modeling context aware distributed aware distributed

Modeling context- -aware distributed aware distributed Modeling - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

AAAI Spring Symposium AAAI Spring Symposium 2003 2003 on on Agent- -Mediated Knowledge Management Mediated Knowledge Management (AMKM 2003) (AMKM 2003) Agent San Francisco San Francisco, 2 , 24 4- -2 26 6 March March 200 2003 3

  1. AAAI Spring Symposium AAAI Spring Symposium 2003 2003 on on Agent- -Mediated Knowledge Management Mediated Knowledge Management (AMKM 2003) (AMKM 2003) Agent San Francisco San Francisco, 2 , 24 4- -2 26 6 March March 200 2003 3 Modeling context- -aware distributed aware distributed Modeling context knowledge knowledge Jorge Louçã Louçã Jorge Jorge.L@iscte .pt Jorge.L@ ISCTE – Instituto Superior de Ciêncas do Trabalho e da Empresa Lisboa, Portugal 1

  2. AAAI Spring Symposium Spring Symposium 2003 2003 on on AAAI Agent Agent- -Mediated Knowledge Management Mediated Knowledge Management (AMKM 2003) (AMKM 2003) San San Francisco Francisco, 2 , 24 4- -2 26 6 March March 200 2003 3 Main Goal Main G oal and Proposition and Proposition Research goal : to model multi-dimensional decision-making processes using artificial agents Propositions : • use causal cognitive maps to model software agents • compose a collective solution to a goal through a distributed and incremental process, based on interactions • use context in cognitive maps to define agent’s mental states 2

  3. AAAI Spring Symposium Spring Symposium 2003 2003 on on AAAI Agent- -Mediated Knowledge Mediated Knowledge Agent Management Management (AMKM 2003) (AMKM 2003) Philosophy and artificial intelligence Philosophy and artificial intelligence San Francisco San Francisco, 2 , 24 4- -2 26 6 March March 200 2003 3 Theoretical foundations: AI as a laboratory Philosophy and Artificial Intelligence: both try to understand all different kinds of perception, action and intelligence The association of this domains allows : • to simulate reasoning in software programs, starting from a given conception of what can be the mind; • to do controlled experiments aiming to understand the knowledge representation systems used in our mind to represent the world; AI as a laboratory : • a specified idea of what is the mind leads to experiments about new software architectures • experiments can be seen as a way of really doing philosophy, because they search the conditions that make possible cognition in general - human intelligence 3

  4. AAAI Spring Symposium Spring Symposium 2003 2003 on on AAAI Agent- -Mediated Knowledge Mediated Knowledge Agent Management (AMKM 2003) Management (AMKM 2003) Philosophy and artificial intelligence Philosophy and artificial intelligence San Francisco San Francisco, 2 , 24 4- -2 26 6 March March 200 2003 3 Theoretical foundations: AI as a laboratory Intelligence: the capacity of problem solving and decision There is no problem solving and decision capacity without some representation of the world Folk Psychological Constructs help us to model the knowledge representation systems used by our mind, using mental states Advantages of Folk Psychology : operational, comprehensible, an instrument to predict and explain behavior, to manipulate mental states 4

  5. AAAI Spring Symposium Spring Symposium 2003 2003 on on AAAI Agent- -Mediated Knowledge Mediated Knowledge Agent Management (AMKM 2003) Management (AMKM 2003) Philosophy and artificial intelligence Philosophy and artificial intelligence San Francisco San Francisco, 2 , 24 4- -2 26 6 March March 200 2003 3 Theoretical foundations: Functionalism This use of mental states can act as a functionalist theory if we identify mental states in terms of their causal-functional relationships Functionalism identifies mental content with causal-functional roles [Goldman,93] Causal Covariance Theory of Content [Allen,02] proposes that mental states get their content by being causally related only to what they are about (e.g., to those mental states belonging to its own specific context) This idea of using context to define mental states is adopted to manipulate mental states in a Multi-Agent System, through the use of Cognitive Maps 5

  6. AAAI Spring Symposium Spring Symposium 2003 2003 on on AAAI Agent- -Mediated Knowledge Mediated Knowledge Agent Management Management (AMKM 2003) (AMKM 2003) Cognitive Mapping Cognitive Mapping San San Francisco Francisco, 2 , 24 4- -2 26 6 March March 200 2003 3 Theoretical foundations: using cognitive maps to model individual and collective beliefs Cognitive Map : graphical representation of individual or collective beliefs, regarding a specific domain Cognitive mapping is used by psychologists and decision makers to : � understand the behavior of actors participating in a decision making process � detect conflicts (incoherent viewpoints) � discuss points of view ++ very positive influence Influence fortement positive State of + Task Goal positive influence Influence positive the wold - Influence negative negative influence -- Influence fortement negative very negative influence [Carlson et Walden,96] 6

  7. AAAI Spring Symposium Spring Symposium 2003 2003 on on AAAI Agent- -Mediated Knowledge Mediated Knowledge Agent Management Management (AMKM 2003) (AMKM 2003) Cognitive Mapping Cognitive Mapping San San Francisco Francisco, 2 , 24 4- -2 26 6 March March 200 2003 3 Theoretical foundations: using cognitive maps to model individual and collective beliefs + e 1 - Age of e 2 - Employees e 3 - Employees t 6 - Create employees : notion of confidence (-,++) propositions 30 / 35 "group" + t 1 - Interact + (- -,++) (+,++) t 9 - Professionnal learning t 2 - Internal b 2 - Inovate + debates working processes b 1 - Adapt ++ employees to (-,+) changes - - t 7 - Research to ++ t 3 - Accept improve working suggestions processes + + e 4 - Resistance to ++ t 4 - Periodical change working t 5 - Dialogue t 8 - Invest in R & D reunions habitudes + Example of a partial cognitive map [Louçã,00] Reflexive character of CM - we each construct our private versions of reality and deal only with those constructions, which may or may not correspond to some real world [Lissack & Ross,99] 7

  8. AAAI Spring Symposium Spring Symposium 2003 2003 on on AAAI Agent- -Mediated Knowledge Mediated Knowledge Agent Management (AMKM 2003) Management (AMKM 2003) Cognitive Mapping Cognitive Mapping San Francisco San Francisco, 2 , 24 4- -2 26 6 March March 200 2003 3 Theoretical foundations: using cognitive maps to model individual and collective beliefs Collective interpretation using CM - according to Karl Weick and others, organizations can also e 1 - Age du e 2 - Cohésion e 3 - Confiance personnel : du personnel du personnel be seen, at another abstraction level, as systems - 30 / 35 of construction and interpretation of reality t 1 - Interagir + ++ + t 9 - Faire formati [Weick,95] [Lissack & Gunz,99] t 2 - Faire professionnelle + réflexion interne b 1 - Adapter le ++ personnel au - - changement - - t 3 - Accepter Different levels of construction and suggestions + + e 4 - Résistances à t 4 - Faire des interpretation of reality: t 5 - Dialoguer changer d'habitudes réunions + de travail périodiques � individual � collective CM facilitate reasoning, communication and discussion about individual and corporate knowledge 8

  9. AAAI Spring Symposium Spring Symposium 2003 2003 on on AAAI Agent- -Mediated Knowledge Mediated Knowledge Agent Management (AMKM 2003) Management (AMKM 2003) Research in AI using Cognitive Maps Research in AI using Cognitive Maps San San Francisco Francisco, 2 , 24 4- -2 26 6 March March 200 2003 3 Theoretical foundations: state of the art [M arch an t, [W ellm an , [C o n so le et [Z h an g et [P ark & [C h aib - 9 9 ] 9 4 a] al.,8 9 ] al., K im , d raa, 9 2 et 9 4 ] 9 5 ] 9 7 a, 9 7 b et 9 8 ] IA d o m ain In feren ce C au sal In feren ce in C au sal C au sal C au sal fro m fu z zy in feren ce in cau sal in feren ce ; in feren ce in feren ce ; im p licatio n q u alitativ e n etw o rk s M A S ; w ith circu its M A S p ro b ab ilistic n eu ral n etw o rk s n etw o rk s F o rm al C o g n itiv e C o gn itiv e C au sal lin k N P N L o g ic L o g iq u e et C o g n itiv e m o d el m ap as a M ap as an R ela tio n s M ap lo g ical im p licatio n N P N L o g ic system fo rm u la a n d R ela tio n s w ith circu its K in d o f F u z zy P ro b ab ilistic C au sality C au sality C au sality C au sality lin k s im p licatio n cau sality b etw een co n cep ts R easo n in g yes yes R easo n yes yes yes fro m fro m cau sal C o g n itiv e n etw o rk s M ap s D etect an d n o n o n o yes n o yes so lv e co n flicts in M A S 9


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