Mixed Reality Research Lab www.mixedrealityresearch.com DR JAMES BIRT
Multi-dimensional defines my 20 year industry and academic career, but video gaming is my 35 year passion Dr. James Birt bond.edu.au/profile/dr-james-birt
MRRL: Research Led MR Community of Practice
Mixed Reality Relevance for Teaching & Learning
Mixed Reality Research Lab Live Mobile Case Studies
6 Learning Anatomy & Physiology www.mixedrealityresearch.com/#anatomy Traditional Teaching Method
7 Simulating Airways Training for Paramedics www.mixedrealityresearch.com/#paramedics Traditional Teaching Method
8 Simulating Network Packet Flow www.mixedrealityresearch.com/#networkModeling Traditional Teaching Method
Comparative Design Visualisation of Space & Place Traditional Teaching Method www.mixedrealityresearch.com/#spatialComm
How do we achieve this?
Pedagogy before Technology
Mixed Reality Research Lab www.mixedrealityresearch.com DR JAMES BIRT Questions?
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