minister for the arts

Minister for the Arts The Hon. George Souris Minister for Tourism, - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Minister for the Arts The Hon. George Souris Minister for Tourism, Major Events, Hospitality & Racing, Minister for the Arts Ministry of Tourism, Major Events and Arts Arts NSW Screen NSW Destination NSW Art Gallery

  1. Minister for the Arts The Hon. George Souris Minister for Tourism, Major Events, Hospitality & Racing, Minister for the Arts Ministry of Tourism, Major Events and Arts  Arts NSW  Screen NSW  Destination NSW  Art Gallery of NSW, Australian Museum, Sydney Opera House, Powerhouse Museum, State Library  OLGR (Office of Liquor, Gaming and Racing)  CLAGCA (Casino, Liquor and Gaming Control Authority).

  2. Policy Directions NSW 2021, recognises that arts and culture play an invaluable role in strengthening communities. The Government’s goal is to increase participation in arts and cultural activities by 10%. Particular attention is also given to:  participation in rural and regional NSW  major international events  opportunities for participation in Aboriginal, multicultural and community activities and events

  3. The NSW Arts and Cultural Sector 53.4% of Australia’s theatre revenue was generated in NSW   2 million attendances at contemporary music events  540 museums and 175 historical societies in NSW  37.5% of attendance at dance events in Australia were in NSW  46% of the NSW population borrowed a library book  NSW is home to three of the country’s largest and most prestigious festivals: Biennale of Sydney, Sydney Writers’ Festival and Sydney Festival  Private support for the arts in NSW - $33.3M from the corporate sector and $49.3M from private philanthropy

  4. Arts and Cultural Policy In 2013, the NSW Government will produce its first Arts and Cultural Policy. It will outline a vision and direction for the sector in NSW for the next ten years As a part of this work, Arts NSW will review the Arts Funding Program There will be community consultation for both the Policy and Review in the coming months Communications will primarily be through the Arts NSW website and E-news

  5. Arts NSW Arts NSW is the NSW Government’s arts policy and funding body Role of Arts NSW:  Promote arts and culture  Provide advice to the sector and government  Deliver the Arts Funding Program  Deliver the Infrastructure Support Program  Work with the State’s Cultural Institutions

  6. The Arts Funding Program (AFP) The Arts Funding Program seeks to promote:  A creative and diverse NSW arts and cultural sector  Audience development and participation in NSW  Improved business capacity and governance

  7. Arts Funding Program (AFP) The 2011-12 Arts Funding Program provided over $58M in funding to:  300 arts and cultural organisations and 45 individuals  511 programs and projects across NSW  Over $11M to support regional activity  $3.4M to support activity in Western Sydney

  8. 2013 Arts Funding Program (AFP) (year to date - excluding Negotiated Funding) New Projects, $1,524,112 , 6% Regional Projects, Young People, $3,825,493 , 16% $466,674 , 2% Strategic Support, Multiyear, $12,939,225 $1,794,403 , 8% , 53% Annual Program, $3,238,020 , 13% Professional Development and Awards, $519,979 , 2%

  9. Types of Funding The 2014 Arts Funding Program includes four main funding types:  Program Funding  Project Funding  Professional Development and Awards  Strategic Support

  10. Program Funding Negotiated Multi-year Annual

  11. Negotiated Funding Biennale of Sydney Postcommodity, Do You Remember When? Photograph: Sebastian Kriete

  12. Negotiated Funding Major organisations jointly funded with the Australia Council State significant organisations Peak bodies and service organisations Organisations delivering Devolved Funding Programs on behalf of Arts NSW

  13. Devolved Funding Some funds under the Arts Funding Program are devolved to partner organisations though the negotiated category to support arts and cultural activities at the local and regional level Guidelines, eligibility, closing dates, application forms and application and assessment processes vary Applications for devolved funds must be made directly to the relevant partner organisation

  14. Multi-year Program Funding Wagga Wagga Art Gallery Unleashed: CSU Photography Graduate Exhibition Launch 2011 Photograph: Drew Halyday

  15. Multi-year Program Funding Not offered in 2014 Organisations in receipt of funding that expires in 2013 will be provided with an additional years funding for 2014 at current levels Other multi-year contracts will remain in place Organisations in receipt of Multi-year Funding are not eligible to apply for New Projects

  16. Annual Program Funding Railw Railway ay Won onde derland land Nor North ther ern Riv n River ers s Per erfor orming ming Ar Arts ts Photograph: Graham McIntyre

  17. Annual Program Funding Closing date: Monday 24 June 2013 Provides a contribution towards an organisation’s costs of delivering its annual program of arts and cultural activities Applicants for Annual Program Funding are not eligible to apply for New Projects

  18. Project Funding New Projects Young People Artist Support (formerly Quick Response) Regional Project Funding:  Aboriginal Regional Arts Fund  Performing Arts Touring  Regional Capital  Regional Conservatorium  Regional Partnerships

  19. New Project Funding The Spectral Committee Cementa_13 Arts Festival in Kandos NSW Photograph: Warren Armstrong

  20. New Project Funding Closing date: Monday, 15 July 2013 Funding limits: - $30,000 , a creative development OR public presentation - $60,000, a creative development AND public presentation Supports time-limited arts and cultural projects at any stage in their creative development and/ or public presentation

  21. Young People Emily Eyefinger, Monkey Baa Theatre Photograph: Heidrun Lohr

  22. Young People Closing date: Monday 22 July 2013 Funding limit: $5,000 for ticket and travel subsidy $25,000 for a program of activity Aims to increase engagement of students attending geographically or socio-economically disadvantaged schools with arts and culture

  23. Artist Support (formerly Quick Response) Miranda Wheen and Bobby Singh in Game On by choreographer Annalouise Paul Photograph: Sreenivasan Ramakrishnan

  24. Artist Support (formerly Quick Response) Closing date: Monday 2 September 2013 Funding limit: $3,000 for Individuals $6,000 for Organisations Supports those who have received an invitation to participate in a recognised national or international arts and cultural event or activity Travel must commence after 21 October 2013

  25. Regional Project Funding  Aboriginal Regional Arts Fund  Performing Arts Touring  Regional Capital  Regional Conservatorium  Regional Partnerships For the purpose of this funding Regional NSW is defined as the areas or regions outside Greater Sydney. This includes the Central Coast, Newcastle and Wollongong

  26. Aboriginal Regional Arts Fund (ARAF) Oolong House Project Aboriginal Regional Arts Fund Produced by Bundanon Trust Photograph: Aroha Groves

  27. Aboriginal Regional Arts Fund (ARAF) Next closing date: early 2014 Funding limit: $3,000 for Individuals $15,000 for organisations, partnerships and groups Supports arts projects that celebrate and promote Aboriginal cultural identities in regional NSW and, by doing so, make the rich and diverse Aboriginal cultures of regional NSW more visible and accessible

  28. Performing Arts Touring The Yard Shaun Parker & Company Photographer: Heidrun Lohr

  29. Performing Arts Touring Closing date: Monday 1 July 2013 Supports projects that provide access to performing arts programs to audiences living in regional NSW Applications must include at least two destinations in regional NSW

  30. Regional Capital Four Winds Festival 2012 at Bermagui Photograph: Warren Purnell

  31. Regional Capital Closing date: Monday 22 July 2013 Funding limit: 50% of the total cost of the project to a limit of $100,000 Supports the development of arts and cultural infrastructure that increases access to purpose-designed and well- managed facilities

  32. Regional Conservatorium Closing date: Monday 8 July 2013 Open to: Regional Conservatoriums only Funding toward time limited music projects that are additional to the conservatorium’s core program and support their role as key arts organisations in regional NSW

  33. Regional Partnerships Art + Well-being Partnership Ben Qilty, Red XB, 2006 Orange Regional Gallery and Kedumba Collection at Orange Health Service

  34. Regional Partnerships Closing date: Thursday 11 July 2013 (Expressions of Interest) Thursday 7 November 2013 (applications from shortlisted organisations) Funding limit: $100,000 to $150,000 - two year period Supports strategic partnerships across and beyond the arts and cultural sectors

  35. Aboriginal Arts and Culture Bully Beef Stew PACT Centre for Emerging Artists Photographer: Heidrun Lohr

  36. Aboriginal Quick Response Djon Mundine Presentation on the Bungaree Exhibition Photograph: Mosman City Gallery

  37. Aboriginal Quick Response Closing date: Open all year Funding limit: Up to $3,000 for travel and accommodation Supports increased representation of NSW Aboriginal arts and culture at trade fairs and export markets and market development opportunities in creative industries


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