minnelusa field development using 3d seismic data

Minnelusa Field Development Using 3D Seismic Data Powder River - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Minnelusa Field Development Using 3D Seismic Data Powder River Basin, Wyoming Presentation to: Enhanced Oil Recovery Institute Minnelusa Field Trip & Workshop June 2-5, 2014 John Frederick Red Leaf Energy Benefits of Seismic in Field

  1. Minnelusa Field Development Using 3D Seismic Data Powder River Basin, Wyoming Presentation to: Enhanced Oil Recovery Institute Minnelusa Field Trip & Workshop June 2-5, 2014 John Frederick Red Leaf Energy

  2. Benefits of Seismic in Field Development What additional information does seismic bring to field development strategy? 1. Increased spatial (lateral) and temporal (vertical) resolution of reservoir mapping • Area, thickness, rock volume 2. Estimation of reservoir rock properties 3. Seismic attribute correlation to well performance 4. Operational design of secondary recovery • Injector placement • Off-take placement John Frederick - Red Leaf Energy Presentation to EORI Minnelusa II Workshop June 4, 2014 2

  3. This presentation addresses the benefit of increased spatial (lateral) and temporal (vertical) resolution using three-dimensional (3D) seismic data in Minnelusa field development. A case history of Donkey Creek North Minnelusa Oil Field, T50N-R68W, Crook County, Wyoming demonstrates that acquiring high quality 3D seismic data directly benefits strategic placement of well bores to increase oil production in both primary and secondary recovery programs. John Frederick - Red Leaf Energy Presentation to EORI Minnelusa II Workshop June 4, 2014 3

  4. Minnelusa Type Log ~ 300 feet John Frederick - Red Leaf Energy Presentation to EORI Minnelusa II Workshop June 4, 2014 4

  5. Minnelusa Trapping Styles Most Minnelusa accumulations are a combination of structural and stratigraphic trapping configurations. •Opeche shale truncation of upper most sandstone ~ 300 feet •Geomorphology – eolian sandstone deposition •Lateral diagenetic facies changes Frederick - 1995 •Structural relief V.E. 20:1 Regional dip rate: 1-2 degrees John Frederick - Red Leaf Energy Presentation to EORI Minnelusa II Workshop June 4, 2014 5

  6. Critical Issues to Successfully Finding and Developing Minnelusa Oil Accumulations • Defining trapping configuration – Traps not filled to spill point – Opeche shale, geomorphic, or diagenetic • Proper identification of seismic amplitude anomalies – Thick Opeche shale (trap) vs. porous sand (reservoir) – Which sand – A, Upper B, B, intra-B, or C? • Local structural regime – 4-way (Timber Creek) – Sand diagenesis on structural nose – Faulted (not common) John Frederick - Red Leaf Energy Presentation to EORI Minnelusa II Workshop June 4, 2014 6

  7. What attribute does 3D seismic data need to possess to best determine sand body vertical and horizontal extents? Bandwidth Bandwidth Bandwidth or put another way…. High Frequency High Frequency High Frequency John Frederick - Red Leaf Energy Presentation to EORI Minnelusa II Workshop June 4, 2014 7

  8. Seismic differentiation of sands and opeche siltstone Frederick, 1991 Frederick, 1991 John Frederick - Red Leaf Energy Presentation to EORI Minnelusa II Workshop June 4, 2014 8

  9. Synthetic Seismic Model Based Upon Well Control Typical Seismic Frequency Bandwidth – 12-18-60-70 Hertz Frederick, 1991 John Frederick - Red Leaf Energy Presentation to EORI Minnelusa II Workshop June 4, 2014 9

  10. Synthetic Seismic Model of From Well Control High Seismic Frequency Bandwidth – 12-18-90-110 Hertz Frederick, 1991 Frederick, 1991 John Frederick - Red Leaf Energy Presentation to EORI Minnelusa II Workshop June 4, 2014 10

  11. Synthetic Seismic Bandwidth Comparison 12-18-60-70 HZ 12-18-90-110 HZ John Frederick - Red Leaf Energy Presentation to EORI Minnelusa II Workshop June 4, 2014 11

  12. Seismic differentiation of sands and opeche siltstone Frederick, 1991 Frederick, 1991 John Frederick - Red Leaf Energy Presentation to EORI Minnelusa II Workshop June 4, 2014 12

  13. Seismic Data - Bandwidth Comparison Industry average vs. high frequency acquisition Frederick, 1991 John Frederick - Red Leaf Energy Presentation to EORI Minnelusa II Workshop June 4, 2014 13

  14. Donkey Creek North Minnelusa Upper B Sand Field John Frederick - Red Leaf Energy Presentation to EORI Minnelusa II Workshop June 4, 2014 14

  15. Adjacent Minnelusa Oil Production John Frederick - Red Leaf Energy Presentation to EORI Minnelusa II Workshop June 4, 2014 15

  16. Upper B and (Lower) B Sand Trends John Frederick - Red Leaf Energy Presentation to EORI Minnelusa II Workshop June 4, 2014 16

  17. Minnelusa Formation Trapping Styles Donkey Creek North Trap John Frederick - Red Leaf Energy Presentation to EORI Minnelusa II Workshop June 4, 2014 17

  18. Donkey Creek North - Upper B Sand Reservoir Interpretation, circa 1982 John Frederick - Red Leaf Energy Presentation to EORI Minnelusa II Workshop June 4, 2014 18

  19. Donkey Creek North– Upper B Sand Reservoir Pre - 3D Seismic Interpretation 1992 John Frederick - Red Leaf Energy Presentation to EORI Minnelusa II Workshop June 4, 2014 19

  20. Results of Donkey Creek North 3D Seismic Survey Pre 3D seismic interpretation based on Post 3D seismic interpretation - subsurface well control sand does not extend eastward, but actually extends northward and wraps around dry hole No eastward extent of Upper B sand John Frederick - Red Leaf Energy Presentation to EORI Minnelusa II Workshop June 4, 2014 20

  21. West - East Seismic Traverse Upper B Sand to B Sand Transition Upper B sand B sand Depositional thinning of Upper B sand John Frederick - Red Leaf Energy Presentation to EORI Minnelusa II Workshop June 4, 2014 21

  22. West - East Geologic Cross Section Upper B Sand to B Sand Transition Upper B sand depositional thinning against thick B sand body John Frederick - Red Leaf Energy Presentation to EORI Minnelusa II Workshop June 4, 2014 22

  23. Seismic Traverse Through Strong Amplitude Anomaly (Upper B Sand) South North Upper B sand Untested – productive (?) Upper B sand John Frederick - Red Leaf Energy Presentation to EORI Minnelusa II Workshop June 4, 2014 23

  24. Post 3D Drilling Results Federal 34-18 and Federal 21-19 South North Upper B sand Post 3D seismic survey Upper B sand porosity encountered in both the 34-18 and 21-19. The 21-19 was converted to a water injector John Frederick - Red Leaf Energy Presentation to EORI Minnelusa II Workshop June 4, 2014 24

  25. Donkey Creek North – Upper B Sand Reservoir 3D Seismic Interpretation 1994 Combined seismic and subsurface well bore interpretation Upper B sand seismic trough amplitude John Frederick - Red Leaf Energy Presentation to EORI Minnelusa II Workshop June 4, 2014 25

  26. Projected secondary recovery (1994) ( pre-unitization) Barrels of oil / month John Frederick - Red Leaf Energy Presentation to EORI Minnelusa II Workshop June 4, 2014 26

  27. Field Production – Post 3D Development Barrels of oil / month Waterflood performance forecast - 1994 Field production through March 2014 John Frederick - Red Leaf Energy Presentation to EORI Minnelusa II Workshop June 4, 2014 27

  28. Summary Spatial (lateral) and temporal (vertical) resolution provided by the acquisition of high quality (broad bandwidth, high frequency) three-dimensional (3D) seismic data in combination with wellbore rock property and production performance information contributes significantly to the economic value of both primary and secondary oil recovery in Minnelusa oil fields. John Frederick - Red Leaf Energy Presentation to EORI Minnelusa II Workshop June 4, 2014 28

  29. References Frederick, J.B., 1991. The search for subtle stratigraphic traps with high resolution seismic data: examples from the Powder River Basin, NE Wyoming, USA. Exploration Geophysics, v. 22. Australian Society of Exploration Geophysicists – 1991 annual meeting presentation. Frederick, J.B., Dean, K.T., Fryberger, S.G., Wilcox, T.D. 1995. Donkey Creek North Minnelusa 3-D: Challenging Conventional Wisdom. RMAG High Definition Seismic Guidebook – 1995. RMAG-DGS 3-D seismic symposium presentation. Fryberger, S.G. 1984. The Permian Upper Minnelusa formation, Wyoming: ancient example of an offshore-prograding eolian sand sea with geomorphic facies, and system-boundary traps for petroleum, in Goolsby, J. and D. Morton, eds., the Permian and Pennsylvanian Geology of Wyoming, Thirty-fifth Annual Field Conf., 1984 Wyoming Geological Association Guidebook, p. 241-271. John Frederick - Red Leaf Energy Presentation to EORI Minnelusa II Workshop June 4, 2014 29


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