
MISSIONS Infrastructures and applications instrumentation OF THE - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Fundamental research division From basic research to MISSIONS Infrastructures and applications instrumentation OF THE CEA Physics (Nuclear physics, high Cryotechnologies, accelerators, energy physics, astro- or particle magnets,

  1. Fundamental research division From basic research to MISSIONS Infrastructures and applications instrumentation OF THE CEA Physics (Nuclear physics, high § Cryotechnologies, accelerators, § energy physics, astro- or particle magnets, lasers, detectors physics, fusion) Radioisotopic tagging § Material sciences, chemistry § Genomics, proteomics, § Biology and biotechnologies, § radiobiology, bio-imaging health § High performance computing Climate & environmental studies § § Micro and Nanotechnologies, Energy § material processes

  2. Involvement in large scale research facilities 1/2 GANIL/Spiral2 Caen CERN Saclay Mircen Idmit Genève Minatec Labs ILL SOLEIL Grenoble Neurospin Cadarache TGCC Structural ESRF biology Orphée - LLB Genomics West ITER

  3. Involvement in large scale research facilities 2/2

  4. DRF and Japan: a very fruitfull collaboration v Publications with Japan: 200/year (Japan 2nd partner outside Europe) v Collaborations: - Medical Imaging (University of Kyoto) - Radiobiology (NIRS) - Vegetal biology (GSALS and University of Tokyo) - Structural biology (Riken) v Many LIA - Particle Physics (LIA FJ-PPL): KEK - Nuclear Structure (LIA FJ-NSP): Riken, KEK, U. Tokyo, JAEA,… - Photovoltaics (RCAST) v Many H2020/national call projects for example: - ERC « MINOS Riken » - Post Fukushima (bioremediation, dispersion of radioelements) v Major Programs: Fusion (WEST project and Broader Approach)

  5. Broader Approach to ITER Joint EU-Japan Agreement signed in 2007 for 10 years 678M€ 2005 50% Europe - 50% Japan France, Italy, Spain, Germany, Belgium and EU as Voluntaree Contributors CEA, French Government designated Institution CEA manpower involved: ~ 450 ppy / 10y • JT-60SA: Japan Tokamak 60 Super Advanced Satellite Tokamak Programme (NAKA) • IFMIF-EVEDA: International Fusion Materials Irradiation Facility Engineering Validation and Engineering Design Activities (ROKKASHO) • IFERC: International Fusion Energy Research Centre (ROKKASHO)

  6. IFERC International Fusion Energy Research Centre Computational Simulation Centre (CSC, Europe/France) • HPC Hélios Bull, operated by a joint team CEA-Bull • HPC Helios in operation from 2012 to 2016 • 1,5 pétaflops, 12 th at top 500 in June 2012 Calcul dans IFERC de flux de chaleur dus aux ELMs ► Excellent availability of the machine (>98%) ► 640 publications ► Shutdown in December 2016 and dismantling in 2017 Succesfull completion on time and on budget

  7. LIPAc, Linear IFMIF Prototype Accelerator RFQ Cryogenic System Injector D+ Beam Control System 1 st deutonbeam tested @Saclay (125mA, 100keV) Diagnostics (> 40) SRF Linac-1er Cryomodule • Accelerator prototyp LIPAc, 8 superconductive resonators low energy part of IFMIF • Objective: 9 MeV 125 mA • The highest intensity, the highest beam power

  8. JT 60 SA: Fully superconducting tokamak The French commitments are to procure: - 10 Toroidal Field Coils and the mechanical structures of the magnenic field system - The Cold Test Facility, and 18 cold tests - The preassembly of the TF Coils - The Cryogenic System for JT-60SA - SuperConducting Magnet Power Supplies

  9. JT 60 SA Today: 12TF coils already assembled


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