mission possible academics achievement and accountability

MISSION POSSIBLE... Academics, Achievement, and Accountability - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

MISSION POSSIBLE... Academics, Achievement, and Accountability Presented by: Stephanie S. Johnson, Ed. S. Dr. Faya Paul Follow me on Twitter @MHJHSPrincipal (404) 802-5240 stsjohnson@atlanta.k12.ga.us fmpaul@atlanta.k12.ga.us MOTIVATE,

  1. MISSION POSSIBLE... Academics, Achievement, and Accountability Presented by: Stephanie S. Johnson, Ed. S. Dr. Faya Paul Follow me on Twitter @MHJHSPrincipal (404) 802-5240 stsjohnson@atlanta.k12.ga.us fmpaul@atlanta.k12.ga.us



  4. STRATEGIC PLANNING WITH PARENTS AND Academics, Accountability, Achievement COMMUNITY MEMBERS Making the Mission Possible…

  5. Principal Hosts Town Hall Meeting with Students


  7. Observations, Professional Academics, Accountability, Achievement Development, and Coaching Cycle Schedule Monday – Compliance Observations and Provide Feedback to Teachers (Teachers Need to Sign as well as the administrator and/or coach) Tuesday – Standards-Based Instructional Observations (Coaches and Administrators) – Video or observation form Wednesday – Standards-Based Instructional Observations (Coaches and Administrators) - Video or observation form Thursday – Feedback to Teachers (Coaches and Administrators Tier Efficacy of Instructional Practice on Determined Instructional Focus for the Week) Friday – Mandatory Professional Learning Opportunity (According to Tier of Teachers on Instructional Focus of the Week).

  8. Instructional Focus of the Week: Academics, Accountability, Achievement Assessment Strategies Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday  Compliance Observations Instructional Observations Instructional Observations Feedback Sessions with Teachers from Mrs. Johnson presents (All Social Studies and Science) (Coach and Admin) (Coach and Admin) observations Terrific 10 Instructional  Lesson Plan Feedback Strategies – Break down  Performance Based Performance Based Create Common Planning Agenda the standard. Instruction Only Instruction Only Performance Based Instruction Only  Compliance Observations Instructional Observations Instructional Observations Feedback Sessions with Teachers from Mrs. Johnson presents (PE and JROTC) (Coach and Admin) (Coach and Admin) observations Terrific 10 Instructional  (Custodial Checklist Compliance Lesson Plan Feedback Strategies – Break down  Walk) Performance Based Performance Based Create Common Planning Agenda the standard Instruction Only Instruction Only Performance Based Instruction Only  Compliance Observations Instructional Observations Instructional Observations Feedback Sessions with Teachers from Mrs. Johnson presents (Language Arts and World (Coach and Admin) (Coach and Admin) observations Terrific 10 Instructional  Languages) Lesson Plan Feedback Strategies – Break down  Performance Based Performance Based Create Common Planning Agenda the standard Instruction Only Instruction Only Performance Based Instruction Only  Compliance Observations Instructional Observations Instructional Observations Feedback Sessions with Teachers from Mrs. Johnson presents (Math) (Coach and Admin) (Coach and Admin) observations Terrific 10 Instructional  Lesson Plan Feedback Strategies – Break down  Performance Based Performance Based Create Common Planning Agenda the standard Instruction Only Instruction Only Performance Based Instruction Only  Compliance Observations Instructional Observations Instructional Observations Feedback Sessions with Teachers from Mrs. Johnson presents ( Fine Arts) (Coach and Admin) (Coach and Admin) observations Terrific 10 Instructional  Lesson Plan Feedback Strategies – Break down  Performance Based Performance Based Create Common Planning Agenda the standard Instruction Only Instruction Only Performance Based Instruction Only  Compliance Observations Instructional Observations Instructional Observations Feedback Sessions with Teachers from Mrs. Johnson presents (CTAE, SWD) (Coach and Admin) (Coach and Admin) observations Terrific 10 Instructional  Lesson Plan Feedback Strategies – Break down  Performance Based Performance Based Create Common Planning Agenda the standard Instruction Only Instruction Only Performance Based Instruction Only

  9. Student Services Department Focus Academics, Accountability, Achievement Leading the Task and Providing Activity Request from Faculty Update to Principal Johnson… Records Room. Transcripts, Please make sure all aspects of Registrar Schedules, Registration, Prep for records are complete (sending Registrar’s Office Semester 2 records and properly documenting). Follow up on Co-hort 2015 Please submit student names Graduation Coach – Follow up on all record collection. Locate 2015 and progress by co-hort to students who have withdrawn. and 2016 Co-hort identified as S. Johnson before COB Friday. Graduation Coach Dropout, Promotion, Credit Recovery, Student Conferences Promote Attendance Goals. The faculty has requested to Social Worker, Attendance Clerk, Incentive for Attendance, Phone know any meetings they are Parent Liaison, Communities in Call to Parents of Absent required to attend or provide Schools, Graduation Coach, SST/RTI Students, and 3 and 5 day letters documentation at least 48 hours Coordinator, Assistant Principal, go out. Student Attendance in advance. Counselor Attendance Team Committee Team Meeting Wednesday with parents of students who already have 3, 5, 8 or more absences. Advisory, Individual Student Individual Student Counseling Team Accountability, Testing, Accountability, Schedules, Counselors Semester 1 Schedule Second Parent Meeting Look RTI Meetings, Collecting Please provide additional SST/RTI Coordinator SST/RTI Artifacts and Evidence, Information Re: Interventions Coordinator Common Planning and Strategies

  10. Managing Complex Change Academics, Accountability, Achievement Meaningful Vision Skills Incentives Resources Action Plan Assessment Change Skills Incentives Resources Action Plan Assessment Confusion Vision Incentives Resources Action Plan Assessment Anxiety Gradual Vision Skills Resources Action Plan Assessment Change Vision Skills Incentives Action Plan Assessment Frustration False Vision Skills Incentives Resources Assessment Starts Unknown Vision Skills Incentives Resources Action Plan Results Adapted from Delores Ambrose, 1987

  11. Creating and Implementing P ractices, P rocesses, P rotocols, and P rocedures Action Plans to School Professional Learning Monitor Student Plan Improvement Plan Achievement Established a functioning leadership team to Pedagogy and Practice is implemented to Developed short-term action plans to analyze data and problem solve with root guide our professional learning practices narrow the focus and guide the work of the cause analysis to create S.M.A.R.T Goals. through a tiered approach. Professional School Improvement Plan. Created a School Improvement Plan to serve learning topics are chosen by surveying as a road map for improving student teachers and data collected from observations. Created a comprehensive monitoring tool achievement through practices, processes, Created observational matrix and organized to track and monitor progress for meeting protocols, and procedures. departmental professional learning communities to add CCRPI indicators. short-term action plans, and reprioritize the adequate time and support with effective action strategies and the interventions and implementation of co-teaching approaches, resources needed to improve student CCGPS/GPS curriculums, and systematically achievement. monitor the impact of professional learning on adult professional practices. Safe, Clean, and Orderly Environment Conducive to Learning Created student expectations, teacher expectations, faculty handbook, progressive discipline plan, town hall meetings, communication plan, reviewed data of building areas with most instances, created a supervision schedule, duties and responsibilities for all administrators and school personnel, new bell schedule more conducive to a fourth period day to limit transitions, school calendars, school wide and classroom procedures, custodial checklist and implemented a new student pass system.

  12. Leading the Jackson Cluster Schools in Professional Development… One Cluster, One Mission, and One Vision!!!

  13. Collaborative Rigor Meter Assessment Academic Planning and and Data Galleries Model Rooms Classrooms • • • • Lesson Formative Guide Evidence of Assessments Standard Mastery Planning Scaffolding -Benchmarks, Protocol -Diagnostics, • -Ongoing assessment of Evidence of Rigor • • Instructional Planning student learning that informs instruction Framework • • Summative Commentary • • Collaborative Teaching Assessments Planning • Common • Writing • Framework Assessments Evaluating Integration • Data Analyzing • Model Protocol • classroom Evidence of • Data Notebooks • Performance Cadre Planning • Data Wall Tasks A System of Academic Support Utilizing support from state agencies, APS Curriculum and Instruction, experienced instructional coach with proven results, and our school based faculty members to help refine and strengthen the instructional culture and improve student achievement.

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