minimum norm interpolation in statistical learning new

Minimum-Norm Interpolation in Statistical Learning: new phenomena in - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Min-Norm Interpolation Regression Classification Minimum-Norm Interpolation in Statistical Learning: new phenomena in high dimensions Tengyuan Liang Regression: with Sasha Rakhlin (MIT), Xiyu Zhai (MIT) Classification: with Pragya Sur

  1. Min-Norm Interpolation Regression Classification Minimum-Norm Interpolation in Statistical Learning: new phenomena in high dimensions Tengyuan Liang Regression: with Sasha Rakhlin (MIT), Xiyu Zhai (MIT) Classification: with Pragya Sur (Harvard) 1 / 25

  2. Min-Norm Interpolation Regression Classification OUTLINE ● Motivation: min-norm interpolants for over-parametrized models ● Regression: multiple descent of risk for kernels/neural networks ● Classification: precise asymptotics of boosting algorithms 2 / 25

  3. Min-Norm Interpolation Regression Classification OVERPARAMETRIZED REGIME OF STAT / ML Model class complex enough to interpolate the training data. Zhang, Bengio, Hardt, Recht, and Vinyals (2016) Belkin et al. (2018a,b); Liang and Rakhlin (2018); Bartlett et al. (2019); Hastie et al. (2019) Kernel Regression on MNIST 10 1 digits pair [i,j] [2,5] log(error) [2,9] [3,6] [3,8] [4,7] 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 lambda λ = 0: the interpolants on training data. MNIST data from LeCun et al. (2010) 3 / 25

  4. Min-Norm Interpolation Regression Classification OVERPARAMETRIZED REGIME OF STAT / ML Model class complex enough to interpolate the training data. Zhang, Bengio, Hardt, Recht, and Vinyals (2016) Belkin et al. (2018a,b); Liang and Rakhlin (2018); Bartlett et al. (2019); Hastie et al. (2019) Kernel Regression on MNIST 10 1 digits pair [i,j] [2,5] [3,5] [4,5] log(error) [2,6] [3,6] [4,6] [2,7] [3,7] [4,7] [2,8] [3,8] [4,8] [2,9] [3,9] [4,9] 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 lambda λ = 0: the interpolants on training data. MNIST data from LeCun et al. (2010) 3 / 25

  5. Min-Norm Interpolation Regression Classification OVERPARAMETRIZED REGIME OF STAT / ML In fact, many models behave the same on training data. Practical methods or algorithms favor certain functions! Principle : among the models that interpolate , algorithms favor certain form of minimalism . 4 / 25

  6. Min-Norm Interpolation Regression Classification OVERPARAMETRIZED REGIME OF STAT / ML Principle : among the models that interpolate , algorithms favor certain form of minimalism . ● overparametrized linear model and matrix factorization ● kernel regression ● support vector machines, Perceptron ● boosting, AdaBoost ● two-layer ReLU networks, deep neural networks 4 / 25

  7. Min-Norm Interpolation Regression Classification OVERPARAMETRIZED REGIME OF STAT / ML Principle : among the models that interpolate , algorithms favor certain form of minimalism . ● overparametrized linear model and matrix factorization ● kernel regression ● support vector machines, Perceptron ● boosting, AdaBoost ● two-layer ReLU networks, deep neural networks minimalism typically measured in form of certain norm motivates the study of min-norm interpolants 4 / 25

  8. Min-Norm Interpolation Regression Classification MIN - NORM INTERPOLANTS minimalism typically measured in form of certain norm motivates the study of min-norm interpolants Regression ∥ f ∥ norm , s . t . y i = f ( x i ) ∀ i ∈ [ n ] . ̂ f = arg min f Classification ̂ ∥ f ∥ norm , s . t . y i ⋅ f ( x i ) ≥ 1 ∀ i ∈ [ n ] . f = arg min f 5 / 25

  9. Min-Norm Interpolation Regression Classification Multiple Descent of Minimum-Norm Interpolants and Restricted Lower Isometry of Kernels with Sasha Rakhlin (MIT), Xiyu Zhai (MIT) Regression ̂ ∥ f ∥ norm , s . t . y i = f ( x i ) ∀ i ∈ [ n ] . f = arg min f 6 / 25

  10. Min-Norm Interpolation Regression Classification SHAPE OF RISK CURVE Classic: U-shape curve Recent: double descent curve Belkin, Hsu, Ma, and Mandal (2018a); Hastie, Montanari, Rosset, and Tibshirani (2019) Question: shape of the risk curve w.r.t. “over-parametrization” ? 7 / 25

  11. Min-Norm Interpolation Regression Classification SHAPE OF RISK CURVE Classic: U-shape curve Recent: double descent curve Belkin, Hsu, Ma, and Mandal (2018a); Hastie, Montanari, Rosset, and Tibshirani (2019) Question: shape of the risk curve w.r.t. “over-parametrization” ? We model the intrinsic dim. d = n α with α ∈ ( 0 , 1 ) , with feature cov. Σ d = I d . We consider the non-linear Kernel Regression model. 7 / 25

  12. Min-Norm Interpolation Regression Classification D ATA G ENERATING P ROCESS DGP. ● { x i } n i . i . d ∼ µ = P ⊗ d , dist. of each coordinate satisfies weak moment condition. i = 1 ● target f ⋆ ( x ) ∶= E [ Y ∣ X = x ] , with bounded Var [ Y ∣ X = x ] . Kernel. ● h ∈ C ∞ ( R ) , h ( t ) = ∑ ∞ i = 0 α i t i with α i ≥ 0. ● inner product kernel k ( x , z ) = h (⟨ x , z ⟩/ d ) . Target Function. ● Assume f ⋆ ( x ) = ∫ k ( x , z ) ρ ⋆ ( z ) µ ( dz ) with ∥ ρ ⋆ ∥ µ ≤ C . 8 / 25

  13. Min-Norm Interpolation Regression Classification D ATA G ENERATING P ROCESS Given n i.i.d. data pairs ( x i , y i ) ∼ P X , Y . Risk curve for minimum RKHS norm ∥ ⋅ ∥ H interpolants ̂ f ? ̂ ∥ f ∥ H , s . t . y i = f ( x i ) ∀ i ∈ [ n ] . f = arg min f 8 / 25

  14. Min-Norm Interpolation Regression Classification SHAPE OF RISK CURVE Theorem (L., Rakhlin & Zhai, ’19) . For any integer ι ≥ 1, consider d = n α where α ∈ ( 1 ι + 1 , 1 ι ) .

  15. Min-Norm Interpolation Regression Classification SHAPE OF RISK CURVE Theorem (L., Rakhlin & Zhai, ’19) . For any integer ι ≥ 1, consider d = n α where α ∈ ( 1 ι + 1 , 1 ι ) . With probability at least 1 − δ − e − n / d ι on the design X ∈ R n × d , E [∥̂ f − f ∗ ∥ 2 µ ∣ X ] ≤ C ⋅ ( d ι d ι + 1 ) ≍ n − β , n n + β ∶= min {( ι + 1 ) α − 1 , 1 − ια } . Here the constant C ( δ , ι , h , P) does not depend on d , n . 9 / 25

  16. Min-Norm Interpolation Regression Classification MULTIPLE DESCENT � = � � 1/4 1/3 1/2 1 ⋯ 0 � ���� = � − � 1/2 � multiple-descent behavior of the rates as the scaling d = n α changes. 10 / 25

  17. Min-Norm Interpolation Regression Classification MULTIPLE DESCENT � = � � 1/4 1/3 1/2 1 ⋯ 0 � ���� = � − � 1/2 � multiple-descent behavior of the rates as the scaling d = n α changes. 1 ● valley : “valley” on the rate curve at d = n ι + 1 / 2 , ι ∈ N 10 / 25

  18. Min-Norm Interpolation Regression Classification MULTIPLE DESCENT � = � � 1/4 1/3 1/2 1 ⋯ 0 � ���� = � − � 1/2 � multiple-descent behavior of the rates as the scaling d = n α changes. 1 ● valley : “valley” on the rate curve at d = n ι + 1 / 2 , ι ∈ N ● over-parametrization : towards over-parametrized regime, the good rate at the bottom of the valley is better 10 / 25

  19. Min-Norm Interpolation Regression Classification MULTIPLE DESCENT � = � � 1/4 1/3 1/2 1 ⋯ 0 � ���� = � − � 1/2 � multiple-descent behavior of the rates as the scaling d = n α changes. 1 ● valley : “valley” on the rate curve at d = n ι + 1 / 2 , ι ∈ N ● over-parametrization : towards over-parametrized regime, the good rate at the bottom of the valley is better ● empirical : preliminary empirical evidence of multiple descent 10 / 25

  20. Min-Norm Interpolation Regression Classification EMPIRICAL EVIDENCE empirical evidence of multiple-descent behavior as the scaling d = n α changes. 11 / 25

  21. Min-Norm Interpolation Regression Classification MULTIPLE DESCENT � = � � 1/4 1/3 1/2 1 ⋯ 0 � ���� = � − � 1/2 � theory empirical 12 / 25

  22. Min-Norm Interpolation Regression Classification APPLICATION TO WIDE NEURAL NETWORKS Neural Tangent Kernel (NTK) Jacot, Gabriel, and Hongler (2018); Du, Zhai, Poczos, and Singh (2018)...... √ k NTK ( x , x ′ ) = U ( ⟨ x , x ′ ⟩ ∥ x ∥∥ x ′ ∥) , with U ( t ) = 1 4 π ( 3 t ( π − arccos ( t )) + 1 − t 2 ) Compositional Kernel of Deep Neural Network (DNN) Daniely et al. (2016); Poole et al. (2016); Liang and Tran-Bach (2020) α i ⋅ ( ⟨ x , x ′ ⟩ ∞ k DNN ( x , x ′ ) = ∥ x ∥∥ x ′ ∥) i ∑ i = 0 13 / 25

  23. Min-Norm Interpolation Regression Classification APPLICATION TO WIDE NEURAL NETWORKS Neural Tangent Kernel (NTK) Jacot, Gabriel, and Hongler (2018); Du, Zhai, Poczos, and Singh (2018)...... √ k NTK ( x , x ′ ) = U ( ⟨ x , x ′ ⟩ ∥ x ∥∥ x ′ ∥) , with U ( t ) = 1 4 π ( 3 t ( π − arccos ( t )) + 1 − t 2 ) Compositional Kernel of Deep Neural Network (DNN) Daniely et al. (2016); Poole et al. (2016); Liang and Tran-Bach (2020) α i ⋅ ( ⟨ x , x ′ ⟩ ∞ ∥ x ∥∥ x ′ ∥) i k DNN ( x , x ′ ) = ∑ i = 0 Corollary (L., Rakhlin & Zhai, ’19) . Multiple descent phenomena hold for kernels including NTK, and composi- tional kernel of DNN. 13 / 25

  24. Min-Norm Interpolation Regression Classification Precise High-Dimensional Asymptotic Theory for Boosting and Min- ℓ 1 -Norm Interpolated Classifiers with Pragya Sur (Harvard) Classification ̂ ∥ f ∥ norm , s . t . y i ⋅ f ( x i ) ≥ 1 ∀ i ∈ [ n ] . f = arg min f 14 / 25

  25. Min-Norm Interpolation Regression Classification PROBLEM FORMULATION Given n -i.i.d. data pairs {( x i , y i )} 1 ≤ i ≤ n , with ( x , y ) ∼ P y i ∈ { ± 1 } binary labels, x i ∈ R p feature vector (weak learners) Consider when data is linearly separable P ( ∃ θ ∈ R p , y i x ⊺ i θ > 0 for 1 ≤ i ≤ n ) → 1 . Natural to consider overparametrized regime p / n → ψ ∈ ( 0 , ∞ ) . 15 / 25


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