complex reflection groups Let V be a ℂ -vector space of finite dimension. A complex reflection group is a group G < GL ( V ) which is generated by reflections. Finite complex reflection groups consist of (Shephard-Todd, 1954; Chevalley, 1955): an infinite family of groups G ( r , p , n ), where p ∣ r ; 34 more sporadic groups. Let us focus on G ( r , p , n ).
Models and refined models for involutory reflection groups and classical Weyl groups 1. Projective reflection groups What is G ( r , p , n )? G ( r , p , n ) is the group of monomial matrices such that: the matrix is n × n ; its non-zero entries are r th roots of 1; th root of 1. its permanent is a r p
Models and refined models for involutory reflection groups and classical Weyl groups 1. Projective reflection groups What is G ( r , p , n )? G ( r , p , n ) is the group of monomial matrices such that: the matrix is n × n ; its non-zero entries are r th roots of 1; th root of 1. its permanent is a r p Example ⎛ 0 1 0 0 ⎞ 0 0 0 − 1 ∈ G (2 , 1 , 4) = B 4 ⎜ ⎟ g = ⎜ ⎟ ∈ G (2 , 2 , 4) = D 4 0 0 1 0 / ⎝ ⎠ 1 0 0 0
Models and refined models for involutory reflection groups and classical Weyl groups 1. Projective reflection groups What is G ( r , p , n )? G ( r , p , n ) is the group of monomial matrices such that: the matrix is n × n ; its non-zero entries are r th roots of 1; th root of 1. its permanent is a r p Example ⎛ 0 1 0 0 ⎞ 0 0 0 − 1 ∈ G (2 , 1 , 4) = B 4 ⎜ ⎟ g = ⎜ ⎟ ∈ G (2 , 2 , 4) = D 4 0 0 1 0 / ⎝ ⎠ 1 0 0 0 ⎛ 0 1 0 0 ⎞ − 1 0 0 0 ⎜ ⎟ ⎠ ∈ G (2 , 2 , 4) = D 4 h = ⎜ ⎟ 0 0 − 1 0 ⎝ 1 0 0 0
Models and refined models for involutory reflection groups and classical Weyl groups 1. Projective reflection groups Projective reflection groups Let W be a finite complex reflection group.
Models and refined models for involutory reflection groups and classical Weyl groups 1. Projective reflection groups Projective reflection groups Let W be a finite complex reflection group. q Id ⟩ , we can consider its quotient W 2 휋 i If W > C q = ⟨ e acting on C q the symmetric power S q ( V ) of V .
Models and refined models for involutory reflection groups and classical Weyl groups 1. Projective reflection groups Projective reflection groups Let W be a finite complex reflection group. q Id ⟩ , we can consider its quotient W 2 휋 i If W > C q = ⟨ e acting on C q the symmetric power S q ( V ) of V . Definition (Caselli, 2009) G < GL ( S q ( V )) is a projective reflection group if there exists a reflection group W such that G = W . C q
Models and refined models for involutory reflection groups and classical Weyl groups 1. Projective reflection groups Projective reflection groups Let W be a finite complex reflection group. q Id ⟩ , we can consider its quotient W 2 휋 i If W > C q = ⟨ e acting on C q the symmetric power S q ( V ) of V . Definition (Caselli, 2009) G < GL ( S q ( V )) is a projective reflection group if there exists a reflection group W such that G = W . C q We will focus on the case W = G ( r , p , n ).
Models and refined models for involutory reflection groups and classical Weyl groups 1. Projective reflection groups What is G ( r , p , q , n )? = G ( r , p , n ) G ( r , p , q , n ) def C q
Models and refined models for involutory reflection groups and classical Weyl groups 1. Projective reflection groups What is G ( r , p , q , n )? = G ( r , p , n ) G ( r , p , q , n ) def C q G ( r , p , q , n ) is well defined if:
Models and refined models for involutory reflection groups and classical Weyl groups 1. Projective reflection groups What is G ( r , p , q , n )? = G ( r , p , n ) G ( r , p , q , n ) def C q G ( r , p , q , n ) is well defined if: p ∣ r q ∣ r pq ∣ rn
Models and refined models for involutory reflection groups and classical Weyl groups 1. Projective reflection groups What is G ( r , p , q , n )? = G ( r , p , n ) G ( r , p , q , n ) def C q G ( r , p , q , n ) is well defined if: p ∣ r q ∣ r pq ∣ rn These conditions are symmetric in p and q , so...
Models and refined models for involutory reflection groups and classical Weyl groups 1. Projective reflection groups What is G ( r , p , q , n )? = G ( r , p , n ) G ( r , p , q , n ) def C q G ( r , p , q , n ) is well defined if: p ∣ r q ∣ r pq ∣ rn These conditions are symmetric in p and q , so... G ( r , p , q , n ) exists ⇔ G ( r , q , p , n ) exists .
Models and refined models for involutory reflection groups and classical Weyl groups 1. Projective reflection groups The concept of duality Definition Let G = G ( r , p , q , n ). Its dual group G ∗ is G ( r , q , p , n ).
Models and refined models for involutory reflection groups and classical Weyl groups 1. Projective reflection groups The concept of duality Definition Let G = G ( r , p , q , n ). Its dual group G ∗ is G ( r , q , p , n ). Many algebraic objects related to the group G ( r , p , q , n ) find a natural description via the combinatorics of G ∗ .
Models and refined models for involutory reflection groups and classical Weyl groups 1. Projective reflection groups The concept of duality Definition Let G = G ( r , p , q , n ). Its dual group G ∗ is G ( r , q , p , n ). Many algebraic objects related to the group G ( r , p , q , n ) find a natural description via the combinatorics of G ∗ . For example, its representation theory.
Models and refined models for involutory reflection groups and classical Weyl groups 2. A model for involutory reflection groups → 2. introduce involutory reflection groups. Build a Gelfand model for these groups
Models and refined models for involutory reflection groups and classical Weyl groups 2. A model for involutory reflection groups Gelfand models A Gelfand model of a group G is a G -module containing each irreducible complex representation of G exactly once:
Models and refined models for involutory reflection groups and classical Weyl groups 2. A model for involutory reflection groups Gelfand models A Gelfand model of a group G is a G -module containing each irreducible complex representation of G exactly once: ( M , 휌 ) ∼ ⊕ = ( V 휙 , 휙 ) 휙 ∈ Irr ( G ) Irr ( G ) = { irreducible representations of G } .
Models and refined models for involutory reflection groups and classical Weyl groups 2. A model for involutory reflection groups Gelfand models in recent literature Inglis-Richardson-Saxl, for symmetric groups; Kodiyalam-Verma, for symmetric groups; Aguado-Araujo-Bigeon, for Weyl groups; Baddeley, for wreath products; Adin-Postnikov-Roichman, for the groups G ( r , n )...
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