mis missi siss ssippi ippi depa epartment tment of of a

Mis Missi siss ssippi ippi Depa epartment tment of of A Agri - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Mis Missi siss ssippi ippi Depa epartment tment of of A Agri ricultur culture e & Commer ommerce ce Cindy indy Hy Hyde de-Smith, Smith, Commiss ommissione ioner Options for Selling through Farm to School Direct Sales

  1. Mis Missi siss ssippi ippi Depa epartment tment of of A Agri ricultur culture e & Commer ommerce ce Cindy indy Hy Hyde de-Smith, Smith, Commiss ommissione ioner

  2. Options for Selling through Farm to School Direct Sales Mississippi DoD Farm to School

  3. Direct Sales Selling to individual schools or school districts Summary Produce is supplied to individual schools or school districts. Product is delivered to individual schools as agreed upon by the Delivery schools. Food Safety Food safety requirements are at the discretion of the schools. Farmers work directly with the schools on pricing, delivery, volume, Prices etc. Smaller, more diverse amounts of fruits and vegetables are needed for Quantities individual schools or school districts. Produce can be sold to public school/districts, private schools, or Growers daycares/afterschool programs.

  4. Direct Sales – Considerations • Pricing • Transportation • Payment • Clients • Institutions & Programs

  5. Find Programs in Your Area http://www.mde.k12.ms.us/OCN/ML

  6. Direct Sales - Good Practices • Consider Piloting one product • Show the purchasing agent your invoice • Write up a simple contract • Set delivery dates and times • Be consistent • STAY CONNECTED

  7. DoD Farm to School Program Sell through MDAC to DoD Fresh Program, with orders from MDE DoD Farm to School is a bulk purchasing program with produce being Summary supplied to multiple schools and school districts across the state. Product is delivered to at least one of three distribution points, two in Delivery Jackson and one in Corinth. Food Safety GAP/GHP Certification (Audited) or Equivalent is required. Farmers work directly with MDAC to sell produce. Prices are finalized Prices by the “buyer”. Quantities & Larger quantities are needed because MS uses statewide purchasing. Packaging MDAC using revolving fund or from a contracted vendor. Buyers

  8. 2015-2016 DoD Farm to School Program • Products: butterbeans, sweet potatoes, blueberries, collard greens, southern peas, cucumbers, eggplant, bell peppers, grape tomatoes, turnip greens, green beans, yellow squash, zucchini squash, sweet corn, cantaloupes, strawberries, hydroponic cucumbers, lettuce • Products Demanded: watermelons, satsumas, broccoli

  9. DoD Program: How It Works for Farmers 1) Based upon the “planned buy” information from MDE, MDAC makes GAP certified farmers aware of the needed volumes and delivery dates of certain produce. 2) MDAC identifies GAP certified growers that are interested in and capable of filling the produce orders. 3) MDAC introduces the prime vendor to the farmer who discuss price. (MDAC does not set the price.) 4) Farmers are responsible for delivering produce to the proper distribution point(s) - Merchants and/or Jackson Public School Warehouse in Jackson & Briggs in Corinth. 5) Farmers must make delivery appointments with the distributor 48 hours in advance of delivery date. 6) Following delivery, MDAC works with farmers on payment.

  10. DoD Program: Getting Paid Farmers can be paid directly from the prime vendor - or - Farmers can participate in the Revolving Fund Program.

  11. Revolving Fund Program Optional program that allows farmers to get paid quickly, within 5 days of submitting paperwork. • How it works:  Upon delivery, Farmer completes and returns Revolving Fund Invoice to MDAC.  MDAC pays grower, and in turn, MDAC is paid by the prime vendor.

  12. GAP/GHP Cost-Share Program • GAP/GHP - Good Agricultural Practices/Good Handling Practices. • Reimburses farmers 75% of cost of obtaining GAP/GHP certification up to $500. • Contact: Michael Lasseter michaelL@mdac.ms.gov (601) 359-1120

  13. Resources for Schools Resources for Schools • Website • Website – farmtoschoolweek.org – farmtoschoolweek.org • Posters • Posters • Cafeteria Window Clings • Brochures • Brochures • School Garden Grant • School Garden Gt Program Program (available Augus2014)

  14. CONTACT: Chaille Clements Munn Mississippi Department of Agriculture & Commerce Communications and Marketing Specialist chaille@mdac.ms.gov (601) 359-1140 Brandon Cobianchi Mississippi Department of Agriculture & Commerce Agribusiness Programs Coordinator brandonc@mdac.ms.gov (601) 359-1110


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