mobility35 aesthetics

MOBILITY35 AESTHETICS Aesthetics Working Group 5 August 10, 2016 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

MOBILITY35 AESTHETICS Aesthetics Working Group 5 August 10, 2016 Mobility35 Aesthetics 08/10/2016 Review of AWG 4 Consensus on three concepts to go to public survey Additional input received: Shading/location of trellises important

  1. MOBILITY35 AESTHETICS Aesthetics Working Group 5 August 10, 2016 Mobility35 Aesthetics 08/10/2016

  2. Review of AWG 4  Consensus on three concepts to go to public survey  Additional input received: – Shading/location of trellises important – Vegetation was strongly preferred – Cross street naming should be located where best seen by users – Additional investigation requested regarding bike lane separation on elevated E/W cross street bridges – Minimize obstructions in shared use pathways, including lights, planters, trellises – Incorporate trellises into railing where feasible – Incorporate lighting into trellises where feasible Mobility35 Aesthetics 2 08/10/2016

  3. Aesthetics Working Group schedule and goals Meeting 1 Meeting 2 Meeting 3 December 1, 2015 February 2, 2016 March 29, 2016 • Project overview • Develop up to • Develop up to • Corridor assets three potential three draft • Themes aesthetic themes aesthetic concepts First online survey Dec. 3, 2015 to Jan. 15, 2016 Second online survey We are here Jul 14 to Aug. Next steps 9, 2016 Meeting 4 Fall 2016 Meeting 5 Design team develops: Summer 2016 Summer 2016 • Final working group • Update/develop up • Refine preferred summary report to three aesthetic concept Final aesthetic • concepts guideline document Mobility35 Aesthetics 3 08/10/2016

  4. Goals of AWG 5  Assess the findings of the public survey and refine the preferred concept  Review aesthetic priorities for implementation for constrained conditions  Evaluate application of the preferred concept: – St. Johns Ave. (over mainlanes) – Woodland Ave. (under mainlanes) – Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd. (over mainlanes) – Decks  Draft Aesthetic Working Group Executive Summary  Discuss next steps and guideline document Mobility35 Aesthetics 4 08/10/2016

  5. Getting the word out  At least 20 different webpages or email lists – AWG respective groups – TxDOT, agency and organization partners  Mobility35 – page link – e-newsletter, August 2016 edition – e-blast re: various Travis County outreach  TxDOT Twitter, Facebook, and Media Center website  Flyer distribution – Public Libraries – Recreation Centers – University of Texas at Austin (various locations) – Coffee Shops/Cafes  Media outlets including Austin American Statesman, Time Warner Cable News, and KXAN Mobility35 Aesthetics 5 08/10/2016

  6. And the preferred concept winner is……. 2A 2D 1A 1D 2E 1E 2B 1B 2F 1F 2C 1C 3A 3D 3E 3B 3F 3C Mobility35 Aesthetics 6 08/10/2016

  7. Preferred Concept Winner: Concept 1 with a total of 1,520 votes *The information shown on this slide is for discussion purposes only. Actual project details will be subject to design constraints, funding availability, and maintenance agreements with local partners. Mobility35 Aesthetics 7 08/10/2016

  8. Online Survey Results Final Results Rank Rank Concept Concept # of First of First Place V lace Votes #1 Concept 1 1,520 #2 Concept 3 507 #3 Concept 2 503 Mobility35 Aesthetics 8 08/10/2016

  9. Concept details Angled trellis posts with integrated Texas classic guardrail with capitol themed lighting trellis Drought tolerant landscape plantings and Quartex paving with similar color/texture vines where feasible and space allows for retaining wall treatments Mobility35 Aesthetics 9 08/10/2016

  10. Concept details Pavement treatment similar to Capitol Street name identifiers integrated into rotunda, potential to vary paver guardrail when viewed from mainlanes patterns/banding for added interest Accent lighting Concrete panel retaining walls with formliner texture (coordinate with high mast locations) Mobility35 Aesthetics 10 08/10/2016

  11. Corridor aesthetic priorities Mobility35 Aesthetics 11 08/10/2016

  12. Considerations to keep in mind for specific projects Final alignments and construction elements including aesthetic opportunities may vary for specific projects. Specifically:  Landscaping – Constrained urban environment and space provide limited opportunities – Maintenance requires partnership with city of Austin – Water usage may be a concern for city under water restrictions  Art – Requires partnership with city of Austin for maintenance – May only be installed where not a distraction to drivers  Signature Design Elements – Installation may require assistance or sponsorship from partnering agencies/organizations Actual project details will be subject to design constraints and funding availability. Mobility35 Aesthetics 12 08/10/2016

  13. Funded project: St. Johns Ave.  Elements that Pavers adjacent to concrete shared use path for additional pedestrian space would be affected by the guideline document: – Lighting – Landscape plantings – Concrete wall panels Native plant palette and boulders – Bridge columns with ease of maintenance in mind – Trellis – Signage – Guardrail St. Johns Ave. crossing over I-35 mainlanes – Pavers *The information shown on this slide is for discussion purposes only. Actual project details will be subject to design constraints, funding availability, and maintenance agreements with local partners. Mobility35 Aesthetics 13 08/10/2016

  14. Funded project: St. Johns Ave. *The information shown on this slide is for discussion purposes only. Actual project details will be subject to design constraints, funding availability, and maintenance agreements with local partners. Mobility35 Aesthetics 14 08/10/2016

  15. Funded project: St. Johns Ave. Raised accents at base of guardrail on elevated Texas classic guardrail east/west crossings Street name identifiers on overpasses Trellis resembling Capitol grounds fence Native plantings where space, clear zones and setbacks allow Unique column and concrete panel design inspired by adjacent influences such as the Capitol building and Waller creek Concrete pavers and concrete panels with finish *The information shown on this slide is for resembling pink granite discussion purposes only. Actual project details will be subject to design constraints, Concrete retaining wall with formliner funding availability, and maintenance texture agreements with local partners. Mobility35 Aesthetics 15 08/10/2016

  16. Native plant palette Spineless prickly pear Texas beargrass Queen Victoria agave Texas sage Red yucca Twist-leaf yucca Skeleton leaf goldeneye Prostrate rosemary Gulf muhly grass Creeping purple lantana Damianita Lindheimer muhly grass Mobility35 Aesthetics 16 08/10/2016

  17. Native plant palette Palo verde Mexican sycamore Live oak Crape myrtle Texas redbud Sweet acacia Mobility35 Aesthetics 17 08/10/2016

  18. Proposed project: Woodland Ave. Native trees where space and sight  Elements that distance/clear zone allows Stepped planters where space allows at would be affected abutment corners Native plant palette and by the guideline boulders with ease of maintenance in mind document: – Lighting Woodland Ave. – Landscape plantings – Concrete wall panels Paver colors match – Bridge columns concrete wall panel color, I-35 Mainlanes texture, and finish – Trellis – Signage – Guardrail Woodland Ave. crossing underneath I-35 mainlanes – Pavers *The information shown on this slide is for discussion purposes only. Actual project details will be subject to design constraints, funding availability, and maintenance agreements with local partners. Mobility35 Aesthetics 18 08/10/2016

  19. Proposed project: Woodland Ave. Texas classic imprint on standard guardrail Concrete panels resembling Capitol building and utilizing similar color & texture Potential for art at abutments Stepped planters where space allows at abutment corners *The information shown on this slide is for discussion purposes only. Actual project details will be subject to design constraints, funding availability, and maintenance agreements with local partners. Mobility35 Aesthetics 19 08/10/2016

  20. Art at bridge abutments  If local partners step forward to commission, fund, and maintain art, they would take lead and work with TxDOT for the art panels – Timing is important – Constraints will be worked at as part of the process  If no local partner steps forward, options include: – Default art panel – Textured panel – Retaining wall without panel Mobility35 Aesthetics 20 08/10/2016

  21. Proposed project: Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd.  Elements that Trellis resembling Capitol grounds fence would be affected Native plantings where space, clear zones and setbacks allow by the guideline document: – Lighting – Landscape plantings – Concrete wall panels Pavers adjacent to concrete – Bridge columns shared use path for additional pedestrian space – Trellis – Signage – Guardrail – Pavers *The information shown on this slide is for discussion purposes only. Actual project Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd. crossing details will be subject to design constraints, over I-35 mainlanes funding availability, and maintenance agreements with local partners. Mobility35 Aesthetics 21 08/10/2016

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