Main partners 2 University of Padua Municipality of Venice Association ALC Hungarian Baptist Aid ADPARE
Activities 3 Research Protocol Training test sessions in Italy Raising awareness
Identification of the children victims of human trafficking 4 France UK
Malfunctions of the French system 5 Lack of detailed statistics Difficulties to monitor and analyse trends Delays concerning the implementation of the national plan against human trafficking, absence of funding Lack of training for frontline professionals Absence of an automatic designation of a guardian for the children victims Absence of protected places and an organized relocation system Failure of the identification mechanism and lack of an access to a status specific for the children victims of human trafficking A lot of minors victims continue to be sentenced and put in jail.
Recommendations 6 Collect, centralize data on the phenomenon of forced criminality in order to have coherent policy Establish regular training for associative stakeholders, police forces, guardians, judges, public prosecutors on child protection, human trafficking Systemize the referral of any situation of immediate danger, or human trafficking presumption concerning a child Improve information sharing
Recommendations 7 Respect the non-sanction clause present in the international texts Assignment of a guardian who should accompany the minor during the whole process Build a relationship of trust and facilitate adhesion to a customized assistance project / Provide timely assistance Partnership with the national education system
Recommendations 8 Respect the minority presumption in case of doubts Unconditional protection of the minors Adapted protection for the minors End the practice to send the minors in jail by default, for their “protection” Favor educational measures in the best interest of the child
Example of Protocol applied in Paris 9 Creation of a referral system in Paris area Stakeholders : Police forces (BPM), public prosecutor , juvenile judge, associations, local child protection services (ASE), youth protection services (PJJ), general council Network of protected facilities ready to provide shelter specifically focused on the needs and safety of the child (in construction)
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